Pool Cues
Pool Cues
Discuss anything related to pool cues. Get pool cue valuation, get help identifying a pool cue, or get advice on how to repair a pool cue.
If you are looking for a good un-biased review of pool cue brands, check out this comparison of major pool cue brands done by our friend Keith Chu.
Pool Cue Identification
- Identify a Brunswick Cue, Year, and Value
- Adam Cue Identification and Value
- Hi All Newbie Here
- Hi All Newbie Here
- ID Brunswick Pool Cue Model, Year, and Value
- ID "Iron Horse" Brengman Pool Cue from 1993
- Age and Value of a Mali Pool Cue with Gold Mali Logo
- Meucci Pool Cue - Need Help Identifying My Cue
- ID 1990s Meucci Pool Cue Stick
- Fury RP Series Pool Cues
- Age of Dufferin Pro Cliff Thorburn Signature Snooker Cue
- Year of a Viking "Ball Buster" Pool Cue
- Purple Meucci Cue ID and Value Today
- Identify a Meucci Pool Cue Numbered "061"
- ID Limited Edition Falcon Cue (1 of 15)
- Info on this L.J. Julius Special Cue Fort Dodge IA
- Schon LTD Pool Cue ID
- Info, ID, and Value of a Lucasi IV Pool Cue
- ID 30-year Old Pool Cue
- Model Number of McDermott Cue by W. Spencer
- Identify Pool Cue with "QB-8" Sticker
- Info and Identification of a Gandy Pool Cue Stick
- Info on a "Gotham" Pool Cue
- ID a Mali Pool Cue from the Late 1980s or Early 1990s
- Info on a "Masada" Pool Cue
- Identify an Older, Basic Meucci Cue
- Identify This "BC" Pool Cue
- Identifying My Players Pool Cue with "104" on the Butt Cap
- Please Help With Players Cue Identification
- Info, Model, and Date of a Meucci Cue
- Info, ID, and Value for this Meucci Original
- Info and Value of a JCC Jackson Custom Cue
- What Model and Year is this Sampaio Pool Cue?
- Info on a Lucasi XXIII Pool Cue
- ID and Value of a 1980s Mali Cue
- Info and ID for a Viper "Round Up" Pool Cue
- Which Meucci Model is this Pool Cue and what is it's Value?
- Viper Prestige Cue
- Need Info on a Helmstetter Cue
- Info on Lucasi Cue without Roman Numerals?
- Year, Value, and Model ID for a Meucci Original Cue
- Info and ID for a "J/R-5" Cue with Caricature on Butt Cap
- Fury Cue Identification
- Pool Cue Identification, Weird Looking Logo
- Meucci Cue Model Number, Year, and Value
- Identification of an Old Viking Cue
- Pool Cue ID Help, No Name, No Markings
- Identification of Predator 1st Edition Cue and Possible Value
- Action Pool Cue ID and Possible Value
- Harley Davidson Limited Edition Pool Cue ID Help
- Helmstetter Cue Id
- Is this a Schon Cue? If not, what Brand?
- ID a Southwest Pool Cue
- Year and Model of this Adam Cue
- Mali F-11 Pool Cue ID
- Replace Batteries in a Minnesota Fats Light Up Cue
- ID 1987-era "Palmer Custom Cue"
- What Year was my Lucasi XI Cue Made?
- Gold Leaf Dufferin "Play Tru Royal" Cue with Black Inset Logo
- Help Me Identify This Adam Cue and Value It
- Identify Model of a Players 502 Pool Cue Stick
- No-Name Pool Stick with Carved Handle and Inlays
- When was the Schon SL Series Released?
- Info on this "Palmer" Pool Cue
- Identify a Pool Cue W/ No Markings?
- What Brand is this Carved Pool Cue?
- Please Identify My Cue
- Identifying a Lucasi Cue
- Quantum by Meucci Cue
- Looking for Info on cue with Stamp "JQ"
- Help in Identifying this No-Name Cue
- Help to Identify This Meucci
- Help to Identify This Adam Cue
- Identify Signed Numbered Custom Cue
- Help Identifying this Adam Chatsworth Snooker Cue
- Identify this Unmarked Cue
- Value and Info on a Hubbart Pool Cue
- Pool Cue with a JP Logo
- Wilhelmina 3-Cushion Pool Cue ID and Value
- ID Meucci Cue from the 1990s
- Interesting Cue. National? Gandy? Other?
- Authenticate a Herman Rambow Pool Cue
- What Kind of Pool Cue Stick is This?
- Adam Lion Cue Model ID
- Lucasi Cue Model ID Help
- Model ID and Info on a Schmelke Pool Cue
- Info a Premier Line Pool Cue
- Herman Rambow Cue Identification
- Info on Dufferin Cue in a Dark Colored Hard Cue Case
- Scepter Cue Model ID, History, and Value
- Looking for Model ID for a Schon Pool Cue
- ID and Info on a "Castle Custom Cue"
- Info on "Original by Palmer" Pool Cue
- Black Meucci Originals Pool Cue Identification
- Info on Dufferin Snooker Cues
- Identify "J&J" Pool Cue Model
- Old Southwest Pool Cue Identification
- Info on Goodwill Pool Cue
- Identify Schon LTD Cue Model and Value
- Value and Model of a Meucci Originals Cue
- Castle Custom Cues Identification
- ID Aluminum Pool Cue with Screw-On Tip
- Mali Pool Cue Models and Value
- Helmstetter Pool Cue Identification
- Identify my Viking Cue Model
- Meucci Originals Pool Cue
- "Winner by Meucci" Cue Identification
- Help Identifying a Dufferin Cue with a Wood Joint Pin
- Help With Identity of APA Pool Cue
- Please Help with ID of Meucci Originals Pool Cue
- Info About a Carved Wood Pool Cue
- Help to ID Pool Cue with a Wizard Logo
- Johnny Archer Scorpion Pool Cue ID
- Viking Pool Cue Age, ID, and Info
- ID Possible Old Palmer Cue with Circle Inlays, No Wrap
- Find the Model Number of this Meucci
- Model ID for a Cobra Pool Cue
- Identify "Cue by Huebler Made in U.S.A." Pool Cue
- Info and ID for a "Rich" Pool Cue
- "Palmer Custom Cue" ID Help
- Model ID for a Predator Pool Cue
- Identify an Older 4-Piece Pool Cue
- Adam Pool Cue "Made by Helmstetter" ID, Age, and Value
- Identify My Meucci Model & Value
- Palmer Cue ID and Authenticity
- Identify Mali Cue Year and Model
- Please Help Me Identify This Cue
- ID Model of my 1997 Meucci Pool Cue
- ID and Action Pool Cue Model
- 1980s Adam/Helmstetter Cue Identification
- ID Very Old Cue with Amazing Craftsmanship, No Markings
- ID for a Grey-Stained McDermott Cue
- Help Dating a Meucci Originals Cue
- Info and ID Model of a Mali Pool Cue
- Finding the Model of a Meucci Cue
- Help Identify a Crystal Leisure Wizard Pool Cue
- Info on this Old Pool Cue with Black and Yellow Wrap
- Identifying a Fury Cue
- Pool Cue Identification for a Meucci Pool Cue
- ID for a Nick Varner Signature Series Pool Cue
- Identify Old Pool Cue with Screw-On Tip
- Help Identify an "EL" Pool Cue
- ID and Info on Carved Inlaid Pool Cue
- Identify "National" Pool Cue
- Identify Cue with a 9-Ball Rack Graphic
- Identify Old Pechauer Pool Cue
- ID Mali Cue with Vertical Green Boxed Logo
- Find Model Name of Plain McDermott Cue Stick
- Value of a McDermott Cue with Tiger Signed by Doughty
- Mali Cue Model Identification
- Unknown Mali Pool Cue, Please Help
- Help Identifying my Lucasi Pool Cue
- ID "Brunswick Billiards USA" Pool Cue
- ID Pool Cue with Letters "HR"
- ID this Bull and Matador Logo on a Pool Cue?
- Identify Meucci Star of David Pool Cue Version
- Cue Maker with Initials "DP"
- How Can I Find Out What Kind of Pool Cue I have?
- Help Identifying Model and Year of a Meucci Cue
- Help ID a Crusader Pool Cue Model
- Vintage Viking Pool Cue Model Identification Help
- Adam Bandit Series M/A-20 Pool Cue ID and the "Bandits" Catalog
- Identifying a Vintage Pool Cue with a Lion Logo
- ID Unknown Pool Cue "Made of the Finest Selected and Seasons Woods"
- Help Identifying an Unmarked Vintage Cue Stick
- 4-Piece Pool Cue Stick Identification Help
- Identifying a Four-Piece Carved Cue Stick
- Identify Vintage Pool Cue
- Identify Mali Cue Model
- Identify Cue from 1980s with No Logo or Names
- Identifying Date of a Lucasi Pool Cue
- Identify My Green Meucci Cue
- How to Identify an Old Pool Cue?
- ID Pool Cue with Handgun and Shotgun Inlays
- Help Identify an Old Cue
- 1970-1973 Meucci Originals Cue ID, Age, and Value
- Pool Cue IDs and Values, Found in Attic After 20 Years
- Meucci Model #00108258 Info
- Identify Viking Dragon Cue Model
- Vintage Falcon Cues ID and Worth?
- What Kind of Pool Stick is this 3-Piece Cue?
- Identify "Palmer Billiards" Pool Cue with Triangle Logo
- Pool Cue With "Mc" Logo
- Identify a Pool Cue with a Cursive Letter "D" Logo
- ID a "Champion" Pool Cue
- Cue ID for a Vintage Unmarked Pool Cue
- Identify Schon LTD Cue from 1993-1996
- McDermott "Wanted Dead or Alive" Cue ID, Age, and Value
- ID Lucasi Hybrid Cue Model Name, Age, and Original Price
- Mali Pool Cue Identification and Value
- Helmstetter RCHD VIP Cue ID
- Info on this Meucci Originals Pool Cue
- ID Steve Mizerak Signature Cue
- Identify Models of Some Meucci Cues, and Value Them
- Identify Pool Cue with Short Joint Pin
- Sampaio Cue ID, Year, and Value
- ID 1960s Bristol Cue (Canada)
- What Model is This Lucasi Cue?
- Info on Players Cue with "Liberty Group" Logo on Back
- Mali Cue ID Help - Gold Mali Logo
- Lucasi Authenticity Check
- ID Model of Black Meucci Cue with Pearl and Red Inlay
- Need a Hand Identifying a Meucci Cue
- Identify Huebler "Custom Shop" Pool Cue
- Identify Old "Made in Taiwan" Cues
- Age of a Brunswick "Tru-Skill" Pool Cue
- ID Pool Cue Logo - Letter "A" in Circle with Crown on Top
- 90s-Era Meucci Cue Identification Needed
- 1960s Harold Baker Titliest Conversion Cue (Chopdoc Help?)
- Identify Pool Cue with Letter "A" Logo in a Circle
- Cue ID for Old Cue with No Markings
- Identifying Old Pool Cue, 56 Inch Tall
- ID and Value a Larry Hubbart Meucci Original
- Meucci Pool Stick ID and Value
- ID "Professional" Pool Cue
- ID Philippines Pool Cue with No Name
- Info on a "Red Dinosaur" Pool Cue
- Is This a Sampaio?
- ID Lion Crest Logo Pool Cue
- Identify Cuetec Cue Model and Year
- Info on "Blacky" Pool Cue
- Info on "Tempest Power Pool" Cue, and Price
- Need help identifying Jim Rempe pool cue
- 3 Older Pool Cue Identifications
- Cuetec Pool Cue Model ID
- Idenfity Model of a Cuetec Cue
- Meucci Cue Identification (Early 90's)
- Help to Find Out if this is a Palmer Cue
- Players Pool Cue with "K1703" Stamped on the End
- Unlabeled Pool Cue with an 8 Ball Graphic
- Meucci Gambler Cue with Clubs Cards
- Identify a Viper Pro Series Pool Cue
- Montgomery Ward Pool Cue
- ID and Authenticate a Meucci Originals Pool Cue
- Identify Meucci Cue Model by Serial Number
- Meucci Cue Age and Value
- ID Pool Cue with Label that Says "Hustler Custom Designed"
- Info on Carved Cue Similar to Sampaio
- 1960 Original Palmer Cue Value
- Where to Find Old Mali Cue Brochures or Catalogs?
- Identify Purple Meucci Cue with 2 White Points
- Identify Purple Meucci Cue with Red Veneers and White Points
- Need Help Identifying a Cue, Possibly Dufferin
- Identify a Lucasi "XIV" Pool Cue
- Help Identifying this Pool Cue Model
- Identify Japan Pool Cue with "M/A4" Sticker
- Mali Pool Cue with "406" ID and Value
- Predator Cue Identification
- Cue With Wavy Handle and Odd Forearm Taper
- Unmarked Pool Cue Maker Identification
- Help with an Older Meucci Cue I Need to Identify
- Info on Adam Dani Sanchez Professional Series Cue
- Info and Value of an Emerald Super-Pro Pool Cue
- ID Older Pool Cue without Logos
- Info on 4 Piece Pool Cue with Carvings
- Meucci Cue ID Model Name
- Brunswick Cue Information?
- Abe Rich Pool Cue?
- Help Identifying a "Billiard Factory" Pool Cue
- Model Name and Value of a RC Helmstetter Cue
- What is Identification and Value of this Meucci Originals Cue
- ID Pool Cue with "MAC" on the Butt Cap
- Mali Pool Cue "16th Annual VNEA '96 International Championships"
- What Model Viking Cue Do You Think This Is?
- Identifying Pool Cue Signature, Dated 2020
- Identify My Viking Cue From the Nineties?
- Eliminator "woven fiberglass over wood" Pool Cue
- What Model and Series is this Viking Cue From?
- Info on a Winchester Bullet Pool Cue
- Mali T1 Trophy Series Pool Cue Info
- ID 3-Piece "Glamour" Pool Cue with a Ship Logo
- ID Pool Cue Signed by Efren Bata Reyes
- Sneaky Pete Pool Cue Identification
- Info on Brand "Legend" Pool Cue
- Schon Pool Cue Model Info and Identification
- Info on a Dufferin "Joe Davis" Snooker Cue
- Help Me ID this Plain Meucci Cue
- ID and Worth of Meucci Cue with Red Dot Shaft
- ID Black and White Players Cue
- Identify Vintage Pool Cue with Wood-Pattern Handle
- Help Identifying Vintage Cues, Possibly Adam?
- Identify Lucasi Custom Cue Model
- ID a Predator Pool Cue
- Meucci MO6 Cue Info
- Viking Pool Cue Identification Help
- Lucasi Cue Identification
- Value of a 19oz Orchid Cue
- Identify an Unmarked Pool Cue with no Logo, Name, etc.
- ID Plain Wood Viking Cue with Plastic/Pearl Inlays
- Help Identifying My Fathers Pool Cue, No Markings
- Info on a Plain White Meucci Cue with Brown Ring Near the Butt
- Identify Year and Model of a Light Grey-Stained Meucci Cue
- Help Identifying My Viking Cue?
- ID Canadian-Made Dufferin Pool Cue Stick
- Help ID a Viking Cue
- Need Help Identifying an Old Pool Cue, any info Would be Great
- Buttcap-Less Mystery Pool Cue!
- Snooker Cue Identification, No Logo or Names
- Identify Model, Value, and Age of Meucci Originals Cue
- Value a Brass Pin Meucci Originals MO-1 Cue
- ID Pool Cue with "CD" Logo
- Adam Snooker Cue ID
- Info on a 4 Piece Pool Cue with No Name or Logo
- Date and Model of a Palmer Cue
- Info on Older Pool Cue, No Name or Logo
- Info and ID of an Unmarked Pool Cue with no Logo
- Identify Signed Efren Reyes Cue
- Year, Model, and Value of an Old Palmer Pool Cue, 3 Shafts
- Value of a Schon LTD516 Cue
- Identify "Vintage VII" Pool Cue
- Pool Cue with "VINTAGE" and Roman Numeral IX on Butt
- Identify Maker of a Sneaky Pete Cue Stick with Letter "F" Logo
- Identify a Pool Cue with Letter "A" Logo on Butt Cap
- Identify "Players Edge" Pool Cue with Roses
- Identify a Logo on a Sneaky Pete Pool Cue?
- ID and Value of a 1980s Palmer Pool Cue
- Info and Identity of a Joss Pool Cue Model
- Adam Cue Model Identification, and Value
- Identify Pool Cue with Cobra Snake Graphic
- Who Made this old Filipino Cue
- Identify a Pool Cue Signed by Doughty with Cobra
- Help Figuring Out Age of a Sampaio Cue
- Identify a "Made in Germany" Pool Cue
- Model ID, Age, and Value of Viking USA Cue Stick
- Pool Cue with Letters "PB" and 2 Eagles
- Identify "Joust" Pool Cue
- Identify Make and Model of a Sneaky Pete Cue
- Could This Be a Huebler or a Meucci Cue?
- Info on Lucasi "VIII" Pool Cue Signed by David Howard
- Identify Model of Players Cue with Letter "X"
- Identify Players 410 Cue
- Identify my Player's Pool Cue
- Shamrock Pool Cue Identification
- What do the Roman Numerals on Lucasi Cues Mean?
- Info and ID on Pool Cue with "-PALMER-" Logo
- ID an Older Meucci Originals
- Help to Identify the Brand and How Old this Pool Cue Is
- ID a Possibly Early 1970s Brunswick Cue?
- Model ID "Viking USA" Pool Cue
- Vintage Viking Cue ID and Info
- ID Pool Cue with 7-Ball Logo (or letter "V" Logo)
- Identify a Dark-Wood Dufferin Pool Cue
- ID Viking Cue with Large Letter "X"
- Cue Identification - Possible Huebler Cue?
- Identify Model Number of Viking USA Cue
- Lucasi "1210" Pool Cue ID and Value
- Identifying Old Huebler Cue Model
- Identify a Lucasi Pool Cue
- Is this a SportCraft Pool Cue?
- Identify Players "412" Pool Cue
- ID Pool Cue with Cartoon Dragon Logo
- Info and Value of a Vintage Carved Wood Pool Cue
- Identify Model and Value of Adam Cue with "309" on Butt
- Help Identifying Pool Cue with Letters "AES"
- Info on a Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional Cue
- Fury Pool Cue Model ID
- Help Identifying a Lucasi Pool Cue with Letters "XV"
- Older Cuetec Cue Model ID
- Viking Decues Series Model Identification
- Help With Identification Pool Cue
- Identify a Pool Cue with Letters "AC" as the Logo
- ID Year and Model of a Helmstetter Cue
- Late 1960s Sampaio 42-Mother-of-Pearl Inlay Pool Cue
- Identify 2 Smith and Wesson Pool Cues
- ID Brand, Model, and Worth of an Old Pool Cue with 8-Ball Graphic
- Info on a Newer "Palmer" Pool Cue
- ID Pool Cue, Possible Balabushka?
