Pool Rules
Here are the latest billiard, snooker, and pool rules that we've published. More coming soon.
Pool Rules - Rules for Pool and Billiard Games
Find the game that you want to learn from the list below. If you are a beginner, you will want to reference the general rules of pocket billiards, since they apply to all billiard games unless specifically contradicted by that individual game's rule set. The pool rules are categorized in to the common classes of cue sport games.
Question about pool rules? Ask in the Pool Rules Forums
Pocket Billiards Rules
Pocket billiards is a class of cue sport game commonly referred to as pool.
- Canadian Skittle Pool Rules
- One Fifteen Billiard Rules
- Texas One Shot Rules
- King Ball Billiard Rules
- Texas Express 9 Ball Rules
- Canadian Skittles Pool (3 Black Pins Version)
- Skittle Pool Rules
- Scotch Doubles 8 Ball Rules
- Baseball Billiards Rules
- Harrigan Pea Pool Rules
- Rotation Billiard Rules
- Counter-Rotation Billiard Rules
- 10 Ball Billiards Rules
- Seven Ball Billiard Rules
- Kelly Pool Rules
- Missouri 8 Ball Rules
- Corners (One Pocket Variant)
- Last Pocket Eight Ball Rules
- Strict 8-Ball Rules (Gentleman Jim's)
- Chinese Eight Ball Rules
- Coin Operated 8 Ball Rules
- ScratchBall Billiard Rules
- 9 Ball Rules
- Rules of Straight 8 Ball
- Reverse 8 Ball Rules
- Cutthroat Billiards Rules
- 2002 BCA Rules for Cut-Throat Pool
- Poker Pocket Billiards Rules
- Stud Poker Pool Tournament Rules
- Bank Pool Rules
- 3 Ball Rules
- 1948 BCA 8-Ball Rules
- 6 Ball Rules
- VNEA World Speed Pool Tournament Rules
- American Rotation Pool Rules
- Regional Variations on 8 Ball Pool Rules
- Speed Pool Rules
- Defensive 10 Ball Pool Rules
- Sudden Death Seven Ball Rules ESPN
- UK 8 Ball Pool Rules EPA
- One Pocket Rules
- Six Stroke Billiard Rules
- Convergence 8 Ball Rules
- 14.1 Continuous Rules
- Poker Pool Rules
- 2 Ball Billiards Rules
- 6 Pocket Billiards Rules
- Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules
- Rotation Pool Rules
- Next Ball Billiards Rules
- 1 Ball Pool Rules
- Cascade Billiard Rules
- Counterpoint Billiard Rules
- Matchbox Billiard Rules
- International Speed Pool Challenge Rules
- Bondalero 10 Ball Billiards Rules
- Internet Equal Offense Billiard Rules
- Equal Offense Billiard Rules
- Cowboy Billiards Rules
- 8 Ball Rules
- General Rules of Pocket Billiards
- 8 Ball Open Table Rule
- Up And Down Freestyle Pool Rules
- X Ball 1 Shot Rules
- Up And Down Pool Rules
Snooker Rules
Snooker is a type of cue sport game that is played on a snooker table.
- Canadian Russian Billiards Rules
- 3 Lives Snooker Rules
- Shuffle Pool Rules
- Snooker Rules Forum
- How to Play Cricket on a Snooker Table
- Slosh Pool Rules
- Trilliards Snooker Rules
- Ghostball Pool Rules
- Cake Pool Rules
- Four-Handed Snooker Rules
- Russian Billiards Rules
- 10 Ball Rules
- Russian Pyramid Rules
Carom Billiard Rules
Carom billiards is a class of cue sport games played on a pocketless carom billiard table.
- Thirty Eight Pool Rules
- Straight Rail Billiard Rules
- Three Cushion Billiard Rules
- Artistic Billiards Rules
- Official Carom Billiards Rules
- 18.2 Balkline Rules
- Carom Billiard Rules
- Rail Billiard Rules
Billiards Ring Game Rules
In cue sports, a ring game is a game of pool played with more than 2 players and which follow a special set of modified rules.
- Bank Pool Ring Game Rules
- Killer Pool Rules
- How to Play Killer Pool with Cards
- 10 Ball Ring Game Rules
- 9 Ball Ring Game Rules
Obstacle Billiards Rules
Obstacle billiards is a class of billiard games that are played with various obstacles on the table.
