How Much is a Meucci 95-1 Cue Worth?
10/6/2021 9:46:29 AM
How Much is a Meucci 95-1 Cue Worth?
I am just looking for a general value of a Meucci 95-1 cue.
The shaft is good and has no issues. The butt has very minor blemishes with a very slight wobble...
Any help is appreciated.
How Much is a Meucci 95-1 Cue Worth?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/2/2021 2:12:58 PM
You could consider the 95-1 to be more or less the same as any basic "small band" Meucci "M1" sneaky-pete cue.
These can be had, brand new, from an authorized Meucci dealer, with a warranty, for just under $300.
For any serious pool player, one with a "slight wobble", it wouldn't be worth buying, I suspect, unless the price is rock-bottom. With blemishes, a wobble, and no warranty, you'd probably be looking at less than $150, and maybe even less than $100. Impossible to tell without photos.
However, there are a lot of crazy Meucci-heads out there, so you might find a bit higher of a price depending on who is looking for one at any given time.
How Much is a Meucci 95-1 Cue Worth?
- Title: How Much is a Meucci 95-1 Cue Worth?
- Author: bvories23 (Bret Vories)
- Published: 10/6/2021 9:46:29 AM
- Last Updated: 11/2/2021 2:00:56 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)