- Brand and Model of Pool Cue with No Name
- ID and Value a Pool Cue with an 8-Ball Logo on the Butt
- Identify Pool Cue with a Letter "S" Logo
- ID Pool Cue with Oval Letter "S" Logo
- Lucasi "Classic Collection" Pool Cue Model ID
- Identify Helmstetter Pool Cue
- ID Year and Price of a Lucasi "402" Pool Cue
- Info on a Meucci Cue, and Model ID
- "Viking USA" Pool Cue Model ID Help
- Action Pool Cue Model ID
- Players Pool Cue Model Identification
- Cuetec Cue Identification
- ID Lucasi Cue with Checkered Rings
- ID Old Pool Cue with No Logos or Branding
- ID Predator "1st Edition" Pool Cue
- ID for a Players Pool Cue
- Older Viking Cue Model ID
- ID Model of a Grey-Stained Meucci Pool Cue
- Bludworth Pool Cue Identification
- Fury Pool Cue
- Identify 2 Players Pool Cues and Value Them
- WFS Pool Cue Kiln Dried Canadian Maple Processed in Japan
- Info on Brunswick "Personal" Pool Cue
- Viking USA Cue Model ID, Age, and Value
- Identify 1995-era Lucasi Cue with Roman Numerals "IX"
- Maximum Pool Cue with Red Dot Shaft and Mike Massey Signature
- Is this a "Real" Meucci Gambler Cue?
- ID Mali Cue Like the Mali 386-6, But with No Rings
- ID Adam Cue with Multi-Colored Rings in Butt Sleeve
- Determine What Model My Lucasi Cue Is
- Info on a Dufferin Flame Cue
- 8-Point Pool Cue Identification
- Trying to Identify this Joss Pool Cue
- Help Identifying Year and Model of Joss Cue
- Help With Pool Cue Make and Value
- Help with Model and Value of Pool Cue
- What Kind of Pool Cue Has a Roman Letter "S"?
- J. Q. Pool Cue Info
- Identify Ebony Cue with Letter "S"
- ID and Value of 3 Adam Cues
- ID Pool Cue with Blue Diamonds
- Info on a Jim Rempe J/R-1 Cue
- Need Viking Pool Cue Identification Help
- ID Model of a Basic Black McDermott Cue
- Identify Lucasi Pool Cue
- ID Viking Cue with Wizard Graphic
- ID Players Pool Cue Model with Gold Players Logo
- Model Identification for a Huebler Pool Cue
- Info on "Trophy by Brunswick" Pool Cue
- ID "Orchid USA" Pool Cue Model and Year
- ID Viking Pool Cue with Number "29" on the Butt
- ID Player's Cue with "412" on the Butt
- What Model is this Scorpion Cue?
- ID Older Cue with "B" Logo
- Identify Model Number of McDermott Pool Cue with 2 Shafts
- Identify Old Viking Cue
- Anyone Know the Maker of These One Piece Full-splice Cues?
- ID Model Numbers for my Bear Cues
- ID Pool Cue with Logo of "Puff the Magic Dragon"
- Identify a Bear Cue Model Number
- Can Anyone Help Identify This Cue?
- ID Pool Cue with "nnc" Logo
- Pool Cue With Letter "D" in Diamond
- ID Pool Cue with a Diamond Logo with a Letter "D" in the Center
- What Year is this Mali Cue, and what Model Number?
- Old Helmstetter Cue Model ID Help
- Gold Foil Original By Palmer with Titlist Forearm
- Anyone Know the Model Number of My Joss Cue
- Is this a Meucci Skyler Woodward Cue? What Model?
- ID Custom Pool Cue with Cue Maker Signature "DS 2017"
- Find the Make of an Old Pool Cue
- ID Metal Pool Cue with Diamond and Lion Logo
- Identify a "Joss Custom" Pool Cue
- Chicago Area Titelist Cue Conversion?
- Possible Adam Pool Cue Model Identification
- Identify Plain Wood Pool Cue in Brunswick Cue Case
- Identify an Old Mali Cue
- Info on Helmstetter Cue
- Jim Rempe Cue Info
- Model Number Info for Meucci Originals Cards and Dice Cue
- Identify the Maker of This Cue with a Letter "W" Logo
- ID New Old Stock Brunswick Pool Cue
- Identifying a NOS Brunswick Cue, Year, and Value
- Info About a Brunswick Cue
- Identify Custom Pool Cue with Signature
- Authenticate a Josswest Cue 1995
- ID Snooker Cue with a Gold Willie Mosconi Name Plate
- ID Old McDermott Cue Model
- Identify "Mosconi 526" Pool Cue
- Help Identify a Cuetec Cue Model Name?
- Pool Cue with Diamond Cue Int. Lion Logo
- Schon LTD Cue Model Identification
- Need Help Identifying this Helmstetter Cue
- Who Manufactured this 1990s Brunswick Cue?
- Info on a Valley Pool Cue
- ID Meucci Cue Like an MO-4 but with Newer Meucci Logo
- Identify a Meucci Gambler Cue
- Identify Old Karl Meyer Pool Cue
- Black and White 2-Point Meucci Cue ID
- Identify Meucci Cue with Arrows on Butt Sleeve and Forearm
- Meucci Original with Red Meucci Originals Block Logo
- Value of a "Billiard Monte Carlo" Pool Cue "Design by Caudillo Paulini"
- Falcon Pool Cue Model Identification
- Where to Find Mali Cue Catalogs
- Meucci Pre-Dot Shaft Collar IDs
- Help ID Pool Cue with a "Sampaio" Signature
- Identify a Joss Cue Possibly from the Joss Diamond Series
- Info on a 4-Piece Pool Cue with Carved Handle
- Identify an Unmarked Cue, Possibly a Titleist Pool Cue
- Pool Cue ID for an Unmarked 4-Point Cue
- Identify Meucci Cue with Red Rectangles
- Vintage (?) Joss Pool Cue Identification and Pricing
- What Company Made this Pool Cue?
- ID Pool Cue Logo that Looks Like the Letter "S"
- Identify "T&M" Pool Cue
- ID Pool Cue Model with Oval Viking Logo
- Spliced Cue Identification
- ID and Info on this Brunswick Pool Cue Model
- Not Sure What Brand/Maker This Is
- ID Old Pool Cue with MOP Inlays and Multi-Colored Wrap
- Value and ID an Older Meucci Originals Cue with Rounded Rubber Bumper
- Muecci Model Identification M6 or 95-11?
- Joss Cue ID and Value Today
- Pool Cue with Letters "JC" or "CJ" on Butt Cap
- Identify Old High End Falcon Cue
- Identify Pool Cue with No Name
- Older Cue with Joint Type I've Never Seen Before
- ID Pool Cue with Wrap that Says "Hollander Hides USA"
- Are these Sampaio Pool Cues?
- Finding the Model for an Older Dufferin Pool Cue
- Identify a Fury Cue Model
- Identify German Carom Cue
- Is this a Sampaio Pool Cue?
- What Model is my BMC Casino Cue?
- Identify Windowed Pool Cue with the Word "Professional"
- Identify a Lucasi XI Pool Cue Model
- What Years was the Meucci Buddy Hall BH-5 Cue on the Market?
- ID Pool Cue with "HJR" Logo
- Model of Mali Cue Similar to Mali Classic Series
- Carved Sampaio Cue Value and Date
- Viking Cue Id Help with Model Name
- Purple Meucci Pool Cue Model Value
- How Old is my Meucci Originals MO-3 Cue
- Meucci Catalogue Archive
- ID Old Pool Cue, No Marks, Possible Rich Cue?
- Old 3 Piece Cue With No Markings, Possible Palmer?
- Meucci Originals Cue ID and Today's Value
- Identify a Possible Sampaio Cue and Provide a Reasonable Value
- What Model J&J Cue is This?
- Help Dating a Joss West Cue
- ID Carved Cue Made with "Canadian Maple Processed in Japan"
- ID Players Cue Labelled "04399 Museum"
- Players Cue Id
- Info on a Gandy Pool Cue Model HC-145
- ID an Unmarked Cue with a Very Coarse Threaded Weight Bolt
- Identify Cue with Carved Handles and Metal Spacers
- What Brand of Pool Cue is This, or Who Manufactured It?
- Mali Cue Stick Model ID and Year
- ID "Fair" Brand Pool Cue with "Fair" Logo
- ID Model for an Pool Cue with No Logo
- Identify a 3-Piece Players Cue
- Identify and Price this Cue from the 1950s or 1960s
- Model ID for Meucci Originals Cue and Value Today
- ID Japan Pool Cue Made from Kiln Dried Canadian Maple
- Model Identification and Year of a 1970s Viking Cue
- ID My Pool Cue with No Logos or Names
- Identify Older Viking Cue with Rounded Bumper
- Identify a Dufferin Cue Stick and Value It
- ID and Value a Lucasi 610 Cue
- Identification of the Exact Model of Players Pool Cue
- Help Identifying a Lucasi Cue
- ID a 3-Piece 4-Point Cue with Screw-On Brass Cue Tip
- ID a Huebler Pool Cue Model
- When Was This Meucci Originals 84-3 Cue in Production?
- Information on a Five-Piece Pool Cue with Carved Wood Handle
- ID Pool Cue with Letter "E" Logo
- Older Meucci Originals Pool Cue ID and Year
- Determine the Age of a Brunswick Willie Hoppe Cue?
- What Kind of Cue?
- Info on Unmarked Pool Cue with Carvings
- Legacy Pool Cue ID
- Vintage Adam's Pool Cue Model ID, Age, and Value
- Model ID for a Falcon Pool Cue and It's Value Today
- Help Identify Adams Cue Please!
- Information on a Meucci Pool Cue Model, and it's Value
- Identification of Meucci Cue Model Number
- Model ID for a Huebler Pool Cue
- Info and/or the Model of a Meucci Pool Cue
- What Mali Cue Model is This?
- What Series and Year is this Meucci Cue?
- Identify Dark Grey Mali Pool Cue with Red Ring
- Pool Cue or Pool Cue Tip Identification
- Dufferin Cue Age and Model Identification Help
- 4-Piece Pool Cue Identification and Info
- ID a Joss Cue with a "Joss Cues" Logo
- Info on a 2012 Mitchell Thomas Cue #148
- Value of a Steve Mizerak Signed Pool Cue
- ID Carved Pool Cue with Gold Crest
- Age, Value, and Model ID of a Dufferin Cue
- Needing Help With Model ID of a Meucci Cue
- ID Old Brunswick Cue Model and Value
- ID Pool Cue with a Gold Cross
- Gold-Label Mali Cue Model ID and Age
- Model ID for a Vintage Adams Pool Cue
- Adam Cue Value and Age
- Model Identification for Vintage McDermott Cue
- ID Pool Cue with Silver Eagle with Spread Wings
- Identify Overseas Palmer Cue
- ID Cuetec Pool Cue Model and Value
- Pool Cue with a 9-Ball Rack on Butt Sleeve
- 1980s Dufferin Silver Leaf Pool Cue Info
- Info on a Tex Zimmerman Pool Cue
- Identify Model of Wildlife Viking Cue
- White Meucci Originals Cue Model Name Identification
- Info, Age, and Model of Old Adam Pool Cue
- Meucci Cue Model Name Help
- Identify a Pool Cue, Possibly a Rich Q?
- Identify a Dufferin Cue with a Brass Ferrule
- Identify a Joss Pool Cue
- Identify the Make, Year, and Value of a PALMER Cue
- Identify Brunswick Cue with Ivory or Opal Inlay
- unidentifiable custom stick with photo of S mark
- Joss Pool Cue Model ID and Information
- Identify Lucasi Cue with "608" on Butt Cap
- Identify Cue Stick with a Wooden Screw
- Identifying a Pool Cue Stick
- ID Adam "Balmoral" Snooker Cue
- Identify McDermott Matchroom Snooker Cue
- Info on Adam "Made by Helmstetter" Pool Cue Series
- Identify Viking USA Cue Model Number
- Scorpion Pool Cue
- ID My Adam Cue and How Much is it Worth?
- Helmstetter Cue with a Wooden Male Threaded Joint Pin
- Identify a 4-Point Black Mali Cue
- ID Exotic Wood Pool Cue
- 1980s Dufferin 2-Piece Cue ID
- Is this a Dufferin Crown Cue?
- Is this a Brunswick Cue and How Old is It?
- How Old is this Mali Pool Cue?
- Meucci Originals Model Identification and Appraisal
- Info and ID for a "CPS" Pool Cue
- ID Maple Pool Cue with Hoppe Ring
- Identify a Black Meucci Orginals Cue
- Schon LTD Edition Pool Cue ID and Value
- Help Finding a Viking Cue Model Id and Year
- Help Identifying Pool Cue
- Mali Cue Identity and Value
- ID Palmer Billiards Cue with Triangle Logo
- Info on a Plain Meucci Originals Sneaky Pete Cue
- Meucci Originals Cue Year and Model ID Help
- Plain Meucci Originals Cue Identification
- 1975 Pool Cue Identification
- Looking for Info on a Dufferin Cue
- Identify Model of a 1987 Adam Cue
- Can Anyone Help Me Identify This Pool Cue
- Help Identifying a Cue
- ID Pool Cue with Wooden Joint Pin and Stamped "Made in Germany"
- Value of a Huebler Cue
- Brand of Pool Cue with No Markings at All
- Identify My Adam Cue
- Help Identifying Viking Cue Model
- Originals Meucci Cue ID
- Info on a McDermott Budweiser Cue
- ID this Pool Cue Makers Mark
- ID a Steve Mizerak Dove Logo Cue
- Identify a Fairly Old Cue with No Logos or Names
- Identify Old Pool Cue with "BW" Logo
- Find the Model of my Meucci Originals Cue
- What do the Letters Mean on Lucasi Cue Butts?
- Find Model of a Meucci Cue
- Recognize this Worn-Off Logo on Carved Pool Cue?
- ID Brand and Model of Old Cue with Letter "P" Logo
- Info on Old Adam Cue with Green Inlays
- Identify a Viking Cue with Wizard and 9-Ball Rack
- ID Joss Cue Model
- Identifying Old Pool Cue with "Magnum" Logo on Forearm
- Help Id Mali Cue with Shield and Sword Design
- Anyone Able to Identify This Cue?
- What Kind of Cue is This "Palmer" and How Much is it Worth?
- ID Model of a Meucci Original Cue from the 1980s
- Blue-Stained Meucci Original Cue ID and Value
- ID Model of a Bludworth Pool Cue
- Info and Help Finding Huebler Cue Model
- Contact info for Cue Maker Oscar Mireles or Mireles Cues
- Info on Peter Vitalie Co. Pool Cue
- ID 58-Inch Vintage Unmarked Pool Cue, and Value
- 4-Point Mali Cue Identification
- What Series and Model is this Meucci Cue?
- Identify Pool Cue with Initials "SK"
- ID Helmstetter Pool Cue with Lion Logo
- 1980s Adams Cue Model ID
- Cue Maker Behind EI Custom Cues
- Mali Cue Identification
- ID this Pool Cue with Label Near Joint
- Help to Id a McDermott Cue Model Name and Year
- ID Old 1960s Pool Cues
- Identify/Value This Meucci Original Cue?
- Identify Hansinburg Pool Cue
- Information on a Stingray Pool Cue
- Pool Cue with Initials "SK"
- ID Brand of this Pool Cue with a Signature Logo
- ID 1960s Pool Cue with Wood Joint Pin Threads for Weight Rings
- Info on a Dufferin Pro Ray Reardon Master Snooker Cue
- Help to Identify a Pool Cue Model and Brand
- ID Players 310 Pool Cue, and Value
- Date and Model ID for Mali Pool Cue, and Value
- Identify Cue Stick with Lion Logo
- Info on a Meucci Cue I Won Over 15 Years Ago
- Info on a Titanium Pool Cue Walking Stick
- Info on Adam Cue Model, and it's Value
- Information on Players Diamond Series Cue #512
- Identify Pool Cue - Meucci Brand
- Identify This Meucci Jimmy Rempe Pool Cue
- 1970s Meucci Original Cue ID
- Identify 4-Piece Cue with Adjustable Weights
- Model ID of Gold Logo Mali Cue and it's Value
- Help with a Gold/Silver Leaf Dufferin Cue
- What is this "Mali by CueSport" Cue Made From and What is it's Value?
- ID Pool Cue with Letter "M" Logo and Scorpions
- Identify Pool Cue, Possible Paradise Cue?
- Identify this old Ivory Pool Cue and its Value
- Mali Pool Cue Model Identification, Year, and Info
- Identify a Very Old Pool Cue Shaft
- Identify Adam Snooker Cue and Value It
- ID Brand of Pool Cue with Cursive Letter "E" on the Butt
- Pool Cue with "Vintage" Logo and Number 308 on Butt
- Identify "B" Logo Pool Cue
- Price and Year on Joss Cue
- Id Model, Year, and Price of a Joss Pool Cue
- Identify Schon Cue Model with Vertical Schon Logo
- ID Brunswick Pool Cue with Pool Player Logo
- Identify Pool Cue with Letters "JP", and Value It
- Identify a Schon Cue
- ID Brand of Pool Cue with Rubber Grip
- Lucasi Model?
- Cue With Only a Letter "P" on the Butt
- ID 2-Piece Cue Stick I can't Figure Out the Brand
- Vintage Pool Cue - Help Identify
- Id Old Falcon Cue and Value It
- Date a Newer Palmer Pool Cue
- Identify Palmer Pool Cue Model Number
- Early McWorter Cue Identification
- ID Schon LTD Cue
- 1980s Huebler Cue Value
- Info on Meucci Originals Pool Cue Serial Number 00020571
- Need help identifying a pool cue
- Identify 18 oz Sneaky Pete Cue Stick with no Logo
- ID Cue with Carvings, Inlaid Crests and Circles; Maybe a Sampaio Cue
- Help Identify Old Cue
- Help Identifying Mali Green Label Pool Cue
- Identify No-Name Cue in a Soft Schon Cue Casae
- Joss Pool Cue Model, Year, and Value
- ID Pool Cue Stamped Logo of a Letter "W" and Two Crossed Pool Cues
- ID Old Meucci Custom Cues with Sticker
- How to Authenticate and ID Balabushka Cue Shafts?
- Meucci Cue Model ID, Year, and Value
- ID Vintage Pool Cue Stick with No Name
- Identify George Balabushka Pool Cue
- Viking Pool Cue Model Identification Help
- Id Cue With Vj Logo
- Identify a Palmer Cue - Is it an Original Palmer Cue?
- Id Old Helmstetter Cue with "IV" Roman Numerals
- ID and Value Meucci Originals Cue with Dark Red Lines Inlaid
- Identify Marking on an Old Brunswick Pool Cue
- Info on 25-Year-Old Mali Cue
- Help Identifying and Valuing a Vintage Meucci Originals Cue
- ID Pool Cue with Aluminum Crest Logo and Weight Sticker
- Identify a Viking USA Pool Cue
- History and Value of a Dufferin Pool Cue
- Info on a "Billiard Canada" Dufferin Cue with no Maple Leaf Logo
- ID Viking Cue with Skull and Cross Bones
- Vintage Dufferin Pool Cues
- Era and Value of This Meucci Pool Cue
- Is this an Adam Cue? If so, What Model? If not, what Brand is it?