- Bumper Pool Rules
- Carombolette Rules
- Amos and Andy Board Billiard Rules
- Bar Billiards Rules
- English Bagatelle Rules
- Old English Bagatelle Rules
- Victorian Bagatelle Rules
- Sans Egal Bagatelle Rules
- Northern Bagatelle Rules
- Southern Bagatelle Rules
Miscellaneous Billiard Game Rules
The miscellaneous billiards class of cue sport games includes games that are not technically members of the traditional five classes of billiard games.
- None is Perfect Billiards
- BCA Billiard Referee Rules
- Golf Pool Billiards Rules
- Bowlliards Rules
- UMB Billiard Referee Rules
- BCA Billiard Wheelchair Rules
- Crossover Pool Rules
Game Rules for "Poker Pool" Ball Set by Crown Games
Crown Games, Inc. sold a set of poker-pool billiard balls which came with a "Players Guide" book of 10 poker pool games you could play with them.
- Poker Pool Game of "Rummy"
- Poker Pool Game of "Stud Poker"
- Poker Pool Game of "Draw Poker"
- "21" Poker Pool Game
- "Zebra" Poker Pool Game
- Poker Pool Game of "3-Ball Poker"
- "Pass it Over" Poker Pool Game
- "Progressive 31" Poker Pool Game
- "War" Poker Pool Game
- "Low Ball" Poker Pool Game
Pool League Rules
Cueless Billiard Game Rules
Cueless billiards is a newly developing form of billiards where no cue sticks are used to move the balls around the table.
Pool Rules Forums
- Snooker Rules Forum
- 8 Ball Rules Forum
- 9 Ball Rules Forum
- 10 Ball Rules Forum
- 14.1 Continuous Straight Pool Rules Forum
- Pool Rules Forum (gen pocket billiards rules)
- Cowboy Pool Rules Forum
- Cutthroat Pool Rules Forum
- Bumper Pool Rules Forum
- 3 Cushion Billiards Rules Forum
- Poker Pool Rules Forum
- Misc Billiard Rules Forum (everything else)
This section is all about the rules of pool, billiards, and snooker. Whether you are a beginner pocket billiards player, or an experienced billiard aficionado, you will find the pool rules that you are looking for here in the pool rules section. In some parts, we have simplified and explained various rules of pocket billiards and have re-written some in a way that is easy for the novice billiard player to comprehend. We have also given some variations of the official rules that can make the game more enjoyable as you are learning to play.
Also for the novice, we have inserted some illustrations to give a clearer understanding of the official rules. If there are any terms that you do not understand, look them up in our billiard glossary section.
To supplement each of the pool rules, we have scoured the internet for various discussions about interpretations of the official pool rules for your advanced reading pleasure. Where possible, I have given credit to those whose ideas have been used in my discussions. I will also be posting feeds from the BCA and other sources on any proposed or actual billiard rule changes.
Finally, you will find articles outlining various local variations of billiard rules or snooker rules, as well as some anecdotal discussion on what some call "bar pool rules" or "house pool rules." These will outline the different rules and variations that some players throw in to make their games play better for the novice, or to simply make their billiard play more interesting.
The rules of billiards vary from game to game, and from hall to hall, but the generic pool game remains relatively similar in various locales across the world.
We've got about 50 more sets of different billiard game rules coming shortly.
Pool Rules
- Title: Pool Rules
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 1/1/2006 6:00:22 AM
- Last Updated: 3/15/2018 8:39:46 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
Pool Rules Comments
Dennis from AB, Canada on 2/21/2008 9:47:40 PM
I'm trying to find the billiard rules for the game of skittles.
Can you help me?
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 3/11/2008 8:55:21 PM
@Dennis - At first I thought you might have been talking about rules for how to play Bar Billiards, but realized you probably were looking for cue sport games played with a set of skittle pins and skittle game peas.
I think some folks have posted rules for a few variations of the rules for how to play skittle pool with the pins (aka skittles) and peas (aka pills):
If you learn of any other billiard games played with skittles, please comment below with the original rules.
Bernie from Menomonee Falls, WI on 5/28/2008 9:26:05 AM
Do you have any rules on how to play last pocket 8 ball?
It is a pool game where the 8 ball has to go into the pocket where you made your last ball.
ScratchBall from Portland, OR on 7/8/2008 8:11:50 PM
Is it possible to get the rules for ScratchBall billiards listed here?