- Meucci Cue Identification Help
- Help Identify a Stealth Cue Model Number
- Maker and Value of an old 3-Piece Pool Cue
- ID Pool Cue in a Steve Mizerak "The Miz" Cue Case
- Identify "Prestige" Dufferin "Power Play" Cue
- Pool Cue with Wood Burning Tool Design
- 1979 Josswest Cue Ad From National Billiard Magazine
- Identify our Adam Cue Model Numbers
- Model Identification for "B" Logo Brunswick Pool Cue
- ID Cue with Joint Pin on Shaft and Worn off Labels
- Meucci Originals Cue, Identify the Model
- Model ID of a McDermott Cue, and Info
- Model and Brand ID for an Unmarked Pool Cue
- Model ID for Meucci Cue Stick
- Identify Pool Cue with Letter "B" in a Circle
- ID Pool Cue Made in Taiwan
- Identify Pool Cue with Adam Lion Logo
- Vintage Snooker Cue With Letter "E" on the Butt
- Identify Pool Cue with a "Competition" Logo
- What Model is this Adam Cue and How Much is it Worth?
- Viper Cue Identification
- Need Help Identifying a Viking
- Old Muecci
- ID Pool Cue Model, Possibly from Adam Pool Cues
- Brunswick Que Model ID
- Help With a Cue ID, No Logo
- Info on a Vintage Adam Japan A/H-25 Cue
- ID Pool Cue with "JQ 99" Stamp
- Info on Brunswick Pool Cue by Joss USA
- ID and Value of an Older Adams Cue
- Age, Value, and Identification of Adam Cue Stick
- Identifying a Few Pool Cues, McDermott and Others
- ID Meucci Originals Cue with a Wizard on the Shaft
- ID Pool Cue with a sideways "V" Shaped Logo with Circle in Middle
- Identify Falcon Cue, Possibly Falcon Nick Varner Series
- Trying to Identify Old Cue with Butterfly Points
- Info on Rich Cue Merry Widow Pool Cue, and Value
- Figure out What Kind of Pool Que I Have
- Identify a ~RICH~ Cue
- Info on a 4-Point Bridge Cue
- Info on a "CS Gear" Pool Cue
- Identify Set of 3 Matching Cues and a Matching Jump Cue
- ID Pool Cue Stick No Logo or Markings
- ID Model of my Meucci Cue
- What Kind of Pool Cue is This? ID Brand or Maker
- Identify Fury Cue Models
- Identify Sneaky Pete Pool Cue with "Genuine" Logo
- Question About Pool Cue Makers, Hiolle and Other
- Schon ltd identification help!
- ID Hansinburg Cue with Letters "JBS" Under the Butt Cap
- ID Brand of 2 Pool Cues I Just Bought
- ID Pool Cue with Dice and a Shamrock Logo with Letter "M"
- 1988-1990 Meucci Original Cue Info
- Cue Identification, "Power Pool - By N" on the Bottom of the Cue
- Brand of Pool Cue with a Letter "V" Logo
- Pool Cue Logo Brand ID - Letter A in a Circle with a Crown on Top
- Help in Identifying This Adam Cue
- ID a Basic Joss Cue Model
- ID Model and Year of Mali Cue with Green Mali Logo
- Identify Model of this Schon Cue
- Karl Mayer Pool Cue ID
- Find a Viking USA Cue Model
- ID a RCH-VIP Pool Cue and How Much is it Worth?
- "B" Logo Brunswick Cue ID
- Ralph Greenleaf Pool Cue
- New Cue, New Cue Maker Logo
- ID a Schmelke Cue Model
- Trying to ID the Maker of a Cue
- Stumped Trying to ID These Two Cues
- McDermott Cue Model Name Value
- Red Leaf Dufferin Cue ID and Info
- Age, Model, and Value of a Huebler Cue
- Brown Viking Cue Model ID
- 9 Ball Logo Pool Cue ID
- ID Yellow Pool Cue from Late 1970s or Early 1980s
- Find a Meucci Cue Model Name
- Joss Pool Cue Model Identification
- 19oz Meucci Cue with 4 Points
- Identify Mali Pool Stick Model and Value
- Lucasi Cue Model ID
- ID Pool Cue Stick with Letter H on the Handle
- Could Anyone Help Me Identify This Mali Cue?
- ID a Mystery Cue
- Old Palmer Original Pool Cue Model ID and Value
- Identify Meucci Model #0014228
- Older Brunswick Cue
- ID Pool Cue1 With 1 Large Dot Surrounded by 4 Small Dots on Grip
- Identify Older Adam Balabushka Cue?
- Help Identifying Meucci Cues
- ID No Name Cue with Cards and Dice
- Unknown Cue Maker ID Help
- ID Older Brunswick Pool Cue
- Cue Logo with Letter "M" in a Shamrock, in a Huebler Case
- Cue ID - Maybe a Brunswick, Rich Q, or Adam Cue?
- Brunswick Cue Model ID
- Identify Pool Cue with Red Letter "N"
- Identify Brunswick Letter "B" Logo Pool Cue
- Is this a Michael Morgan Custom Pool Cue?
- ID Joss Cue with Serial #B06324
- ID Old Pool Cue with Playing Cards and Multi-Colored Wrap
- Identify the Year of These 2 Dufferin Cues
- ID Model and Price of a 2006 Viking Pool Cue
- "Sierra 2000 1 of 1 Eric Niemira" Excalibur Cue
- Identify Pool Cue with Letters "DC" on the Butt
- ID Pool Cue with "Handcrafted and Registered" Decal
- Pool Cue Logo with an Underlined Letter "W" in a Circle
- Identify This Inlaid Pool Cue Before I Sell It
- ID Old 1970s Viking Cue, Limited Edition
- Help Identify 4-Point Pool Cue
- Schon Cue Model ID, Date, and Value
- Year and Model of an Old Viking Cue
- Older Brunswick Cue Model ID and Value
- Schon Cue Model Identification
- Early Adam Helmstetter Cue
- Identify Pool Cue with Sailboat Painted on Forearm
- Help Identifying Cue with Shaft Marked "GD" or "CD"
- Who Makes Excalibur Cues?
- Identify "Porper" Cue Models and Value
- ID Maker of a 1948 Pool Cue
- Adam Custom Cues Id
- ID Pool Cue Model with a Letter B Logo Near the Butt
- Help Identifying Vintage Cue from Japan
- Viking Cue Model ID
- Pure X Power Driver + Air Flight Technology, PureXAir
- Mali XXIV Pool Cue Identification
- ID Pool Cue Brand, Manufacturer, Type, and Wood Type
- Identify and Value a Black Meucci Originals Cue
- Ever See a Meucci Originals Gambler Cue Like This?
- Model and Value of a Pechauer Cue
- Info on 4-Piece Pool Cue Stick
- ID and Value Budweiser Cue with Floating Balls
- What Kind or Brand is this Pool Cue?
- Id Viking Cue
- ID Models of 3 Meucci Cues and How Much They're Worth
- ID Pool Cue, Maybe a Schmelke Cue?
- ID and Value of a 2000s Joss Cue Model
- Lion Logo Pool Cue Maker
- Anyone Know What Kind of Cue This Is?
- Shamrock Pool Cue Indentification
- Old Budweiser Cue, Any Help Identifying It?
- Value and Identification of Schmelke Cues and OB Cues
- ID Cue with a "Brunswick" Logo with Pool Player
- What Kind of Meucci Cue This Is, and the Value
- Identify Cue with Lion Crest Logo
- Age and ID Model of Meucci Cue with Propeller on Butt
- Pool Cue Logo With Letter N In A Red Circle
- ID Joss Cue Model Name
- Find the Age of a Mali Cue
- Identify "Western" Brand Pool Cue with Horse Logo
- 1998-1998 Falcon Ontario Line OL-9 Cue ID
- Viking Cue Id
- Mali Cue I.D. Boxed Green Mali Logo
- ID Mali Cue Model with Green Mali Logo in Green Rectangle
- Identify and Value Meucci Cue Shafts
- Identify Brown Pool Cue with Notched Diamond Shaped Inlays
- Could this be a Herman Rambow Cue?
- ID Cue with No Markings and Mother of Pearl Inlays
- Dove Logo Pool Cue Identification
- Identify Meucci Cue, Shaft has a Red Dot
- ID Bludworth Cue and Value It
- Help Identify a RICH-Q Cue?
- Meucci Model ID?
- Identify a Pool Cue With no Markings
- Id and Value of Helmstetter Cue
- Info and Value of a "D. Taylor" Custom Cue
- Pool Cue with "D. Perry 1/1" Signature
- ID Older 4-Piece Cue Stick
- Who Made this 6-Point Pool Cue?
- ID Brunswick Pool Cue Made in Taiwan
- Identify two Viking Cue Models
- Identify DP 1/1 Cue by Dale Perry
- Identify a "Premier Line Custom Designed" Pool Cue
- Two McDermott Pool Cue Model Identifications
- ID Model and Value of a "David Howard by Meucci" Cue
- ID Cue with Pointy Joint Pin
- Is this a Custom Meucci Originals Crown Jewel Cue?
- Meucci Pool Cue Model Identification Help
- ID Older Cue From the 1960s
- Id and Value of Older Dufferin Cues
- Tiger Cue Identification
- ID Cue from a Chicago Open Raffle (Circa ~2013)
- Special Ordered Meucci Originals OL-2 Cue with Nicknames
- Mali Cue ID and Description
- Help Me Identify My Old Pool Stick
- Trying to Figure Out the Maker of This Cue
- Identify an Originals Meucci Cue and Value It
- Info on White Leaf Dufferin Butterfly Splice Cue
- What Brand Pool Cue is This?
- Pool Cue with "CS" Logo and "Buster" on Shaft
- ID Cue with Wood Joint Pin and Carved Handle
- Help Identifying Vintage Cue
- Adam Cue Identification
- Arrow Master Cue Info
- Info on a Pool Cue with a Brunswick Logo
- Identify This Cue
- What Type of Viking Cue is This?
- Oddball Palmer Ray Martin Cue
- ID Model of Mali Pool Cue
- ID Meucci Cue Model with Plain Wood
- Identify Schon Pool Cue Model
- Schön Cue Identity Please
- Identify a Predator Cue Model and Value
- What Model is this Dufferin Cue Stick?
- 1960s or 1970s Palmer Cue Model ID
- ID Model of Pool Cue with "Jimmy Rempe by Meucci"
- Identify Pool Cue with a Gecko and "OCT 07" on Butt
- Identify Pool Cue With Letters "R" and "H"
- Help Identifying this Pool Cue with Carvings and No Name?
- Help Identify My Late Father in Laws Pool Cues
- Identify This Pool Cue Logo
- Find Model Name of a Meucci Cue from the 90s
- 1980s Joss Cue?
- Old Falcon Cue Model ID
- Help Find the Maker of a Cue with no Writing Anywhere
- Palmer Cue Identification - Is this a Model 11 1st Catalog?
- Can You Identify This Meucci Pool Cue?
- Brand Id for a Pool Cue?
- Anyone Recognize Brand or Cue Maker of this Pool Cue?
- Identifying Cue with Ivory Butt Cap
- Could this be a Balabushka Cue?
- Find a Pool Cue Maker and Model
- Find the Maker of a Pool Cue
- Year, Model, and Value of a Meucci Cue
- ID a "Sampaio" Cue
- ID Meucci 2-Pointer Cue
- Identify Meucci Originals Cue with Rose
- Is this an Authentic Palmer Cue? What Model?
- Meucci Pool Cue - Identify and Value
- ID Meucci Cue Model with Black Circles
- Identify Excalibur Pool Cue
- ID Mali Cue Model
- Identify Model of a Brown Viking USA Cue
- Is this a Meucci MO-4 Cue, and How Much is it Worth?
- ID Maker of an Old Pool Cue
- Old Falcon Cue Identification
- Brunswick Willie Hoppe Pool Cue
- Identify Lucasi Cue XIV
- Grey Meucci Cue Model Identification
- Meucci Pool Cue Year and Worth
- ID Cue with Gold Adam Logo on Forearm
- "Dybior Classic" Break Jump Pool Cue ID and Value
- ID Pool Cue with Cowboy Hat Logo
- Stanley West Cue
- Info and ID a Willie Mosconi Cue Stick
- Identify a 1960s Cue With No Markings At All
- Is this an Adam Cue? What Model?
- Identify Brunswick Willie Mosconi Cue and Value It
- ID, Age, and Value of a Meucci Cue
- What Model is This Meucci Cue?
- Unknown Mali Cue?
- Vintage Cue?
- Identify Cue Model - Possible Dufferin Cue?
- Identify a Riley Ambassador Snooker Cue
- ID Snooker Cue "Made by Cue Craft for Drake Leisure"
- Cue Identification and Estimated Value
- What Brand is this Old Pool Cue with Model 5021?
- ID a Mali Cue, 1980s, Gold Mali Logo
- Info on Dufferin "Silver Anniversary" Cue (and Others)
- Identify Who Made this 1970s Cue
- Vintage Brunswick Conversion Cue
- Info on a Possible RICH Cue
- Identify a Meucci
- It this an Old Dufferin Pool Cue?
- Bixur Cues
- Pool Cue with Letters "RQ"
- Identify Harold Worst Pool Cue
- Date a Cobra Pool Cue
- ID a Cobra Cue and Value It
- Cobra Pool Cue Identification
- ID and Appraise a Meucci Pool Cue
- Identify Cue with Dice and Cards, No Name or Logo
- Brunswick Willie Hoppe Cue with Wrap over Butt Sleeve
- 2-Point White Meucci Cue Identification
- ID and Value Cue, Similar to a Meucci Originals MO-5 Cue
- Year and Model of a 6-Point Meucci Cue
- Info on a Hansinburg Cue Stick
- Identify the Year this Cue Was Made?
- Gandy Pool Cue Info?
- Who Used this Type of Joint Pin?
- Unknown Cue with Lizard Wrap
- Find a Model Name for a Meucci Cue Stick
- Pool Cue Logo Letter "M" with a Cue and 7-Ball
- Find out What Kind of Cue I Have with No Name
- Identify a Sportcraft Pool Cue
- ID a Steve Mizerak Pool Cue with Dove Logo
- Any Info on a Meucci Originals Cue?
- Identify My Cue and How Much It is Worth?
- Model Name for a Meucci Originals Cue Stick
- Identify an Older 3-Piece Pool Cue
- Tim Scruggs Cue ID
- Identify 1980s Viking Cue
- Meucci Originals Model and Value
- ID 1970s Cue Stick?
- Older Viking Cue
- Help Identify Two Cues with No Name
- Identify 2-Point Meucci Cue with Black Points
- Identify a Pool Cue from the Early 2000s
- Original Meucci Model and Value
- Identify and Price a Meucci Originals Cue
- Meucci Original Cue Stick ID and Value
- ID Model of Brunswick Cue Made by Falcon
- Help Identify and Value a Meucci Originals Pool Cue
- Identify a McDermott Star Cue Model
- Help Identify a Jump Cue Stick
- Info on My Mali Cue. Unique?
- Sneaky Pete Cue with Adam Logo
- Info on Brunswick Medalist and Varsity Cues
- Info on a Meucci Original Cue
- Find the Model of a Players Cue
- Help to Identify a Pool Cue Brand
- Identify My Mcdermot Snooker Cue
- ID Pool Cue with "William" and Roman Numeral "XI" on Butt Cap
- Identify Pool Cue with Letters "YBC" and a Kangaroo Logo
- Identify Old 5-Piece Cue and Cue Case
- Year and Model of a Windowed Viking Cue Stick
- Identify Sneaky Pete-Style Adam Cue
- Info About a Dufferin Pool Cue
- Recognize a Pool Cue with Inlays Like This?
- Help Identify and Assess a Palmer Pool Cue
- ID Viking USA Cue Model Name
- Help Me Identify a Viking Pool Cue
- Identify the Brand Name in this Pool Cue Logo
- Find Model Name of Meucci Originals Pool Cue Stick
- Help Finding the Identity of my Pool Cue
- Find Model of a Purple Players Cue
- ID Meucci Cue with Flat-Head Weight Bolt
- Players Pool Cue XVII Model and Year Made?
- Meucci Identification
- Identify Meucci Pool Cue
- Info and Model Name of a Viking Cue
- ID Cue with "JQ 86" Stamped on Butt Cap
- Brunswick Cue and Case ID and Value
- ID What Model is this Viking Cue
- ID Lucasi Cue Circa 2000-2001
- Helmstetter Pool Cue Model and Value?
- Viking Five Veneer Window Cue
- ID Meucci with Rectangles and Longer Green Lines
- Identify Lucasi LTD Pool Cue Model Number
- ID an Older Windowed Viking Cue
- Identify a Gold-Label Mali Cue
- ID Players Cue with "411" and Estimate it's Value
- Identify 1980s Mali Cue and Value It
- 3-Piece Adam Cue Model Identification
- What Brand is This 4-Piece Carved Cue?
- Identify Cue From 1996-1997
- Carved 4-Piece Cue Identification
- What Model is this Meucci Cue? What is it's Value?
- Pool Cue with No Markings
- Identify Brand of Unmarked Sneaky Pete Cue
- Identify Maker of this Older Cue
- How Old Is this Meucci Original and What is it's Value?
- Identify as a Herman Rambow Cue?
- Identify this Cue Maker's Mark?
- What Kind of Pool Stick is This and How Much is it Worth?
- Identify Meucci Cue with Roses
- Pool Cue with a Letter "D" in a Circle Logo
- Is this a Dufferin Pool Cue?
- Help Identify a Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional Cue
- Identify this Frank Paradise Cue
- Identify a Stealth Pool Cue
- Identify Cue - Is this an Adam Cue?
- Josswest Cue Identification JW 1988
- ID Meucci Cue - Black with Inlaid Wood Diamonds
- Info on Palmer Model F Cue from 2nd Catalog
- Identify Cue with 3/8" Pin and Pilot-less Shaft
- Identification and Value of a Pool Cue
- Identify Pool Cue Made in Japan
- ID Cue with "Sportcraft" Logo
- Identifying a 4-Piece Pool Cue
- ID Manufacturer and/or Brand of a Pool Cue Like This?
- What Brand is this Cue with Carved Handle?
- Identify Older Model Viking Cue
- Is this a 1991 Falcon F-18 Cue?
- Pool Cue with Letters "JR" as Logo
- Battery Type for Minnesota Fats Light-up Cue
- Identity and Value of an Old Cue Stick
- English Ash Powerglide Phoenix Snooker Cue
- ID Falcon Cue Series and Model
- Help Identify Meucci Cue
- Identify Viking Cue SS0820B
- Schon LTD Model Number and Value?
- Identify 1988 Helmstetter Cue Series, Model, and Value
- What Kind of Meucci Cue Do I Have?
- ID Pool Cue with Brass Fittings and Ivory Butt Cap
- Bludworth Cue Info
- ID Cue Maker of 2-Piece Pool Cue with No Makers Mark
- ID Plain Pool Cue with Inlaid Design on Handle
- Cue Brand Identification Help
- ID Cobra Professional Cue Model
- Id Meucci Lock & Key Cue and What is It Worth?
- Appraisals for Halex Pool Cue, Earl Strickland
- McDermott Mystery Cue ID
- McDermott Cue From Dicks Circa 2010
- Looking for 1990s Joss A-series Catalog Scans
- Identify Meucci Cue Stick with White Wrap
- ID Meucci Cue Stick with Black Handle and 4 Black Points
- Joss Cue Model ID and Value?
- Value and Identify a Meucci Cue
- Identify a Lucky Pool Cue with McDermott Logo
- Brown McDermott Cue Identification
- Identify Green Budweiser Cue
- Meucci Originals ID
- 5-Piece Pool Cue Info and Identification
- Is this a Huebler Meucci Cue?
- Information on a Dufferin Cue
- How Much is an Adam A/H-8 Cue Worth?
- Identify a "Shamrock" Pool Cue - What is this Brand?
- Identify Outlaw Cue with #8 Carved into Butt Sleeve
- Is this a Falcon Cue Model?
- ID a Pool Cue (Possibly by a Cue Maker Named Ralph)
- What Kind of Cue has a Lion Logo and Gold Stickers?
- What Model is This Meucci Originals Cue? Also What is it's Value?
- Joss Cue with Very Long Unknown Male Joint Pin
- Cue Ball Kelly Cue
- Possibly a Brunswick Cue? How Can I Identify this Pool Cue?
- Information on a "Maximum" Cue Stick
- ID Cue with "Meucci" on the Butt Cap
- Vintage Meucci David Howard Giant Killer?
- Identify Pool Cue with Sticker that Says M/A5
- Will you Identify a Meucci Original Cue I Own?
- Brunswick Willie Hoppe Titlist Cue with Black Rectangle Logo
- Is this an Adam or Balabushka Replica Cue?
- Difference Between a Meucci HOF-3 and 95-15 Cue?
- Information on a Bristol Snooker Cue
- "EW 2006" Signed High End Cue
- Cue Identification Meucci
- Signed Steve Mizerak Miller Genuine Draft Pool Cue
- "JBA Series" Pool Cue Model and Value
- ID Model of Old Windowed Viking Cue
- Help Identify Adam Cue
- Identify Value and Model of some Mali Cues
- ID McDermott Cue with Many Professional Player Signatures
- Help With Identification of 4 Piece Carved Cue
- Identify and Value a Rich Q Pool Cue
- Identify a Predator Cue with 4-Points
- Identify Cue with an Ebony Cross in the Forearm
- Meucci Original Cue Model ID
- How to Identify a Mali Cue Model
- Brand and Series of Cue with a Blackbird Logo
- ID Series of McDermott Cue
- Find a Viking Cue Model for this Older Viking Cue
- Can't Find this Pool Cue Model or Value
- What Model is my Falcon Cue?
- Identify Pool Cue with Letter "J" inside a Star
- Oldest Known Pool Cue Stick?
- Help With Cue Identification with No Markings
- Looking for Model of a Viking Cue on eBay
- Identify Falcon Cue Model Number
- How to Find the McDermott Model Number
- Willie Mosconi Cue Identification
- Identify Meucci Originals Cue from 1990s and Value It
- Is this a Vintage Adam Cue?
- Identify Pool Cue with Wolf
- What's My Adam's Pool Cue Model and Worth?
- ID Meucci Cue with Cards and Dice
- Pool Cue with "W" on the Butt and Letter "A" on Shaft
- ID and Value of a Newer PALMER Cue
- ID the Model, Age, and Value of a Helmstetter Cue
- Identify Older Cue with a Very Long Pin
- How Much is a Meucci 233-5 Worth?
- Identify Cue in a Willie Mosconi Cue Case
- Vintage Brunswick Cue, Gold Crown? Age, Value?
- Identify Two Older Pool Sticks 30+ Years Old
- How Much is a Meucci Originals 84-6 Cue Worth?
- Brunswick Billiards Cue 4 Points with Crowns
- Meucci Cue Identification Model Number Help
- 1980s Brunswick Cue Identification and Value Help
- Identify Cue with 8-Ball Logo on Butt
- The History of a Meucci Cue
- ID my 1990s Meucci Cue?
- ID Older Pool Cue with Stainless Steel Joint Collar
- Help with How to Identify my Pool Cue
- Identify an Old 50+ Year-Old Cue
- Identify Black Meucci Cue with Brown Rings
- Lucasi Cue with "XIV" on the Butt
- Identify Joss Cue with #00312 on the Joint
- Information on 4 Older Pool Cues
- Info on a Mali Cue with Silver Mali Logo
- Help With Identifying Pool Cue
- Identify Meucci Pro Billiard Tour Cue
- ID Cue Maker with Gold Signature, Initials B. C.
- Identify Old Purple McDermott Cue
- Find Model and Value of Meucci Originals Cue
- 1990s Meucci Cue Identification and Value
- Is this is Meucci 95-11 or M-6 Cue?
- Is this a Huebler Break Cue?
- Old Carved 5-Piece Cue Identification and Info
- Older Nick Varner Falcon Cue Id and Value
- Information on a Schon LTD Cue with Dice
- Identify Pool Cue from 1967
- What Model is this Original Palmer Cue?
- Unknown Joss Cue Model ID and Value
- Lucasi Cue Model?
- ID 4-Point Black Meucci Cue with Grey-Stained Forearm
- ID Manufacturer of "Pro Snooker England" Snooker Cue
- Information on "Jimmy Rempe by Meucci" Cue, and Other
- Omega Pool Cue Model ID
- ID Meucci Cue with Shaft Signed by Robert J. Meucci
- Identify a Players Cue Stick
- Identify Great Grandfathers 4-Piece Carved Cue
- Purple Meucci Pool Stick
- What Model is this Palmer Cue, and Rough Price
- ID White and Brown Meucci Cue, and Value It
- ID Old Cue with Brass Pin
- Pool Cue with a Letter "M" Logo and 7 Ball
- Cue with a Tiger Logo
- Info on a Cue with Letters "JW" on the Butt
- ID Model of Cue with "Brunswick Billiards" Logo
- Help Identifying Possible Older Adam Cue
- Identify Old 4-Point Cue with Leather Wrap
- ID a Jimmy Reid Pool Cue
- Unidentified Cue - Possibly a Palmer Cue or Blabushka Cue?
- Muecci Cue Identification and Worth?
- Rose Meucci Originals Cue ID
- Antique Cue With Ivory Joint and Aluminum Bolt
- Find the Model of a Viking USA Cue
- ID Viking Pool Cue Similar to Viking F20
- Is this an "Original" Palmer Cue?
- Identify Older Viking Cue with Window
- Id Custom Cue "Custom Made for Frederick Brown"
- Help with ID of a 4-Point Cue
- Identify Vintage Jim Rempe Cue
- Identify Vintage Cue in Imperial Cue Case
- How Much is a 1976 Camel Cue Worth?
- Identify "Cue by Huebler Made in USA"
- Old Cue with Small Brunswick Logo
- Find Maker and Model of a Pool Cue
- How to Identify this Meucci Cue?
- Identify a Limited Edition Viking Cue "of 32"
- Identify Model of McDermott Cue Stick
- 7-Foot Fischer Pool Table with Ball Tray
- Falcon Cue Model Number Lookup
- Need Identification of a Newer Adam Cue
- Identify a Plain Wood Pool Cue. Is it Old?
- Newer Brunswick Cue Info and ID
- ID Pool Cue "20 oz. Made in China"
- What Series is my Meucci Originals Cue From?
- Identify Cue with Sticker on Butt and Joint Pin on the Shaft
- Identify Cue with Sticker "A/H 22" Japan
- ID Two Unmarked Pool Cues
- ID McDermott Cue with Roses All Around the Butt End
- Anyone Know When This Meucci Was Made?
- How to Identify a Lucasi Cue with UNI-Loc Pin
- Identify Unnamed Sneaky-Pete Cue Stick
- How old is this Meucci Pool Cue?
- Info and ID for a "PALMER" Cue and find Year of Manufacture
- How Can I Identify a Cue with No Name and No Markings?
- Identify Meucci Pool Cue with Metal Butt Cap
- Help Identifying the Model of a Viking Cue
- ID Wood Pool Stick with No Name
- ID 2 Older Cues with Brass Joints
- ID Pool Cue C-57R with Metal Butt Cap
- JCC Pool Cue Identification
- Year, Model, and Price of Falcon Cue
- Unknown Cue Identification
- ID Manufacturer of a Pool Table
- Identify 4-Point Meucci with White Wrap
- Help Identify My No-Name Cue
- ID Cue with "Jim Rempe" on the Forearm
- Identify Viking USA Cue with "Mandy" Inscribed
- Where Were Carved Pool Cues Made, and How Much are they Worth?
- Identify and Value a Carved Handle Cue
- What Type and Brand of Pool Cue do I Have?
- ID Custom Pool Cue with "EW 2006"
- Identify 4-Piece "Lowrider" Pool Cue
- Identify Dufferin Pool Cue Model Number
- Find the Model of a McDermott Cue Stick
- Meucci Pro Billiard Tour Cue Model and Value
- Help Identifying Old Cue with No Markings
- Identify Pool Cue with Letters "EI" on Bumper
- Identity of a Pool Cue with a Japan Sticker?
- Identify Pool Cue With Playing Cards
- Identify "Premier Line" Pool Cue
- Model of a Black and White Meucci Chain-Link Cue
- J&J Pool Cue Model Identification and Value
- Identify Pool Cue with Pin in Shaft?
- What Brand is a Pool Cue with Red Triangle Logo
- Green Mali Logo Pool Stick ID
- Brunswick Challenger Cue
- Ash Dufferin Snooker Cue Identification and Info
- 2006 Custom Cue ID "JW Petree"
- Meucci Pool Cue, Value and Model?
- ID 4-Point Cue with Wrap Down to Butt Cap
- ID and Value of White and Black Meucci Cue
- Pool Cue Stick Brand Identification
- ID Pool Cue with "Wyverex" and a Skull Logo with Letter "A"
- Is this a Brunswick Pool Cue? Help Identify the Model
- Identify Vintage Brunswick 19oz Pool Cue
- Identify Model of Palmer Cue (Newer)
- Identify Brown Adam Cue with Lion Logo
- ID Adam Butterfly Cue with Long Joint Pin
- Meucci M7, 95-12, or HOF-2 Cue - Model, Year, Value?
- ID Pool Cue with a Crown on the Butt
- I'll Try to Describe Two Cues for Identification
- Connelly Billiards Pool Cue
- Value and Model of a Smoke-Colored Meucci Cue
- Identify and Appraise a Huebler Cue
- What Model Meucci Cue is This?
- Find the Model of a Muecci Pool Cue
- Pool Cue With Letter K and Crown Above It
- ID Cue with Letter "H" in a Diamond from 1960s
- Help to Identify Falcon Cue
- Identify an Old Unbranded 21oz Pool Cue
- Model ID and Value of Adam Pool Cue
- Mali Cue Series and Model ID?
- Old Pool Cue ID and Value of the Cue
- Find the Maker and Model of an Older Pool Cue
- Info on Rich Cue
- Identify Model of 2 Dufferin Cues
- Identify Viking Sneaky Pete Cue
- ID Mali Cue #310 on Butt Cap
- Find Meucci Pool Cue Model Info
- Model Name of Cue by Viking USA
- Schmelke Cue Stamped 194
- What Type of Lucasi Cue is This
- Possible Lucasi Cues - ID the Model
- Is this a Dufferin Cue?
- Original by Palmer Cue? Help Identify Model
- ID Limited Edition Meucci Cue 11 of 150
- Identifying a Viking Cue and Value It
- Value and Identify Lucasi Cue with Chrome Butt Cap
- Identify Manufacturer of Pool Cue with Signature on Forearm?
- Stratford Grey Wolf Pool Cue
- Identify Mali Cue Model Name and Year
- Identify Pool Cue with Initials "CP" on Butt
- ID Viking USA Cue Model
- Old Pool Cue with Professional in Window in Butt
- Rich Q Bison
- Original Meucci Cue ID and Value
- What Brand is This Pool Cue?
- Identify a J&J Pool Cue Model
- "White Knights" Cue Made in Manila
- Model Number of Black Mali Cue
- Info on Possibly Vintage Adams Cue
- Identify Huebler Cue Stick
- How do I Identify this Pool Cue?
- Is This a Meucci 97-20 Cue?
- Vintage Brunswick Cue Identification Help
- Identify a Meucci Cue Model
- ID Cue with Numbers "506 806"
- National Pool Cue Model?
- Meucci Cue With Initials "KN"
- Unknown Cue Id, Being Sold as a Palmer, Possible Balabushka
- Identify Model of Purple Meucci Cue and Value It
- Identify Green Meucci Cue and Matching Black-Dot Shaft
- Identify two Cue Sticks and Value Them
- Identify Brown Meucci Cue
- Unidentifiable Cue (Solved - Lishan L-12 Cue)
- I.D. Pool Cue From 1960's
- Cue Identity
- Identifying 1970's 4-Point Cue
- Identify Model of a "Cue by Huebler"
- Identify Brand, Model, and Age of this Pool Cue
- Identify Cue with a "B" Logo and "Willie Hoppe Commemorative"
- Identify Cue with "Harold Worst" Signature Engraved
- Identify Model of a Meucci Sneaky Pete Cue
- Pool Cue with a Wizard Logo
- Identify 1960s Pool Cue with no Markings
- Could Someone Help Identify This Pool Cue?
- Age and Info on Cue with "Brunswick" on Bumper
- Value of a Steve Mizerak Decal Cue
- Identify Meucci with Stainless Steel Joint and Butt Cap
- Identify Unmarked Yard Sale Pool Cue
- Identify Hampton Pool Cue
- Identify a Huebler Pool Cue Stick
- Model and Value "Cue by Huebler Made in USA"
- Huebler Cue ID and Value
- What is This Meucci Cue Model?
- ID the Model of a 1993 Schon LTD Cue
- Cue Id Help Needed
- Identify 2-Piece Cue with Blue Wrap
- ID Cue Maker of an Unmarked Cue
- Carved Handle 8-Point Cue with Inlaid Stars
- ID 3-Piece Cue Stick Brand
- Value and ID of Wizard and Dragon Cues
- Identification and Value of This Meucci
- What is the Brand of this 3-Piece Pool Cue?
- Identifying a RICH Cue and it's Value
- Is this a Custom Meucci 97-21 Cue?
- Identify Pool Cue from Mid-to-Late 1970s
- Identify Joss Pool Cue Model
- Identify Palmer Cue with Triangle Logo and an 8 Ball
- How to ID a 1987 Meucci Originals Cue
- Identifying an Unlabeled Cue
- Model of Cue with Mali Sticker
- Identify an Abe Rich Pool Cue
- ID 4-Piece Carved Handle Cue Stick
- ID and Value of Carbon Fiber Pool Stick
- Info on an Older 2-Piece Cue
- Year and Model Name of Old Meucci Originals Cue
- What Type of Adam Cue is This with a Wooden Joint Pin?
- Identify Year and Model of this Brunswick Billiards Cue
- Is This an Old Brunswick Pool Cue?
- ID a Pool Cue with a Triangle Palmer Logo
- What Meucci Model Do I Have
- Identify Model of a McDermott Cue
- What Model McDermott Cue is This?
- Identify Meucci SE VII Cue
- Help Identifying Older Adam Cue
- "Jimmy Rempe by Meucci" Pool Cue Info and ID
- What Kind of Poolstick Do I Have
- Identify This Meucci Originals Model Pool Cue
- Identify old 3-Piece Pool Cue
- Helmstetter Cue Identification and Value
- Info on 3-Piece Carved Cue Stick
- ID Vintage Mali Cue Stick
- Sneaky Pete 8-Ball Logo Identification
- Cue Stick Maker Named Ed Flig?
- Identify Pool Cue Stamped 76
- Marathon Pool Cue Identify the Model
- 2019 Dennis Glenn Pool Cue Collection Video
- ID Pool Cue with 2 Matching Shafts
- ID Old Pool Cue with Label on Shaft
- Hoppe Cue Identification
- McDermott Pool Cue Model Identification
- Model Number of a Meucci Pool Cue
- ID Two No-Name Pool Cues
- Identify Older Cue with Leather Wrap and Marble Dots
- ID 1950s or 1960s Pool Cue Stick
- How Can I Identify a Mali Pool Cue?
- Identifying Cue with Curvy Inlaid Wood
- Dufferin D-1503 Cue Information?
- ID a Mali Cue with White Mali Logo
- Model and Value of Meucci Cue with Black Dot Shaft
- Old Palmer Cue Identification Help
- Is this a Falcon Cue?
- Identify Viking Made Lou Butera Cue
- Identifying My White Meucci Original
- Old Pool Cue Like Brunswick 26 1/2?
- ID Model of a McDermott Cue
- McDermott Pool Cue Identification
- ID Pool Cue with JW on the Butt
- Identify a Richard Black Pool Cue and it's Value
- Identify This Wynn Pool Cue
- Old Cue Stick Identification
- ID Black Meucci Originals Cue
- BMC Black and Blue Diamond Pool Cue Prototype
- Identify an Older Brunsick Cue
- Help Identify Pool Cue with Letter "K" on Butt Cap?
- Brand or Cue Maker for Pool Cue with 8 Ball
- Meucci Cue Model Identification
- Identify a Jim Rempe Cue
- Who Makes a Pool Cue with Reversed Letter "R"
- Identify Unmarked Unnamed Pool Cue
- Info on a "NV" Pool Cue
- Who Manufactured This Cue?
- Is this a Huebler Sneaky Pete Cue?
- ID Make/Model of Vintage Cue with Pair of Silver Rings
- Identify the Make of a Pool Cue
- Find Model of a Viking USA Pool Cue
- Help Identify Palmer Cue
- How to Find Info on a Pool Cue
- ID My Falcon Cue
- Id and Authenticate an Adam Cue
- ID Cue with Diamond-Shaped Inlays in Butt Sleeve
- Identifying My Pool Cue Made in Japan
- Unmarked Sneaky Pete Identification
- Identify 4-Point Cue with Diamond Inlays, Unmarked
- What Brand is this Un-labelled Pool Cue?
- Id 4-point Pool Cue With Stainless Joint Collar
- ID a Silver Label Mali Cue
- Josswest Pool Cue Upside Down JW Logo
- Help Identify This Cue With Carrier
- Find the Cue Maker for a Cue Stick
- Custom Cuemaker MM?
- Trying to Figure out What Kind of Cues These Are?
- Cue Identification, Ginacue Inspired?
- Identifying a Pre-1970's Mali Cue
- What is This Cue and What is It Worth?
- Id Make/Model of Cue With Pairs of Silver Rings
- ID Palmer Window Cue Model and Age
- Vintage Brand Pool Cue
- Unknown Cue Manufacturer Letters "SP"
- Identify Pool Cue with Word "Vintage" on Butt
- Identify Old Cue With Je Inscribed on the Butt
- Identify 1970s-1980s 4-Point Cue
- Bear Pool Cue Identification
- Pool Cue Maker Logo Identification
- Is This a Bob Harris Custom Cue?
- Identifying This Cue Brand
- ID Custom Cue with Letter "F" on Butt
- Old Cue with Domino-Looking Inlays
- Is this a Brunswick Cue?
- Pr Pool Cue?