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 7/11/2008 10:19:21 PM
@Bernie - Yes, you are describing Last Pocket 8-Ball. The rules for how to play last pocket 8 ball are posted above.
@scratchball - Not a problem, the scratchball pool rules have been added to the list above, along with the blurb about how scratchball billiards came about.
terrie4321 from Fairbanks, AK on 11/21/2008 1:07:14 AM
I would like to see the **rules for English Billiards** added. Also, I would like to see a set of rules for adapting English Billiards to an American pool table. As you most probably know, English Billiards is played on a standard snooker table. In fact, I have a copy of the rules for English Billiards, and I have written up an adaption for playing on an American pool table. Would you like to have me email a copy of them to you?
Scottie from Gallatin, TN on 12/11/2008 2:36:09 PM
Can you put the rules for Amos and Andy billiards game on here? We have the Amos & Andy board, but can't find the rules for it anywhere.
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 12/11/2008 8:46:05 PM
@Scottie - As it turns out, another user sent me a published copy of the Amos & Andy billiard game rules and some other Amos and Andy pool table game stuff.
I have since posted the Amos and Andy rules as well as some plans to help you build an Amos and Andy board.
Vasu from Ambala, Haryana on 3/28/2009 2:58:46 AM
Are there any good videos showing the rules of billiards?
If so, can you send them to me?
Alino from South Africa on 5/26/2009 6:57:07 AM
Can you please send me the new rules of pocket billiards (pool), and snooker separately? I am talking about 15 balls.
These rules must be specified for two players, and include the faults and fouls, and what leads to the game being over (when does a player win or lose the game). I would like to have those billiard rules sent to me by email if possible, so that I can help the friends to perform according to those new rules.
The Kid from Kelowna, BC on 12/27/2010 2:22:58 PM
Can you please tell me where I would find the rules for the billiard game with two cue balls and one red ball (two white balls and one red ball)?
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 12/30/2010 11:52:15 AM
@The Kid - The billiard game you are thinking of that is played with a red ball and two white balls is Carom billiards (or French Billiards).
Ian from Indonesia on 10/27/2011 6:41:59 PM
I'm still not really clear about the billiard rules for how to play 9 ball and the rules for how to play 10 ball as they are written above. Specifically on whether or not jump shots are allowed.
Would you mind sending me the billiard rules that I want?
Steve Clark from Sevenoaks, Kent on 11/12/2011 4:22:09 AM
Have you a set of "diamond 9" pool rules?
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 11/20/2011 2:11:55 PM
@Ian - Not sure exactly what you are looking for, but you should find everything you need in those individual rules you referenced. Whatever isn't there, you fall back to the general rules of pocket billiards.
@Steve Clark - I'm unfamiliar any pocket billiard games called "diamond 9". Can you provide an further info that might help me dig up the rules?
tezzer from Perth, Western Australia on 2/4/2012 4:50:56 AM
Can you tell me about the rules for how to play 8 ball pool?
Please send me the rules, thanks.
a1b1x1z1 from United States on 12/12/2014 12:50:16 PM
I've submitted "The GUIDE TO: Gentleman Jim's (Strict) Rules", a set of rules for "strict" 8-ball.
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 12/18/2014 1:45:19 AM
@a1b1x1z1 - Thanks for these! The rules are published under Strict 8-Ball Rules (Gentleman Jim's Version).
Moves on 6/8/2016 10:07:00 AM
I did not see rules for playing "Baseball Pocket Billiards".
yeedoc from Monterey, CA on 7/4/2016 10:41:22 PM
What are the rules for a coin-op billiard game called "50 Million"?
Does anyone know of, or have a copy of the rules for this pool game? If so, can you post them?
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 7/9/2016 5:26:00 AM
@Moves - Added rules for baseball pocket billiards per your request.
@yeedoc - We've done extensive searching on Google and other sources, and couldn't find a single reference to a coin-op game called "50 Million". If you have any further information about the game, feel free to send it along.
Luis Carranza from Tucson, AZ on 11/13/2021 3:41:21 PM
Where can I find printable posters with golf pool rules and snooker rules?
I own and operate a billiard parlor, Tucson Billiards in Tucson, Arizona. We have four 5' x 10' professional 3-cushion billiard tables, one 6' x 12' snooker table, and three 4.5' x 9' pool tables.
I'd very interested to see if anyone could direct me to a official set of golf game and snooker rules that could be downloaded and posted in my pool hall.
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