- Help Identifying This Pool Cue
- Identify "Northern Cue" Pool Cue
- Identify Mali Cue and it's Value
- Identify Abe Rich Cue Model
- Identify a Palmer Cue
- Viking USA Model Identify
- Identification and Value of Mali Trophy Series Pool Cue
- Need Help Identifying Pool Cue
- Find a McDermott Cue Model Number
- ID Brunswick Two Piece Pool Stick
- Breedlove McDermott Pool Cue
- How to Identify this Pool Cue by McDermott
- McDermott Cue Model Number
- Is This a 1996 Meucci WS7 Cue?
- Info on a Steve Mizerak Cue
- ID Stained Wood Viking Cue with White Butt Cap
- Id an Unmarked 4-Point Cue with MOP Inlays
- ID W.F.S. Pool Cue & Mosconi Cue Case
- Identify Schmelke Sneaky Pete Cue
- Identify Unmarked Cue
- ID Cue Model, Brass Joint, Diminishing Circle Mop Inlays on Shaft
- Pool Cue Maker with Letter "D" on Butt
- Hand Carved Pool Cue Identification?
- Meucci Cue Id Help
- Year and Series of a Meucci Original Cue?
- Finding out Who Made a Pool Cue
- What Model Mali Cue Is This?
- Green Mali Cue Model ID
- ID Custom Cue Maker Signature Starts with Letter "D"
- ID Unknown Pool Cue Brand
- Carved Pool Cue Info and Value
- Viking Cue Info and Value
- Who Made Pool Cue with Letter "M" Logo?
- ID Plain Blue and White Meucci Cue
- What Kind of Cue Stick do I Have?
- Is this a McDermott Cue?
- Pool Cue with Letter "B" Logo
- ID Wood Cue with Stainless Steel Joint Collar, Black Wrap
- Please Help Identify Meucci Originals Pool Cue
- ID a Pool Cue, Possibly a Falcon Cue Stick?
- Identify 1970s Checkered Pool Cue
- Pool Cue Manufacturer/Model?
- Old Brunswick Identification
- Antique Rare Cue by J. Neuhusen Billardfabrik Berlin
- Any Info on This Old Cue?
- Identify Viking Cue
- Anybody Know This Cue?
- Identify Palmer Cue from 1999
- One Piece Pool Cue Identification
- Identify Cue With Ebony Butt With Alternating Mop Inlays?
- ID Cue with Nice Points, Full Blank, and Pointed Joint Pin
- Identify Older Adam Pool Cue
- Looking for an Id for My Meucci Original
- Info on "Rare Ivory Cue Meucci"
- ID Model Number for a Viking Cue with Brass Joint
- Identify a "Viking" Pool Cue Stick
- ID 2 Meucci Cue Model Numbers
- Is this a Joss JN7 Cue?
- Help with Unmarked Cue Id
- ID Viking Cue Model Number
- Identify Old Mali Cue
- Identification and Appraisal of "Vintage" Brand Cue
- Cue with Wizard on the Butt
- What Kind of Meucci Cue is This?
- Meucci Pool Cue Model Number and Value?
- Identify This McDermott Cue
- Identify and Value Pool Cue With "1212" on the Butt
- Identify Cue with "GD" on Butt?
- ID Old Pool Cue that Looks Like Meucci 95-17
- Pool Cue with "FCI"
- Info About an Adam Cue
- Identify Unmarked Hustler Cue
- ID Wood Cue with Zero Markings
- Info on ADAM Cue
- ID Plain Wood Meucci Cue with Black Butt Cap
- Identify and Get Info About Old Engraved Pool Cue
- How to ID a Pool Cue with No Markings
- Custom Made Pool Cue with Initials "JM 47"
- Identify Windowed Pool Cue with no Maker's Mark
- Identifying Players Cue with Rainbow Stain
- What Year is this Brunswick Master Stroke Cue From?
- Model Name of Meucci Originals Cue
- ID Pool Cue with "JBS" Under the Bumper
- Identify 4-Point Cue with Veneer Rings
- Identify Cue Maker on No Name Custom Pool Cue
- Steve Mizerak Pool Cue ID
- Id Viking Cue With Skull Stick Tongue Out
- ID Pool Cue with No Name or Logo
- ID Older Dufferin Cue w/Gold Maple Leaf on Black Background
- Mali Cue Model, Series, and Value
- McDermott Wolf Cue by Doughty
- Continental Fiberglass Cue
- Unbranded Cue, Help Identifying
- Wanston Pool Cue Info
- Identify Old Cue with "M/A-23" Sticker?
- Brand of Pool Cue with No Logo, and Value
- Identify any of These Three Cues?
- Identify Adam Cue Stick with Black Adam Logo
- Model and Value of Old Meucci Originals Cue
- Identify Older Viking Cue Stick
- Meucci Original Model and Value
- ID 4-Point Cue with Brass Joint, No Markings
- Pool Cue Name Brand Identification
- ID Adam Cue with Club, Heart, Spade, and Diamond
- What Kind of Pool cue is This?
- Identify Frank Paradise Cue
- Need Player's 147 Cue Identified
- Info on Old Schaaf Pool Cue
- Meucci Cue Identification
- Info, Model, and Year of Adam Pool Cue
- What is This Pool Cue? Adams? What Year?
- Huebler Made In USA Cue
- Figure Out Make and Model of Pool Cue
- Unknown Cue Maker, not a Rocky Tillis Cue
- ID Viking Cue "MB-11"
- Viking Cue Model Identification
- 1988 Murrey Professional Series Cues Brochure
- Unknown Vintage Pool Cue
- Identify 1997 Meucci Cue Model
- McDermott Cue Identity
- Identify Cue with "SGI" on the Butt
- Identifying Pool Cue with "Professional" on the Butt
- Huebler Pool Cue Identification
- Model and Value a Meucci Pro Billiard Tour Cue
- Brunswick Cue Made in Taiwan
- Adam Carom Cue Catalogs
- Info on a Carved 5-Piece Pool Cue?
- Identify My Great Grandfather's Pool Cue
- Identify Pool Cue with Stainless Steel Butt
- Maker of pool cue with "wizard" mark in Cobra Cae?
- Need Help Identifying Pool Cue with a Wizard Logo
- Wizard Pool Cue Logo Identification
- Pool Cue With Weird Symbol
- Identify Dufferin Butterfly Splice Snooker Cue
- Year and Model of Meucci Cue with Maple Leaf
- Thinking This is a Schmelke but Not Sure
- Eckes Cues
- Identify Green Logo Mali Cue
- Help Identifying a Meucci Original Pool Cue
- Huebler 44 Magnum Pool Cue
- Frederick Willys Pool Cue Brochure From 1966
- Old Champion Pool Cue Brochure (D&R Industries)
- 9-Ball Shark Pool Cue Identification
- Mali Cues 1996 Spectrum Series Cue ID
- Identify Antique 16oz Dufferin Pool Cue Model
- Joss Cue Identification
- Identify Cue with Wood Butt Cap and No Logo
- ID Schmelke Pool Cue Model
- Identify Unknown Carved Pool Cue
- Identify Pool Cue with MC / M Logo
- Help Id a Meucci Cue
- 1979 Rich-q Series Brochure
- ID a Green Label Mali Sneaky Pete
- Original Meucci Cue ID
- 3-Piece Mali Cue with Adjustable Weight Washers
- Viking Cue with Roman Numeral "X"
- Info on Cortez Pool Cues
- Identify My Meucci Original - 84-4, LH-2, or MO 4.5?
- ID Pool Cue With Brass Joint
- Falcon Pool Cue Model Number Identification
- Help Identifying Two Cues
- Is this a Viking Stage 2 Pool Cue?
- Year and Model ID Meucci Originals Pool Cue
- Identify this Pool Cue with Stainless Steel Joint Collar
- Identify Unknown Meucci Cue Stick
- Pool Cue with Initials "WM", Serial, and Picture on Butt
- Maker of Vintage Sneaky Pete Short Spiral Cork Wrap
- Know What Brand This Cue Stick Is?
- Help Identifying an Unknown Meucci Original
- Is this a Meucci MO-7 Cue?
- Identify and Value a Meucci Originals Cue
- How Old is My Willie Mosconi Cue?
- ID Old 1-piece Brunswick Cue?
- Identify Old Viking Pool Cue
- ID Willie Mosconi Pool Cues
- Identify a Custom Cue and Value It
- Paper Stamps on Cue
- Identify a 4-Piece Pool Cue?
- ID this Adam Pool Cue
- Id Old Adam Cue with Carved Handle
- Older Crystal or Joss Pool Cue ID
- ID Pool Cue with "Doughty" Signature
- Identifying Cue Signed "Paul Hires 2011"
- Identify RCH VIP Helmstetter Cue and Value
- Identify Older Pool Cue with Brass Joint
- Identify a Carved Pool Cue
- Identify McDermott Sneaky Pete Cue
- Id Possible Old Brunswick Butterfly Cue
- ID a Herman Rambow Cue and Two Others
- Id Older Cue with Cards in the Butt Sleeve
- Help Identifying a Meucci with a Red Butt
- Info on Pool Cue with Letter H Logo on Butt
- Identify Old Jim Rempe Cue
- Identify Adam Cue with 9-Ball Rack
- Id and Value of Meucci Originals Pool Stick Circa 1986
- Can't ID 2 Vintage Cues
- Identify Predator Pool Cue
- Identify Old Cue, Probably an Old Meucci?
- Meucci EC Series Cue Identification
- Cue Ball Kelly Signed (Stamped) Cue Value
- ID a Meucci Cue with Purple Wrap
- Identify Old Cue with Number 452 on the Joint
- Signed Jump Break Cue Identification
- ID McDermott Cue with Green Shamrock Logo
- Identify Plain Meucci Cue
- Identify McDermott Cue with Logo by Joint
- Identify McDermott Smith & Wesson Cue
- What J&J Pool Cue Model?
- Identify Brown Meucci Pool Cue
- 1990s Brunswick Pool Cue ID and Value
- Identify 1970s Double Break Pool Cue
- Meucci Pool Cue With Quotation Marks on Butt
- Pool Cue with Small Black Cat Logo
- Identify Pool Cue in a Willie Mosconi Pool Cue Case
- Identify Old Mitt Pool Cue
- Identify Un-Marked Sneaky Pete Cue
- Identify 1-Piece Joss Sneaky Pete Pool Cue
- What is this Black and Yellow Meucci Pool Cue?
- Identify Brunswick Willie Hoppe Commemorative Pool Cue
- Viking USA Pool Cue
- Help Identify Pool Cue with Letter "K Tm" on Rubber Bumper
- Meucci David Howard Blue Star Of David Cue
- Black and Yellow Meucci Originals Pool Cue Stick Identification
- Pool Cue with Dove Logo
- Is This an Abe Rich Custom Cue?
- Players 153 Pool Cue Identification
- Identify Helmstetter RCH VIP Pool Cue
- Is this a Schmelke Pool Cue?
- Bludworth Sneaky Pete Pool Cue Info
- Help Identifying A 1970s Schmelke Pool Cue
- How to ID the Maker of this Cue
- What Series is My Meucci Cue
- Identify Pool Cue P.P. 43-5484
- Viking VX-2 Cue Info
- Wood Cue with Leather Wrap and Brass Joint
- Model of Meucci Cue
- ID Old 2-Piece Cue with Brass Joint
- How to Date a Meucci Original MO-7?
- ID These Two Pool Cues
- Model and Age of a Meucci Originals Cue
- ID Pool Cue With Card Suits
- Identify 3-Piece Carved Cue Stick
- Mali/Palmer Cue
- Help Identify 2-Piece Cue Stick
- Silk-Wrapped Engraved Brunswick Cue
- Please Help Id This Cue. Thank You
- Who Made This 1980s Pool Cue? Value?
- Trying to Identify This Cue
- Info and Model of this Miller Genuine Draft Huebler Cue
- What Kind of Cue Do I Have?
- Identify Original by Frank Paradise Pool Cue
- Finding Out Who Made this Pool Cue
- Identify and Value a Meucci Original Pool Cue
- Identifying Black and Red Adams Pool Cue
- Identify Pool Cue With Letter "-R-" on Butt Cap
- Players 609 Pool cue ID and Value
- Identify Sneaky Pete Cue with 9-Ball Logo
- Old Adams Cue Identification
- Wondering What Brand of Cue This Is
- Late 80s or Early 90s Pool Cue Identification
- Un-Named Pool Cue with No Logos or Markings
- Orchid Pool Cue Identification?
- Identify Pink Meucci Pool Cue
- Old Unknown Cue with Stainless Steel Joint
- Identify Cue with "19oz" Sticker and Brass Joint
- Identify Two Meucci Originals Cue Sticks
- Black and Green Meucci Pool Cue Identification
- Identify Unmarked Cue with "Take Apart Construction"
- J&J Pool Cue Model Number, Year, Value
- Snooker Cue Logo "AA Snooker" or "HH Snooker"
- ID Black Meucci Cue with Mother of Pearl Inlays
- AJAY Pool Cue Identification
- Identify Old Cue with Carved Design?
- Help Identify a Pool Cue
- Lucasi Flame Cue Model Number
- McDermott Shark Pool Cue Identification
- Help Id Players Cue
- Mosconi 526 Pool Cue
- Mosconi Pool Cue Identification
- Identify a Mali Pool Cue
- Id Cue with White Dragon Logo
- Possible Old Antique Brunswick Cue?
- Identify Carved 3-Piece Pool Cue
- Identify Nameless Cue with Striped Wrap and 2 Shafts
- What Model is This Players Cue?
- Help Identifying Nameless Pool Cue
- Info on Plain McDermott Pool Cue
- JBS Pool Cue with Letters "JBS" Under Butt Cap
- Cue With a Letter T Inside a Letter D
- Viking USA Pool Cue Identification
- Would You Know the Maker of This Pool Stick?
- McDermott Gambler MC-13 from Muellers
- Meucci Gambler Cue with All Jokers
- ID Older McDermott Cue Stick
- Carved Pool Cue Brand ID
- Cobra Pool Cue Model Number
- Hand-Carved Pool Cue with Brass Fittings
- What Model is this Old Brunswick Medalist Cue?
- Identification of Unknown Pool Cue in McDermott Bag
- Who Made This Old Cue with Ivory Inlays?
- Older Cue with Brass Joint. What Kind is It?
- Pool Cue with "F" Inside of a Diamond on the Butt
- Model Number of this Heubler Pool Cue
- Palmer Pool Cue with Triangle Palmer Billiards Logo
- Pool Cue with a Mountain Logo
- Adam Pool Stick Identification
- Identify Purple and White Meucci Cue
- Identify My Palmer Cue
- ID McDermott Wolf Cue by Daughty
- Model Number of this McDermott Cue
- Identify Katana Pool Cue with Pi Symbol
- Who Made this Red and Black Checkered Pool Cue?
- Elvis McDermott Cue ID and Info
- Identify Meucci Cue and Value?
- ID a Meucci Cue with Extra Jump Cue Butt
- Model Number of this Viking Pool Cue
- Pool Cue with Letters "C" and "D"
- Custom Pool Cue with Ke on the Butt
- Mali Cue Model Number and Value
- Plain Meucci Original Pool Cue Model Number
- Identify 4-point Pool Cue with No Markings
- Identifying Viking Cue & Value
- Identify "Flash Break" Pool Cue
- Is this a 1993 Falcon F-18 Cue?
- Need Help Identifying This Cue?
- Identify Pool cue with Male Joint on the Shaft
- Identify Sakkas Carom Cue
- Palmer Pool Cue from Kao Kao? Year, Model, Value?
- ID Plain Black Meucci Cue with White Chain Link
- Crusader Pool Cue Identification
- Identify Black Pool Cue with Purple Points
- Pool Cue with Letters "J" and "A" Crossed "JA" Cue
- Muecci Pool Cue
- Need Help With Unknown Pool Cue
- Is this a Willie Mosconi Cue?
- Pool Cue with Logo of a Bird with Letter "C"
- What Type of Pool Cue is This with 2 Lines?
- Help Identifying Old Plain Pool Cue
- Identify this Scorpion Pool Cue
- ID Palmer Cue with Flowers and Gold Palmer Logo
- Meucci Larry Hubbart Model Number
- ID Pool Cue with No Logo and Letters "MRS"
- ID Cue with No Logo and Two Shafts
- Pool Cues With Checker Board Patterns Like Huebler?
- Identify Brunswick Master Stroke Pool Cue Model
- Is this a Balabushka Cue?
- Identify 2 Meucci Cue Models
- Identify Old Pool Cue Stamped 194
- Could Someone Help Me Identify This Cue?
- Anyone Identify This Cue Stick?
- What Brand and Model Number is this Old Pool Cue?
- Unmarked Pool Cue Identification
- Help Identifying Make and Value of Old Pool Cue
- Help! What kind of cue is this?
- Need Help Identifying an Old Pool Cue
- Brand identification
- I Have a Cue With No Brand
- Help with Palmer Cue ID
- Help With Meucci Id
- Identify This Old Plain Cue?
- 1990s Helmstetter RCH VIP Model Name
- Identify Cue with JCC Logo?
- Model of this Danny Stout Pool Cue
- Find the Model of This Viking Cue?
- Help Identify My Grandfather’s Cue
- Lucasi with IV on the Butt
- Identify My Cue Stick
- Identify this Maple and White Meucci Cue Stick
- Identify This Older Falcon Cue
- How Old is This Meucci Originals Pool Cue?
- ID Older Pool Cue with No-Name
- Palmer Cue Identificaion Round Palmer Logo
- McDermott Logo Stamped in Wood at Joint Collar
- Maker of Pool Cue with Red Checker Pattern
- What Brand of Cue Stick is This?
- ID Pool Cue with APA Logo on Butt
- Help Identifying My Pool Cue
- Laniel Automatic Dufferin Pool Cue?
- Can You ID the Maker of this Pool Cue Stick?
- Cue Maker or Brand of Old Pool Cue with No Markings
- Black Meucci Model Number and Value
- ID and Value of Plain Meucci Original
- Pool Cue with a Small Letter J inside a Letter S
- ID Pool Cue with Worn-Off Stickers
- Trying to Identify Maker of Vintage Custom Cue
- Old A. E. Schmidt Pool Cue with Ivory Joint
- Identify Palmer Cue from 1st Palmer Line 1965
- Letter "P" on Butt, Who is the Cue Maker?
- Help Identify Pool Cue With No Markings?
- ID and Value of Black and White Meucci Pool Cue
- Id Pool Cue with No Marking What So Ever!
- Identify Silver Pool Cue with Uni-Loc Joint Pin
- Information About a Players Pool Cue
- No Name Pool Cue with Ivory Inlays
- Ebony and Ivory Inlaid 4-Piece Pool Cue?
- Pool Cue Believed to Be Over 60 Years Old
- Identification of Meucci Cue with Black Dot Shaft
- Steve Mizerak "The Miz Collection" Pool Cue
- Is this a Bludworth Cue?
- ID a Royal Flush Gambler Pool Cue
- Can Somebody Identify This Cue?
- Pool Cue Symbol with 2 Lines Bent Outward at Bottom
- History of this Ray Reardon Master Snooker Cue
- Nick Varner Falcon Cue Identification
- Pool Cue with Number 8 in a Star and American Flag Graphic
- Pool Cue with Name Willie Mosconi
- Type and Value of Carved Pool Cue
- Can You Help Me in Identfying This Cue Stick
- Brunswick Cue - Trying to Locate This One - Any Info Would Be Helpful
- Identify a Falcon Pool Cue
- Help Identifying Old Pool Cue Adam Helmstetter?
- Balabushka, Burton Spain, or Helmstetter Pool Cue?
- Pool Cue with Brass Ferrule and Brass Joint Collars
- Please Help Identify This McDermott Pool Cue
- 4-Piece Pool Cue with Carved Handle
- Pool Cue with Crest and Carving
- Any Help Identifying This Cue?
- British Symbol Pool Cue Who Made It What Year
- Information on Meucci Original Pool Cue?
- Model Number of a Meucci 2-Point Cue
- Ozark Pool Cue?
- What Brand is this Que? No Markings
- Identify Meucci Originals Rose Cue
- Does anyone know the builder of this cue is?
- Identify Pool Cue with AJAY Sticker
- Pool Cue with Word "Gangster"
- 1970s Josswest Cue Identity
- Meucci Model and Value
- Identify Viking Pool Cue
- Looking to Identify Pool Cue From Storage Locker
- Old Cue Identification
- Cues by an Unknown Cue Maker
- Is this a Lucasi Pool Cue?
- Help Identifying This Un-Marked Pool Cue
- Can anyone identify this cue? How much is it worth
- Help IDing a cue
- Please Help Identify Plain Pool Cue with No Markings
- Help Identifying a Vintage Cue With Missing Butt
- Pool Cue Shafts Identification & Valuation
- Idenfity Orchid Pool Cue Model
- Identify Pool Cue with Letter J Logo
- Identify Mali Green Logo Pool Cue
- Requesting Identification of Mali Cue by Cuesport
- Identify Pool Cue Brand?
- Pool Cue Stick Identification and Info
- Who Made this Pool Cue and What Model Number Is It?
- Need to ID This Pool Cue Stick
- Need to Identify a Mali Pool Cue
- Identify Old Lucasi Pool Cue
- Identify this Basic Mali Cue Stick
- Identify 1980s Pool Cue
- Trying to Find Out What is the Make and Worth?
- Identify 2 Mali Pool Cues
- Is this a Helmstetter Cue? Mali? Adam Cue?
- Predator SP Pool Cue Model Identification
- ID Black Pool Cue With Steel Joint and Blue Inlays
- Identify This Old Cue with Brass Joint and Leather Wrap
- Meucci Model Number Identification
- ID and Value of this Pool Cue
- Identify the Joss Cue Model Number for this Cue Stick
- Pool Cue with Logo of MJC and Crossed Pool Cues
- Identify this Outlaw Pool Cue Model Number
- Identify a Black, Red, and Silver Meucci
- Identify Green and Black Cue Stick
- Pool Cue Id Needed for Meucci
- Identify This Quantum Pool Cue
- Help Identify This Quantum Meucci Cue
- Id the Cue Maker and Model of this Unknown Pool Cue
- Identify newer Meucci Cue Stick
- Identify Meucci wtih Black Dot Shaft
- Please Identify Old Pool Cue Stick
- Help Id This Excalibur Pool Cue
- Identify a Spaulding Pool Cue
- Meucci Pool Cue Model ID
- Help identifying a pool cue
- Any Info on this Meucci Cue?
- Is This a Pechauer Pool Cue?
- Lucasi Pool Cue XVII Model Number
- Identify Old Brunswick Cue from 1950s-60s
- Vintage Cue Stick Identification
- Info on a Rich Q Pool Cue
- Identification of a Blue Meucci Cue?
- Eagle Eye Pool Cue with Skull and Crossbones
- Info on These Old Pool Cues
- Mid-Century Pool Cue or Earlier, Red Linen Wrap, Dot Inlaid Cue
- Can Anyone Tell Me the Make of This Cue?
- Meucci David Howard Edition Model Number
- Identification of a Few Meucci Cue Sticks
- Identify Pool Cue with Bird Logo
- Pool Cue with PRO AM
- pool cue Pr
- ID This Meucci Originals Pool Cue?
- Pool Cue with Diamond Symbol and Pin Hole on Butt
- Custom Cue with Black Rose and Carved Grip. No Logo or Signature
- Is this a Meucci 1997 First Edition 97-4?
- Help Me Identify This Cue? No Identifying Symbols
- Identify Pool Cue with Cork Wrap SR118R OR BR
- What Helmstetter Do I Have I Can't Find It Anywhere
- Identify the Maker of Pool Cue with a Crown and a Gold and Blue Label
- Can Anyone Help Identify This Mcdermott?
- Cue Identification
- Age of Dufferin Pool Cue with Green Maple Leaf?
- Identify Pool Cue with Fancy Letter S
- Can Anyone Identify This Meucci Cue?
- Identify my Meucci Pool Cue Stick
- Shark Pool Cue with Pic of 9 Ball
- Pool Cue with Checker Pattern
- How to Identify Old Pool Cue with Letter "R" Engraved
- Meucci Pool Cue Model Number Identification
- How to Authenticate a McDermott Pool Cue?
- Identify My Stealth Cue Stick Please
- What Model McDermott is This Pool Cue?
- Meucci Originals David Howard Value and Info
- Old Pool Cue Identification
- Identify Unknown Pool Cue
- Looking for Info on a Black Diamond Pool Cue
- Help ID an Older Meucci Originals Pool Cue
- Red Aluminum Pool Cue With Willie Mosconi Label
- Identify my Meucci Pool Cue
- Help Identify Model of McDermott Cue
- Anyone know what this cue is?
- Can anyone identify this cue?
- Pool Cue and Cue Case Identification
- Identify This Pool Cue?
- Help Identifying Logo on a Pool Cue
- anyone know this logo?
- Please help identify this cue and logo?
- Please help identify pool cue
- I need help to find out more info about this cue
- helmstetter model help?
- ID and Value of a Meucci Cue
- Can you ID an Old Pool Cue I Found?
- Meucci Original "Swisher Sweet" Custom Cue?
- Mali Cue with Sideways Mali Logo
- Mcdermott Identification
- pool cue ID?
- Cue ID help
- Help Identifying This Pool Cue I Found
- Help me identify this cue?
- Identifying a cue
- Someone knows this cue?
- Is This An Old Rare Mali Pool Cue?
- Anyone Recognize This Pool Cue Marking?
- What Model is this Pool Cue and What is it Worth?
- Is this a Brunswick Pool Cue?
- Continental CUE
- What is the Brand Name and Value of this Pool Cue?
- Identify Balabushka Cue
- Identifying Vintage Cue
- What is the Model and Value of This Meucci Cue?
- Cue help
- Anyone know model of this cue?
- Jimmy Rempe by Meucci
- Need help identifying this cue stick, thanks
- Identify Cue With Initials CS or SC
- Help ID a Joss Pool Cue
- can anyone identify these two cues? replace shaft
- Help identify this cue
- pool cue logos
- cue logo
- Vintage cue or junk?
- TGL Inlaid Cue? Philippine Cue Quality and Concern
- Help ID My McDermott Cue
- How to find out who made my cue
- Falcon Cue Identification
- Can someone identify this cue stick?
- Help identifying
- No-Name 6-Piece Cues
- what brand is my cue?
- Mcdermott cue Identification
- Identify This Viking Cue?
- Need Help Identifying Two Pool Cues
- Wanting to identify my new Palmer cue
- Unknown Model Of Mali Pool Cue. Please Help
- D'Python Pool Cue Identification
- Unknown Cue Please Help Identify
- unknown brand !
- Unknow Brand
- Need help to identify this Rempe Cue
- McDermott-Help me identify please
- Trying to Identify My Dad's Old Pool Cue
- Help Identifying Players Cue, and Joint Models
- Roman Numberal on butt
- Identify My Dad's Pool Cue
- My stick named Wrath
- Christmas-present: Jump Cue?
- Help Finding Custom Lucasi Model Number
- Help Identifying Pool Cue With No Markings
- Help Identify my Pool Cue!
- Please Assist Me in Identifying this Pool Cue
- HELP! Need a Cue Identified!
- Pool Cue With a Bell Shaped Tip
- Mystery Meucci Cue Identification
- cue help please
- Pool Cue with a "Harold Worst" Signature
- Help Id cue
- Identity of Cue
- More help with ID please!
- Needs help identifying
- Help To Identify Pool Cue Maker Named SIRIUS?
- Kaiser Cue Model Number
- id help with a cue
- What is this pool stick for?
- Help Identifying Brand of Pool Cue Shaft
- What cue is this?
- Info on Meucci M-1 Sneaky Pete Cue
- Can you help me identify this Viking cue?
- Joss cue info
- What Kind Of Cue Stick Is This?
- Identify this Ivory Mali Pool Cue?
- Unknown Mali model
- McDermott Cue
- Could someone identify this cue for me please?
- Unknown cue stick
- Unknown Cue Maker
- Who Made This Cue?
- Identify this Players Cue Stick
- Identification: 90's Schon Pool Cue
- can any one tell me anything about this cue stick?
- Richard Black Cue Identification
- ID Cue Maker
- identifying an old cue
- Help! me identify this cue please
- Can anyone help identify this Mali?
- Looking for Info on my Brunswick cue
- Help Identifying a Cue, I Want to Get Another
- Is This Meucci Cue a Collectible and What Model Is It?
- Identify my Falcon Cue
- Anyone know the model of this Joss Cue
- Identify 5 piece stick with an inlaid blue dot ?
- Please HELP I need help Identifying a pool cue
- Help Request: Identifying Pool Cue
- 1950s Pool Cue - Help please!
- Pool Cue With a Letter "Q" With a Crown on Top
- Can someone please help us identify this cue?
- Value of a Spalding Pool Cue and Identify a Generic Cue
- Help Identify This Custom Pool Cue
- Could Use Some Help to identify 2 Cues
- Help Identify This Pool Cue
- Meucci Originals Cue Information
- I inherited a cue but don't know the maker help pl
- Please Help Need to Identify Pool Cue
- Cobra Pool Cue
- Wynn Cues Reviews or Information
- Can anyone help me ID this cue?
- Identify 1977 Pool Cue RH8
- Help Me To Identify My Cue?
- Is My PFD 4 Point Titleist Style Cue A Spain Blank?
- eSBee Pool Cues by Stanley Buyle
- Can Anyone ID this Schon Cue
- Trying to get model for JOSS cue
- McDermott Masterpiece?
- Help Identify an Old Brunswick Cue for Conversion
- Manilla Cues - Pool Cue
- Help! Trying to Identify a Pool Cue
- Sneaky pete
- Shark Pool Cue with an 8 Ball Logo
Choosing a Pool Cue
- Fury NR Series Discussion
- Recommend a New Pool Cue in the $150 Range
- I Bought a Cue Tec Cue
- Suggestions for an Equally Weighted or Forward Weighted Pool Cue
- DP Cues aka Dale Perry Custom Cues Reviews
- Predator vs. Mezz Shafts
- Jeffrey Tucker Custom Cue Reviews
- Identifying Values in Pool Cues and Choosing a Custom Cue Maker
- Info About Vogel Titanium Cues
- Opinions and Reviews of a Viking B2001 Cue
- Meucci "The PRO" vs. OB "Phoenix" Pool Cue Shafts
- Pechauer or McDermott?
- Best Way to Extend a 58" Pool Cue (or should I Just Buy a Longer One)?
- Advice on Choosing a Carbon Shaft and New Cue
- Helmstetter XVI Cue Info Needed
- Recommend a Non Low Deflection Pool Cue?
- Shaft for Low Deflection
- Ordering a Pool Cue Internationally
- Pechauer vs. McDermott vs. Jacoby Cues
- Buyer Beware - Jim Sforza Castle Cues on eBay
- Choosing a Low Deflection Shaft
- What is the Best Cue in the World?
- Predator BK3 Break Cue
- Balabushka GB24 Cue Reviews
- What Cue to Buy Next?
- Choosing a New Cue After 20 Years
- Where to Try a Cue Before Buying in New England
- Choosing a Break Cue in the $200-$300 Range
- Cue Extension for Bear BP-2 Cue
- Recommend a New Cue in the $400 Range
- Cutec Graphite Cue 13-99280 Reviews
- Help Picking a Pool Cue
- Stainless Steel Joint vs. Wood Joint
- New Shaft or New Pool Cue?
- Should I Buy Another Playing Cue or a Jump-Break Cue?
- Does Anyone Know About Griffin Cues?
- Age of Mali Cue with Gold Logo?
- Advice on a Pool Cue for Around £50
- Maple vs. Ash Billiards Cue
- Reviews on Fury Pool Cues
- Advice for Buying Pool Cues, $60 or $450?
- 5280 cues review
- Question About Cuetec Chinook Pool Cue with SST Shaft
- What is the Best Pool Cue Under $200?
- Choosing a pool cue for experienced beginner
- Need Help Choosing a Pool Cue Under $200
- Pechauer P17 Pool Cue Reviews?
- Help Choosing a Pool Cue or Shaft
- Intermediate cue stick
- First Cue Brunswick 521 With Linen Wrap
- Poison Bolt vs Players HXT
- Doubt - Predator P3 or Balabushka GB 7
- Shaft for a Meucci HP1 Pool Cue
- Choosing Between Lucasi Pool Cue LZD2 AND LZCB7
- BCE Pool Cue
- Champion Cues
- Recommend a Sneaky Pete Cue or a Good Alternative
- McDermott G-Core
- Huebler 5280 Players and Stealth Cues
- macmorran liberty cue
- Choosing a Pool Cue in Romania
- Help Choosing a $350 Pool Cue
- Looking for Solid Color Pool Cue
- Help buying a pool cue
- Advice on a cue
- McDermott Graphite GR21 vs newer Element cues
- I want to buy a cue in 100$ range
- Viking Cues
- Any Cues Like the Lucasi LD8 But Made in USA?
- Best Snooker Cue?
- Need A Pool Cue, Help Me Decide
- Will a Meucci HOF 2 Custom Cue Help My Game?
- Girl trying to help Pool HallJunkie BF!
- little advice on cue choice
- Used cue, which brand and quality?
- Valhalla cues
- Blaze Cues?
- Which Pool Cue?
- Viking V101 Cue vs. McDermott G201 Cue?
- Recommend a Good Beginner's Pool Cue
- Wrapped vs Unwrapped Pool Cue?
- Which Pool Cue to Choose?
- Mcdermott Cues
- Meucci M4 Series Cue
- Choosing a Pool Cue for an Intermediate Player
- Getting a new cue
- Durability and Choosing The Right Pool Cue
- Predator shaft difference
- Need a Pool Cue With a Solid Hit
- Help with cue selection
- Coker Cue
- Looking for an Entry Level Pool Cue
- New cue for newbie
- Questions about Meucci Pool Cues
- New Predator Cue IKON7 Vs. Blak2-2
- Southwest and Cognoscenti cues
- Should I Get A Poison or McDermott Cue?
- Recommend a new Cue Stick
- which cue to buy if
- What stick should i buy? limit $150
- Question on cue stick, please help
- Are Dale Perry Cues (DP Cues) Any Good?
- Recommend a Pool Cue for Under $140
- Need a new cue hoping for some help
- Light weight break/jump cue?
- Recommend a First Pool Cue for Under $400
- Deciding To Buy A Falcon Cue But There's A Problem
- Lucasi L-EWR or LHE30
- Best Cue for Break Shots
- Predator shaft help
- Outlaw pool cue or ?
- Pool Cue Recommendations
- Pool Cue Brands and Prices
- Opinions please. Is this a good deal?
- Need help buying 2nd cue
- Lucasi cues
- Which cue to buy ?
- Improvised Break Cue?
- McDermott Genesis Cue Reviews
- OB-1 Shaft Reviews
- pool cue recommendation
- Poison Pool Cue Reviews?
- McDermott or Lucasi Hybrid Cue?
- beginner cue but i plan to keep it awhile
- Cutec or Scorpion Pool Cue
- Opinions on Custom cue from Jerry Olivier
- McDermott Star Cues
- Help Choosing My First Pool Cue
- What is the Best Break Cue?
- need help cue shopping
- Joss vs. Viking
- Players Cues
- Cuetec Pool Cues
- Best Cue for a New Pool Player
- Current Cue problems and looking for a new cue
- Help Me Choose A $100 Pool Cue
- Poison VX2.9 Cue - Thoughts Anyone?
- Which Pool Cue Should I Buy?
- Poison pool cues?
- Worth Getting a New Predator Shaft for a Players Cue?
- Predator 5K1 cue
- Recommendations for house cues
- Outlaw Cue Stick?
- Meucci Cue Review
- Players Professional Series Cue
- Cuetec Cues
- New Shaft
- Lucasi LD series
- Lucasi Cue?
- Pool Cue Purchase
- True Sneaky Pete Cue Under $150
- Are DZ Cues Any Good?
- Sneaky Pete Cue Recommendations?
- Anyone Use A Lightning Bolt Jump Break Cue?
- Wood to Wood Pool Cue Joints vs Piloted Joints
- Predator 5k versus Schon STL
- What to Ask For in a New Custom Pool Cue?
- Anyone Recommend the Predator 314-2 Shafts?
Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Meucci M-13 Pool Cue
- Find the Value of a Schon Pool Cue
- Lucasi L-13U Pool Cue Value
- BC-12 Brunswick Pool Cue Value?
- Value of a Meucci David Howard DH-1 Pool Cue
- Palmer First Catalog Model #9 Pool Cue Value
- Value of a McDermott C11 Cue
- 5 Piece Cane, Concealed Pool Cue, Carved Dragon
- Value of a Brunswick BC-16 Pool Cue
- Value of an Adam CB-3 Pool Cue from the Chorus Line Series
- Value of New Old Stock Mali Pool Cues from Mill River Factory
- Value of a Meucci Originals HI-RUN Pool Cue
- Value of a Helmstetter 86-13 Pool Cue
- Value of a 1998 Pechauer PR19 Cue from the Professional Series A
- Value of Miz Collection Steve Mizerak Cue with Signature and Photo
- Value of a 3rd Catalog Palmer Model 16 Cue
- Trophy by Brunswick Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Viking Millennial VM-28 Cue
- Value of a Vintage Helmstetter Cue
- How Much is a Green Label Mali Cue Worth?
- Value of a Jackson Pool Cue
- Value of a 1998 Sceptre Pool Cue
- Meucci Jim Rempe JR-7 Cue Value
- Value of a 2004 Mueller's Meucci Originals MO-10 Remake
- Value of a Meucci 97-15 Pool Cue with Red-Dot Shaft
- How Much is a Meucci M5 Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of a 1970s National Pool Cue
- Value of Palmer Cue with Circle Logo
- Value of a Meucci M3 Cue with Two Shafts
- Value of a Meucci E-3 Cue from the Meucci European Series
- Value of a Meucci 97-9 Pool Cue with Red-Dot Shaft
- How Much is a McDermott E-F6 Cue Worth?
- Vintage Pool Cue Walking Stick Value
- Helmstetter 86-14 Cue Value
- Value of "David Howard by Meucci" Cue, aka "Giant Killer"
- Value of an Adam STR7 Cue
- Value of a Cuetec Fiberglass Earl Strickland Cue
- Cuetec Earl Strickland Cue Value
- Value of an Orchid Pool Cue
- Value of a Schon LTD 734 Pool Cue?
- Value of Old Helmstetter Billiard Cue
- Value of a Huebler Cue Stick
- Meucci Oldies MO-4 Value
- Value of a McDermott "Ace of Death" Pool Cue
- Meucci 97-7 Limited Edition Pool Cue Info and Value
- Meucci SE7 Cue Value
- Value of a Used Meucci SE-VII Cue? (Meucci SE-7)
- Value of Brunswick Devonshire Snooker Cues
- How Much is a Meucci David Howard DH-1 Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of Heubler AS-4 Cue w/Ebony Joint Protectors
- Adams Cue with Wood Joint - Value and ID
- Brunswick Willie Hoppe Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Brunswick Willie Hoppe Professional Cue (Blue Label)
- Value of a Huebler Silver Jubilee Pool Cue
- Meucci Originals MO-10 Cue Value
- Value of My Joss Cue Stick?
- Value of a Mueller's McDermott MC-13 Gambler Cue
- Sticker says Willie Mosconi, Need Year And Value
- Value of a Falcon Pool Cue Signed by Nick Varner
- Value of an Arrow Master Snooker Cue
- 1993 Price of a Meucci HOF-1 Cue
- Adam "309" Pool Cue Valuation
- Value of a 1960s Balabushka Pool Cue
- How Much is a Helmstetter 98-4 Cue Worth?
- How Much is a "Harvard" Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of a Bludworth Original Pool Cue
- How Much is a Meucci Originals 88-1 Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of Ray Reardon BCE Snooker Cue Made in England
- How Much is a Meucci M-9 Hook Cue Worth?
- Price for Lucasi Pool Cue used by Buddy Hall
- Value of 20 Dale Perry Cues (DP Cues)
- Value of a Frank Ball Pool Cue
- 4-Prong Dufferin Pool Cue Value
- Duffrin Pool Cue with Silver Leaf
- Lucasi Sneaky Pete Cue Value
- Value of a Lishan Pool Cue
- Value of an Aluminum Cue Int. Pool Cue
- Value of Meucci M-16 Cue
- How Much is a Meucci 84-4 Cue Worth?
- Value of a Schon LTD 214 Cue
- How Much is a Dufferin Zodiac Cue Worth?
- Value of a Clint Putman Custom Cue #011119
- Value of a Palmer PM10 Cue
- 1994 Summer Series Meucci SS-2 Cue Value
- Value of a Meucci Originals 84-2 Cue with Pill Bumper
- Value of an Adam M/A-1 Cue
- Value of a 2003 Viper Designer "Deer" Cue
- Is this a JR5 Meucci Cue Model?
- New-Old-Stock Meucci Originals OL2, LJ2B, and LJ3 Value
- Value of a Harry Richards Sneaky Pete Cue
- Value of a Meucci Originals 84-3 Cue
- Value of a Joss JOS02 Pool Cue?
- Value of a Joss C17 Cue
- Value of a Huebler H7 Cue from the Mid-1980s
- Value of a Meucci Originals Larry Hubbart LH-2 Cue
- Value of a Joss JS-05 Pool Cue
- Value of This Dufferin Banner 20 oz Cue
- ID Model of Cobra Pool Cue
- Value of a 3rd Catalog Palmer Model #19 Cue
- Meucci Originals 84-6 Cue Value
- Value of this 1971-1972 Joss Pool Cue
- Value of a Schon LTD Cue
- J&S Sales Joss JS-07 Cue
- How Much is my Joss Cue Worth?
- Joss Custom Series N6 Cue Value
- Dufferin Zodiac Pool Cue Value
- Dufferin Pool Cue Stick Values?
- Value a 1970 Brunswick Willie Hoppe Cue Made by Adam?
- Value of a 1967 Palmer Cue from Elizabeth, NJ
- Value of a Dufferin Zodiac Pool Cue
- Value of a Scepter Pool Cue
- Find the Value of a Mali Pool Cue
- Value of a Joss 110199 Pool Cue
- Value of a McDermott Camel Joe Pool Cue
- Meucci Originals 84-4 Cue Value
- Value of a Meucci HP3 Cue Numbered #27 and Signed by Bob Meucci
- Value of a Mali M-1 Cue
- Value This Huebler HR Series Cue?
- Info and Value of a Meucci Originals MO-11 Cue
- How Much is a Riley "Ambassador" Snooker Cue Worth?
- Value of a Huebler 8-Ball Cue
- Value a Custom Palmer Cue
- Value of a 1960s Gordon Hart Viking Cue and Case
- Value of a Brunswick Trophy Snooker Cue
- Value of the Viking A250 Cue?
- How Much is my Viking Cue Worth
- Meucci Limited White Rose Cue Model WR-1 Value and Year of Manufacture
- Value of a BMC Hickory 1 Custom Cue
- Value of a Joss N-7 Pool Cue
- Value of Adam Pool Cue with Embedded Metal "Adam Custom Cues" Logo
- Value of a Meucci 95-14 Cue
- How much is a Meucci Originals 80-5 Cue Worth?
- Value of an Adam AH-7 Cue from 1971
- How Much is This Muecci 95-3 Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of a 1990s Dufferin Gold Leaf Butterfly Cue with 4 Points
- Value of a 17oz Butterfly Splice Dufferin Cue
- Value of a Schon SP-R14 Cue
- Value of a Schon LTD-1305E Pool Cue
- ID Adam Carom Cue From the 1970s
- 1970s Palmer Cue Value
- Value of a Daniel Maric Custom Cue
- Value of a Dufferin DC-6P Cue
- Value of my Palmer Cues
- Value of a Dufferin "Blue Marble" Pool Cue
- Value of a Riley Snooker Cue
- How Much is an Adam Cue Worth?
- Value of a Green Label Mali Cue
- Value of a Huebler Meucci QB3 Pool Cue
- Value of a Meucci LH1 Larry Hubbart Cue
- How Much to Sell a Meucci Original Cue For?
- Predator True Splice 16 Ebony Cue Value with Shafts & Accessories
- Value My Old Meucci Cue
- Value of a Meucci Originals Chess Cue
- Value of Old Dufferin Red Leaf Pool Cues?
- How Much is this Carved 3-Piece Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of Harvard Sports Pool Cues
- Green Label Mali T-15 Cue Value
- 1995 Meucci Pro Billiards Tour Championship Cue
- How Much is a "Palmer Billiards" Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of One-Piece Meucci House Cues with "M Cue" Sticker Logo
- Identification and Value of Vintage Brunswick Pool Cue
- Value of a Karl Mayer Cue?
- How Much is a Cue Int. Cue Worth?
- Value of an Abear 6-91 Custom Cue
- Value of a 1985 Helmstetter Cue (1 of 50)
- Value of a Meucci Originals Loree Jon LJ-2P Cue
- Orchid Pool Cue Value
- How Much is a McDermott C17 Cue Worth?
- Value of a Presidential Billiards Cue with a "PB" Logo
- Value of a Mike Capone Custom Cue
- Steve Mizerak Dove Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Solid Maple Adams Cue
- How Much is a Meucci 95-1 Cue Worth?
- Model Name and Value of My Adam Cue
- 2007 JD Cue Value
- Value of a Meucci SE VII, #691 (Meucci SE-7 Value)
- 1990s Mali R1 Cue Value
- Value of a Meucci Originals 84-8 Cue
- Value of Adam Custom Cue "Made by Helmstetter" Snooker Cue
- Value of a Julio Stamboulini Julio 10 Pool Cue
- Value of an "Original by Palmer" Cue
- How Much is this Palmer Cue Worth?
- Value of a Meucci Originals European Series Cue
- Value of a 1970s Schmelke Pool Stick
- Value of a National Pool Cue with Red Letter N Logo
- Value of Joss Cue, Is it Worth Anything?
- Value of a Professional Series Steve Mizarek SM-3 Cue
- Value of a 1989 Richard Black Custom Cue
- Value of an Ebony Bludworth Cue with Ivory Inlays
- Value of a 1970s Meucci Originals MO7 Cue
- Value of a Viking A-17 Cue?
- Value of an Adam NQ10 Cue?
- Value of a Players 411 Cue
- Value of a Pechauer Pool Cue
- 2009 Shurtz Cue Value
- Meucci Hubbart Cue Value
- What is a Steve Mizerak Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of a Jim Rempe Stretton Leisure Pool Cue
- Dennis Cash Custom Cue Value
- How Much is a Dufferin Cue Worth?
- Appraisal for a Pool Cue with Letters "RH" Logo
- Minnesota Fats Challenger Pool Cue Value
- Value of Harvey Martin Cues
- How Much is My Brunswick Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of My 1980s Meucci Cue with Autographs
- Value of a George Balabushka Cue
- 1980 Jim Rempe Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Mizerak Billiard Cue
- How Much is a Cue Craft for Drake Leisure Snooker Cue Worth?
- Price of a Lucasi L-2010 Cue with XIV on Butt Cap
- Value of a Meucci 95-19 Cue
- How Much is a Meucci MO-4 Cue Worth, and Best Place to Sell It
- Value of an Adam STR-4 Cue
- Info on Adam C2R4 Cue
- 1988 Meucci Originals Cue Value
- Value of a Palmer Model J Cue
- Value of Antique Carved Pool Cue with 3-Piece Handle
- Adam Iberia Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Dufferin Cue with Red Leaf
- Value of a Dove Logo Pool Cue
- Value of a Meucci Originals 84-4 Cue?
- Value of a Huebler Meucci QB-5 Cue
- Value of a McDermott E-B6JB Cue
- Value of Adam JR4 "The Knight" Pool Cue
- Value of a Viking A180 Cue from the 1981 Catalog
- Meucci SE-8 Cue with "S24" Instead of Serial Number
- Value of a Huebler Cue "Huebler Made in U.S.A."
- Value of a Joss West Pool Cue? (1972 I Believe)
- Value of an Abe Rich Sneaky Pete from the Late 1980s
- 1970s Mali Cue Value
- Budweiser and Camel Pool Cues - What Are They Worth?
- Is this Older Cue Valuable?
- Value of a 1990s Falcon Cue
- Value of a Viking R55 Cue
- Value of George Balabushka GB4 Cue
- Value of a Viking C-170 Cue Circa 1992-1993
- Value of a 1991 Richard Black Pool Cue
- Model Info Needed on Adam Cue
- Value a 2-Point Meucci Cue
- Jim Rempe Meucci JR-3 Cue Value
- Value of a Meucci 95-8 Cue
- Value and ID for a Meucci Originals Cue Stick
- Value of a Meucci Originals ST4 Cue
- Value of an Adam M/A 12 Cue
- 2002 Joss J1098 Cue Value
- Value of a Karl Meyer Cue
- How Much is a Meucci Originals ST-3 Cue Worth?
- 1960s Brunswick Richmond Cue Value
- Value of a McDermott D12 Cue
- Value and ID of "Palmer Billiards" Cue with Triangle and Letter "W"
- Value of a Ginacue #14B with Ivory Inlays and Joint Protectors?
- Value of Meucci Cue From Late Sixties or Early Seventies?
- What is the Value of My Orchid Cue
- Value of a Meucci 84-6 Cue?
- Meucci Original MO-3 Value?
- Topper Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Predator P3 Onyx Cue with Revo Shaft
- Helmstetter RCH VIP Pool Cue Value
- Identification and Value of a Meucci SE-3 Pool Cue
- How Much is a Meucci Originals MO-1 Cue
- What is this old Meucci Cue Worth?
- Value of an Orchid 3-Piece Break Cue
- Palmer PM-11 Cue Value
- Value of Meucci Tucker's Billiard Supply Chas, SC
- How Much is my Late 1960s Multi-Colored Pool Cue Worth?
- Jimmy Rempe by Meucci Value
- What is the Value of a Mali #5 Cue
- Herman Rambow Cue Value
- Value of a Budweiser Cue Stick
- Value of a McDermott D-11 Cue
- What Price to Sell my Meucci Poolstick For?
- Age and Value of a High Kare Cue Model 2017
- Value of a "Dufferin Banner 20 oz" Cue
- How Much is a Viking A65 Cue Worth?
- "Zinzola 2009" Brazilian Redwood Tony Zinzola Cue Value Estimate
- Verify the Value of a "-Rich-" Pool Cue
- How Much is This Brunswick Cue Worth
- 1987 Green Leaf Dufferin Cue Value
- ID White Meucci Meucci Cue with Black Chain-Link Rings
- Value of this Meucci Larry Hubbart Cue
- Value of a "Barry L. Moore" Cue
- Make, Model, and Value of 1970s Meucci Originals Cue
- Spalding Cue Value
- Schon Cue Value
- Value of a Possibly Vintage Pool Cue
- Appraisal for Pool Cues
- Value of a 2nd Catalog Palmer Model "F" Cue
- Vintage Brand Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Meucci 97-2 Cue
- Value of a Viking X55 Cue
- Value of a Huebler RH6 Cue
- How Much is a Huebler HI-5 Cue Worth?
- Value of a Steve Mizerak Dove Cue
- Value a Carved Handle Pool Cue?
- Meucci Freshman 2 Value?
- Value of Adam A/H-12 Cue and Adam Cue Case
- What is the Value of This Older Bludworth Cue?
- Value of a Huebler AS-1 Pool Cue
- Value of a Plain Viking USA Cue Stick
- How Much is this Carved 4-Piece Cue Worth?
- How much is my Adam Cue Worth?
- Value of a Fantom Sneaky Pete Cue?
- Dufferin Royal 21 Cue Value
- How Much is a 4-Point Custom Tony Gugino Cue Worth?
- How Much is a Vintage Brunswick Trophy Snooker Cue Worth?
- Value of a Falcon ML-8 Pool Cue
- Value of a Meucci Originals JR-1 Jim Rempe Cue
- Value of Old Brunswick House Cues?
- How Much is a Schon R13 Pool Cue Worth
- How Much is a 1990 M-3 Meucci Cue Worth?
- How Much is a 2003 Bludworth Cue Worth?
- Value of Carved Cue with Crest and Circle Inlays
- Age and Value of a RICH-Q Pool Cue
- Value of a Huebler 1988 US Open Cue
- Value of Huebler Cue
- Value of a Medici-2 Pool Cue
- How Much is an Orchid Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of a Newer Brunswick Pool Cue
- Price of a Brunswick Fiber Pool Cue
- How Much is a Medici 3 Cue Worth?
- How Much is a Meucci Oldies OL-4 Worth?
- Identify and Value a Johnny Archer Wrapped Fiberglass Pool Cue
- How Much is a Palmer Model C Cue Worth?
- How Much is My Helmstetter Pool Cue Worth?
- How to Value 5 Pool Cues to Sell Them
- Set of 6 Pool Cues with Willie Mosconi Engraved on a Gold Plate
- Value of a 1960s Original by Palmer Cue
- ID and Value of Unbranded Cues
- Value of a Twisted Turtle Prototype Cue by Ron Daniels
- Info and Value of a Meucci Maximum #3 Cue
- Value of a Meucci Originals MO-7 with 2 Shafts
- Value of a Lucasi LZ2004GB LTD Pool Cue
- Meucci MO-1 Pool Cue Value
- Value and Model of Richard Black Pool Cue
- Value of a Palmer Custom Cue 1970s-1980s
- AJAY 2318-52 Pool Cue Value
- 1981 Professional Series Brunswick Regency Cue Value
- Value of Originals Meucci MO-5 Cue
- Longoni Harlequin Purchased 1995 Nyc by German Artist
- Value of a Meucci Larry Hubbart Cue
- 2005 Coker Cue Value?
- Value of Cue with a Wizard Logo and Serial Number
- Value of a Pete Margo PM1 Cue?
- Steve Mizerak Professional Series Cue Value
- How Much is this Cue Stick Worth, and What Model?
- Unknown Carved Wood Cue?
- Cue Int. Pool Cue Value
- Steve Mizerak Camel Cue
- Steve Mizerak Cue Value?
- Huebler Cue Value?
- Is this Falcon Cue Valuable?
- Value of a Dark Brown Dufferin Snooker Cue
- Meucci Originals Buddy Hall BH1 Cue Value
- Value of a David Parker Pool Cue?
- Value of a Viking DC3 Wizard Cue
- ID Adam Cue Made By Helmstetter
- 2000 Players Professional Series Cue Value
- Value of a Viking A65 Cue
- How Much is a Delta 88 Billiard Table Worth?
- Value of Paul Huebler Original Sneaky Pete
- Value of AJAY Pool Cue Model 5039
- Value of "Deadeye Pot Black Professional" Snooker Cue
- Value of Stealth, Orchid, Viper, and Kaiser Cues
- Meucci 233-5 Pool Cue Value
- Value Vintage Dufferin Snooker Cue Brass Joint, Ebony Butt
- Value of a Purple Meucci 333-4 Cue
- Value of a Steve Mizerak Signature Cue Stick 1990s
- Meucci Maximum #6 Cue Value
- Value of the 84-8 Meucci Original Pool Cue
- 1987 Signed Helmstetter Cue #18 of 25
- Value of Two Vintage Cues I'd Like to Sell
- Rich Q Wrapless Value in Pristene Condition
- What is a Spalding Pool Cue Worth?
- Value of a 30 Year Old Palmer Original Cue
- Blue Book Value of 1st Series Adam AH-10 Cue?
- How Much is a Meucci Originals E-5 Cue Worth?
- Value of Willie Mosconi 20oz Cue
- Michelob Amber Bock Pool Cue Value
- Green Label Mali With Silver Clover
- Value of Red and Black Meucci Cue
- Old Brunswick Cue Value
- Identify a George Balabushka Pool Cue
- Value of a Huebler Cue with 3 Dots
- Value of a Falcon Pool Cue
- Value for a Mali Pool Cue
- Value of a Meucci 97-3 Pool Cue
- 1987 Meucci Originals Black Knight Pool Cue Value
- What is this Carved Wood Pool Cue Worth
- Value of a Meucci Originals 80-6 Cue
- Helmstetter NTC-7 Cue Value
- Value of a Custom 1982 Schon R7 Handmade by Bob Runde
- Value of 1966 Pool Cue with Dragon Burned into Handle
- Value of a Custom 1980s Schon Pool Cue
- How Much is a Meucci MO-4 Worth?
- Value of a Meucci PC-2 Pool Cue
- Value of Meucci 333-4 Pool Cue
- Value of Helmstetter 86-14 with RS-86 Shaft
- How Much is a Mali Pool Cue Worth
- 1970s Tucker Billiard Supply Meucci Cue
- ALL-Tech industries,INC model G8 Pool Table Value
- Value of a 1st Edition Jim Rempe Meucci Original JR-2
- How Much is a Meucci Original ST-4 Cue Worth?
- Value of Mali 386-10 Pool Cue
- Value of an Early 1990’s Meucci E3 Cue
- Meucci 97-4 Value?
- Orchid USA Pool Cue Value
- Is a 1980s Schon Pool Cue Worth Anything?
- Value of Adrenaline AD-ANGEL Pool Cue
- Value of a Meucci Originals Cue
- Early 1980s Palmer PB-11 Pool Cue Value
- Value of a McDermott Legends Elvis Pool Cue
- Cue Maker, Value, Info About American Flag Pool Cue
- Value of Dan Lynch Pool Cues
- Vintage Brunswick Cue
- Meucci HOF-1 Signed By Robert J. Meucci
- R.S Moran Sydney Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Schon LTD 1009 Pool Cue with Extra OB Shaft?
- How Much a Helmstetter VIP Cue is Worth
- Value of a Lucasi XII Jeremy Jones Pool Cue
- Value of a Meucci Original 88-5B Pool Cue?
- Frank Paradise Cue Stick
- Value of a Meucci Original MO-7
- Value of a McDermott M8 HD-2 Red Pool Cue
- Value of a Green Cobra McDermott Pool Cue
- Value of a Mike Erwin Pool Cue
- Frank Paradise Billiard cue
- Peterson Custom Cue
- Imperial Pool Cue Value?
- How Much is a Meucci HOF-4 Gambler Cue Worth?
- How do I Find the Value of a Joss Pool Cue
- Joss West B08241 Pool Cue
- Valuing Some Used Pool Cues
- Jeff Bell Custom Cue Value
- Need Help With Value of a Keith Josey Custom Cue
- Value of a Meucci 95-8 Pool Cue
- 1963 Frank Paradise Custom Cue Value
- Value of a Gently Used Schon Cx02 W/2 Shafts
- Help Value Old Pool Cues
- Square Shooter Cue Corp
- Frank Paradise Pool Cue Value
- Smith and Wesson Pool Cue
- Old Meucci Oldie Ol-3
- Meucci Series M3 Cue Value
- How Much is a Schon LE-B Pool Cue Worth
- What is the Value of a Meucci 88 Series Cue?
- Value of a Schon SL9 Pool Cue
- McDermott Lucky 7 Pool Cue Model M7Q3 Value
- Meucci TS-01 Value
- Value of a 1960s Brunswick Willie Hoppe Cue?
- Meucci HOF 2 Pool Cue Value
- Value of a Red Steve Mizerak Pool Cue Stick?
- Value of Dufferin House Cues
- Dufferin Silver Surfer Pool Cue Value
- Value of Dufferin Marvel Pool Cue Series
- Mike Erwin Pool Cue Value
- Value of Players Sneaky Pete Pool Cue
- Harold Worst Cues Incorporated Pool Cue Value
- Meucci DH1 Pool Cue Value
- Mali Pool Cue Value
- 1975 Meucci Gambler Original
- Loyal Order of the Moose Cue Stick
- julio stramboulini cue value
- I Paid A Lot for This Cue so Was I Ripped Off?
- Value of A 1968/69 Joss Pool Cue
- 3rd Line Viking Pool Cue
- Meucci HOF-1 Red Dot Shaft with Red Dot Near Ferrule
- Meucci Originals cue MO-6
- What is the Value of a 1975 Meucci MO-11 Pool Cue
- Meucci JR-5 Jim Rempe Cue
- Value of Brunswick Cue
- Helmstetter Value?
- 1975-1976 Meucci Original Gambler Value
- 2009 McDermott M99A Pool Cue Authentication
- Value of a 1987 Mali Pool Cue
- Meucci original question
- How much is this old HELMSTETTER worth?
- Lucasi Cue's Worth?
- Value of a 1988 Meucci Originals Pool Cue
- I need a honest appraisal on my 15yr old Schon
- Smart Cue Please Help
- Value of a Brunswick Official Size Slate Pool Table
- Stamboulini Cues and Blue book of Pool Cues
- Value of McDermott Cue Stick
Show off Your Pool Cue
- My Jim Rempe Meucci JR-7 Pool Cue
- Palmer PB-8 Cue Recently Refinished
- Falcon ML-3 Cue from Falcon Montreal Series
- Gandy RG-1000 Cue
- QP Cues AKA Ronnie Powell Cues
- Queperfect Master Scrimshaw MS-07-0005
- One of My Classic Joss Cues
- Another One of My Joss Pool Cues
- My 1/1 1986 Joss Cue
- Meucci Cue Collection
- Meucci Originals Hi-Run Cue with Pill Bumper
- Elite Carom Cue
- The Meucci Rose Cue with Ostrich Leather Cue Case
- My Viking A400 Cue (1982)
- Palmer Model J Cue Pic
- My Dufferin Cue
- My Meucci Red Rose and Yellow Rose Cues
- Meucci Larry Hubbart Cue
- My Viking Cue Collection
- Signed Abe Rich Cue from 2005
- Windowed Abe Rich Cue
- Dooley Cue with Letter "S" on the Butt
- Cue Modified by Herman Rambow
- My -RICH- Cues (Not Abe Rich)
- Palmer Custom Cue Co. - Elizabeth Nj 1964 - 1994
- Palmer Model B
- Rare Helmstetter Made for Red Jones Using Palmer and Paradise Parts
- Palmer Second Catalog Model A Cues
- Random Pool Cue Collection Pic
- Karl Mayer Cue
- Gandy HC-145 Pool Cue
- McDermott E-k1
- McDermott C-17
- Brunswick Model 26 1/2
- Gandy and National Cues, Siblings
- Antique Double Butterfly Cue
- 1991 Joss N01 with Black Pin
- Random Pic of 3 More Pool Cues
- Block Letter Joss
- Random Cue Pic
- Another Random Cue Pic
- Just a Random Pic of Three of My Cues
- New $850 Mike Lambros Custom Cue
- Darren's BHQ Custom Cues
- My Kaiser Cue
- Bushka Tribute Cue
- Some Nice Lumber
- Show your collectable cue
- My New Pat Diveney Custom Pool Cue
- A Few of the Latest BHQ Cues
- Custom Billiard Cue Project at BHQ
- Massé Cue For Mike Massey
- Bebot Bautista "Tailed Judy" Ebony Ivory Custom Cue
- My New DZ Custom Billiard Cue
- New BHQ Custom Butterfly Cues in Progress
- Dufferin Conversion With Butterflies Completed
- Matched BHQ Cue Set for Floyd
- BHQ Custom Pool Cue With Black and Silver Rings
- BHQ Killer Curly Cue Finished for a Buddy
- BHQ Dufferin Conversion Cue With Butterflies
- BHQ Redheart Jumpbreak Cue for miahg on AZB
- Purpleheart and Holly Trim Cue
- Player and Jumpbreak Cue Phenolic Ferrule
- 63 Inch BHQ Custom Cue FINALLY Done
- My New BHQ Break Cue Shipping Monday
- The First Ever BHQ Massé Cue
- Noel's New BHQ Curly Purpleheart and Tulipwood Cue
- Some of the Latest Cue Work at JD Cues
- BHQ Cue Made for My Machinist Friend Kevin
- Couple of BHQ Custom Cues in Progress
- 19.75 oz BHQ Buckhorn Dufferin Conversion Cue
- BHQ Goncalo Alves Cue With Leather Wrap
- BHQ Conversion Cues in the Works
- BHQ Dufferin Conversion Cue With Stitched Ring Work
- 60" Birdseye and Purpleheart BHQ Custom Cue
- Skinny BHQ Brunswick Conversion Cue for Shorty
- Pictures of My Wayne Holmes Cues
- BHQ Osage Orange and Purpleheart Jump Break Cue
- Custom BHQ Tulipwood and Waterfall Bubinga Pool Cue
- BHQ Jump Break Conversion Cue
- BHQ Custom "Plain Jane" Cue for Clint
- New Cocobola and Birdseye Cue for BHQ's First Customer
- BHQ Purpleheart Conversion Cue for Vince in Canada
- Christy's Order of 3 BHQ Custom Cues
- BHQ Brunswick Curly Purpleheart Conversion Completed
- Ray's BHQ Brunswick Conversion Cues Before and After
- Some New JD Custom Cues In The Works
- BHQ "The Beast" 22.25 oz Pool Cue
BMC Cues
- 2009 BMC Limited Edition Cues
- BMC Casino Series Pool Cues
- BMC Exotic Wood Series Cues
- BMC Pearl Series Cues
- BMC Corey Deuel Diamond Cues
- BMC All Natural Wood Series Pool Cues
- 2011 BMC Limited Edition Cues
- BMC Pro Series Pool Cues
- 2005 BMC Limited Edition Cues
- 2020 Chris Binder Jonathan Stafford Exclusive BMC Cue Model
- BMC Hickory Series Pool Cues
- Bob Meucci Customs BMC Angel Pro Series Cues
- BMC Jayson Shaw Series Cues
- BMC SB Series Cues
- BMC Texas Series Cues
- BMC Skyler Woodward Barbox Series Cues
- BMC Knight Series Pool Cues
- 2022-01 Custom 1-of-2 BMC Cue
- Jayson Shaw's Custom Purpleheart BMC Break Cue
- 2021 Custom 1 of 1 BMC Shamrock Cue
- 1 of 1 Custom BMC Cue for "Red"
- Sky Woodward's 2015 Custom BMC Cue
- BMC Diamond Cues
- Kevin Cheng's 2016 Custom BMC Cue
- BMC M1 Teak Cue with Veneers
- BMC Mini Diamond Cues
- 2010 Kevin Cheng BMC Ebony Cue
- 2018 Custom 16-Point BMC Cue
- Custom 1 of 1 Cocobolo and Emerald BMC Cue
- Custom BMC SE-10 Remake
- Custom BMC 84-7 Cue Remake
- BMC Johnny Reb 2 Cue
- 2016 BMC Custom Playing Cue
- 2017 Custom BMC Purpleheart Cue
- BMC Val Beesley Cues
- 2018 Custom BMC 95-17 Cue Remake
- BMC M1 Teak PRO Sneaky Pete Cue
- 2020 Custom BMC HOF-4 Cue Remake
- 2019-11 Custom BMC Cue
- 2018-05 BMC Custom 1 of 1 Pro Cue
- BMC Black and Blue Diamond Pool Cue
- Dennis Orcollo BMC Cue
- Sky Woodward's 2017 Custom BMC Cue
- 2018-09 1 of 1 Custom BMC Cue
- 2018 BMC Custom Rosewood Cue
- 2002 BMC Custom Cue
Maximum Cues
Medici Cues
Meucci Cues
- Meucci Cue Repair
- Meucci 21st Century Series Cues
- Meucci Skyler Woodward Bar Box Series Cues
- Meucci Jayson Shaw Series
- Meucci Taj Mahal Pool Cue
Bob Harris Custom Cues
- Bob Harris 4-Point Gabon Ebony Custom Cue 051518-1
- Bob Harris Honduras Rosewood Sneaky Pete 021418-1
- 2014 Bob Harris Sneaky Pete Series Cues
- 2012 Bob Harris Sneaky Pete Series Cues
- 2007 Bob Harris Sneaky Pete Series Cues
- Bob Harris "The Rottweiler" Custom Cue 022908-1
- Bob Harris Custom Cue 011704-1
- Bob Harris Gabon Sneaky Pete 091104-1
Pool Cue Maintenance
Articles, tips, and instructions on pool cue maintenance.
Pool Cues Forum Topics
- How Many of the Meucci SE-V (SE-5) Pool Cues Were Made?
- California Cancer Warning on a Player's Pool Cue
- World's Only Mechanical Pool Cue
- How Many Cues did Meucci Make of the Mike Sigel MS-3 Cue?
- "Bull" Cue Extension / Bumper
- How Old are Pool Cues Made by Oliver. L. Briggs & Son?
- Joss Cue Model #41 Date and Materials Used
- Identify Pool Cue with a Crown Logo with Number "#100" in It
- Reviews of Pool Cue Brands Past 10 years
- Who Made Competition Brand Pool Cues?
- Shagrat Cue
- Joe Davis Dufferin Pool Cues
- Bad Meucci Customer Service Complaint
- Best Way to Fly or Ship Pool Cues and Cases?
- Will a Silver-Plated Pool Cue Tarnish Over Time?
- 1985 Joss Earl Strickland Cue Series Brochure
- How to Store a Pool Cue
- Authentication for a Balabushka Cue
- Schon LTD vs. Schon Elite Cues
- 1991 Joe Porper Cue Brochure
- Cue Construction, Cue Building, and Cue Playability
- Use of Real Ivory in Pool Cues
- Brunswick Pool Cue Date?
- Falcon Cues Factory - "How It's Made" Video
- Contact info for Bill Stroud of Josswest Cues
- What Happened to Browning Pool Cues?
- What Brand of Pool Cue Do You Play With?
- Contact info for Richard Benson Cue Maker
- Herman Rambow Calligrapher
- Anyone try Becue Shafts?
- Double Tapered Shafts
- Low Deflection Pool Cue Shaft and Throw
- Info on Ada-Chi Cues from Japan?
- Difference Between a Playing Cue and Break Cue?
- Lou Butera he's Selling all His Cues
- Opinion on Older Richard Black Pool Cue
- Best Way to Sell Chudy Rc3 Cues
- Photos or Info on Pool Cues by Schaaf Mfg. Co
- It's George Cue Catalog?
- List of Good Italian Pool Cue Makers?
- Which Pool Cue Joint Type is Better
- European Pool Cue Sellers
- Meucci Daytime Road Agent Cue
- Helmstetter A98-6 Pool Cue Value, Info, and Background
- What Does Level 1, Level 2 Mean for Pool Cues?
- Best Pool Cues in the $100-$150 Range
- Loving my Steve Mizerak Miz Collection Pool Cue
- Manufacturer of Mike Massey Pool Cues
- How Does a Break Cue Differ from a Normal Pool Cue?
- Maximum Allowed Weight for a Pool Cue
- Effect of Different Pool Cue Weights on Playing Pool
- Pool Cue Attachment for Amputee Pool Player
- Special Pool Cue for Wheelchair Pool Players?
- How to get a Pool Cue for Free?
- Best Way to Store a Pool Cue?
- High Deflection Pool Cue vs. Low Deflection Pool Cue
- Green label Mali cue
- Problem With Pardus Custom Cue
- Brunswick Professional Willie Hoppe
- The Delta Triangle Pool Cue
- solid color pool cues
- What's a good site to purchase cues from?
- Is this site okay to order cues from?
- Scale to Weigh Pool Cues
- J & S Pool Cue?
- What to Carry in a Pool Cue Case?
- Mike Massey Pool Cue
- Rhino Cues
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There is lots to think about when buying a pool cue. Here is a guide.
Intro to Pool Cues
The following is a beginner guide to pool cues meant to give you a feel for pool cue options and to inform you about the variety of pool cues out there.
Pool Cue Size
Most pool cues are either 57" or 58" and that is usually enough for an adult. Come to think about it - you will have an enormous problem locating a stock cue which is longer. There are extensions available for snooker cue, and most monster 12' table come with a very long stick but normally you should be fine with regular size. If you are picking up a cue for a child or someone smaller then average adult, it is a good idea to go to your local pool store and try out some shorter cues before you complete your purchase. Shorter cues are available in 52", 48", 42", 36" and even 24". Why would anyone make shorter cues if 57" is just fine - well, in ideal world your table stands in a middle of a huge hall without any obstructions what so ever. In real life however, your pool table is in the basement with a pillar right next to it, not to mention other architectural features. (I once have assembled a table for one of my customers where the distance between a table and a wall was about 3' - I did tell him that he will have tough time playing the table, but he wanted it anyway) That is why shorter cues might come handy. Stick with 57 or 58" stick and you should be fine.
Wood used in Pool Cues
Many different materials are used to make cues today, but most common is maple. Maple is very durable and yet flexible enough to make excellent cue. You can get ash cue, but from my experience these tend to warp in about a year or two. There are also variety of artificial materials available - graphite, fiberglass, wood coated with fiberglass, etc. These are very durable and tend to stay straight for a long time. In fact it is an excellent idea for someone who just starts with pool. More experienced players will argue that artificial materials make cue less responsive, but if you need a low maintenance cue - fiberglass or graphite is right for you . There are some excellent cues in this category - check out Cuetec and Scorpion (John Archer plays with Scorpion and Earl Strickland plays with Cuetec). I prefer maple, fiberglass / graphite combination feels a bit strange to me. So for extreme durability - get composite materials, for a traditional feel of play - maple is your friend, if you want something that looks distinguished - try ash. Now, I know that there are some economy sticks out there which are made out of what they call "Chinese Maple" - I think "Maple" part is overstatement - it's most likely pine or birch or maybe even crashed cardboard, who knows. Those are never straight and I am not even going to talk about those.
Pool Cue Joint Types
There are many different type of pool cue joints available today. These include wood-to-wood, metal-to-metal, and metal-to-wood. This article on pool cue joint types discusses each in more detail.
Pool Cue Tip
Tip is one of the most important part of your cue. It comes in contact with a cue ball and it is important to care for your tip, but let's talk about different kind of tips. There are some tips that are harder - those last longer, deliver more powerful shots and very difficult to administer any English with. Softer tips allow for greater English but tend to wear out sooner. Most cues come with medium softness tips giving you a taste of both ends of the spectrum. If you don't like the tip you have on your cue, normally any pool hall will have a "tip guy" who can set you up with something different. We do sell whole bunch of different tips as well as tools to replace your tips at home, but honestly, if you never did this before you will not succeed on the first try.
Pool Cue Tip Size
Most pool cues come with either 12 1/2 mm or 13 mm tip size. You can get a cue with either larger or smaller tip, smaller tip gives you better English while larger reduces your English. It could be a good idea to get 12 1/2 mm if you want to learn the strategy of playing.
Pool Cue Ferrule
There are tons of different approaches to ferrules and materials for pool cues. (brass, different kinds of plastic, even ivory) The most important part in my opinion is how much of shaft do you still have inside of that ferrule. More shaft (some have a thin layer of wood from the shaft coming in contact with tip itself) - better energy transfer, if I remember my science classes correctly. Keep in mind, with smaller ferrules you have greater possibility of damaging it when playing.
Pool Cue Wrap
Most cues today come with Irish Linen wrap on the but of the cue which gives you better grip (not to mention absorbing beer and other liquids from your palm). There are some composite wraps out there, but honestly I am not a big fan of those. Leather wraps look nice, but tend to start to peel at the edges after a while. No wrap - well you are going for a classic approach.
Pool Cue Weight
As you probably guessed, weight and force of your shots come hand in hand. One guy's first stick was Cuetec Signature 21 Oz. He figured that since he was a big guy he would need a heavier stick. Well, he learned that he was wrong. Now he plays with a 19 Oz cue stick. He realized that 99.99% of your shots will not be a cannon blast but rather a soft touch which will allow you not only to sink an object ball, but also to bring the cue ball to the spot for your next shot. For a break cue, sure 21 or even 22 Oz is great, but most people who are serious about their game play with a lighter playing cue.
Pool Cue Prices
If you are starting out, you certainly don't need to spend any more then $150 on your first pool cue. Remember - the pool cue is just a tool, you will not be playing better with a stick that you bought for couple of thousand dollars. If you want something for less then $60, then generally you will find junk and most likely will be upset with the cue. If you are an experienced player, then you already know what you like and probably have tried a lot of different pool cues. Different players can judge the same exact pool cue very differently, but that is a subject for another time.
- Title: Pool Cues
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 6/23/2016 5:56:12 PM
- Last Updated: 8/18/2017 9:59:46 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum