None is Perfect Billiards
"None is Perfect Billiards" is a new pool game based on a scoring system by which players attempt to achieve the lowest score possible. You can learn how to play "None is Perfect" billiards by reading the rules below.
Invented by Justin N. Howard DBA – 2B1 Energy
June 7, 2010
Number of Players (1-4)
- Solo Play - Playing solo vs. solo (no penalty for breaking center balls), but remember, may take much longer to complete if there are a high number of players. This would be great for a special promotional prize.
- Two (2) Players heads up on the same table is ideal – play a minimum four (4) rounds to complete scoring;
- Three (3) Players play a minimum four (4) rounds to complete scoring;
- Four (4) Players play a minimum four (4) rounds to complete scoring.
The game can be played on any standard or professional pool table.
Other equipment includes:
- Standard set of 15 pool balls and 1 cue ball
- Scoresheet and/or Scoreboard (optional)
- Optionally, pens, calculator, and ruler
Game Setup
To set up a game of "None is Perfect" billiards, follow this pre-game ball position and placement guide:
- One ball each is placed 6-9 cm in front of each of the six pockets
- One ball each is placed along the rail, centered between each pocket.
- The green, black, and red solid balls are the three balls lined in the center of the pool table.
- Each Pocket may be numbered (amended September 14th, 2018)
How to Play the Game
The pool table is pre-set and arranged before the 1st shot of any round.
Play begins by placing the cue ball anywhere for any shot (ball in hand play).
Points are determined by each player tallying their points for each shot made, missed, scratched, and/or penalties for slop play
Player must make their objective ball in a specified pocket before any other ball drops and without being penalized (Called Shots);
Game players alternate shots until all balls are cleared (see exception pro level players).
No purposeful jumps shots are allowed, and player shall be disqualified if found to be guilty.
The pool table layout does not reset for any penalty.
Players must have two feet on the ground for all shots.
- Solo vs. Solo - Each player shoots all 15 balls for a total score without any penalties for breaking the middle three.
- Two players - Play with all 15 balls, taking alternate shots. Four rounds must be played for a completion of scores. Points do not accrue from prior game if in a single tournament. In league play, players are usually "heads up" when playing for the championship. After the final round, the player with the BEST score is the winner;
- Three-players - Play with all 15 balls, taking alternate shots. Four rounds must be played for a completion of scores (can be three rounds for amateurs). Points do not accrue from prior game if in a single tournament. After the final round, Player with the BEST score is the winner;
- Four-players - Play with all 15 balls, taking alternate shots. Four rounds must be played for a completion of scores. Points do not accrue from prior game if in a single tournament. After the final round, Player with the BEST score is the winner;
Other types of Play
League Play – a player who is substituted during any round, can no longer shoot any balls for the rest of a completed game. Substitute player must be listed as a team member. ID verification may be asked.
Tournament Play – no player may be substituted for another player in any round/game. If player is not present during their round, player shall be penalized four points subtracted from the bottom score of the round and may be subjected to forfeit for the round and/or game to be determined by official judge/promoter.
Scoring by Round
"None is Perfect" point scoring is done as follows:
- Player loses a point for every missed shot (includes any bank rails uncalled);
- Player loses a point shooting out of turn;
- Player loses a point for accidentally moving a ball with their pool stick (miss hit);
- Player loses 2 points for not hitting the objective ball;
- Player loses 2 points for any Cue Scratch – on or off the table;
- Player loses a 1/2 point for any ball that slop drops without making the original objective ball first;
- Player loses 3 points for un-sportsmanship play (TBD by official judge);
Scoring for Professional Players Only
- Player gains a point for any bank shot;
- Player gains plus 4 points for a double bank shot or a two-rail kick shot
- Player gains plus 8 points for any triple bank shot or a triple rail kick shot;
- Player loses a point for not having both feet planted for their completed shot;
- Player loses 11/4 and their turn if 45 seconds passes without shooting objective ball;
- First Player to break up the Red, Black and Green in the center is penalized 1/4 point;
- No Bridges allowed for any game;
None is Perfect Billiards Scorecard
Scoring symbols on scorecard:
- o = 1 point,
- a dot = 1/2 point,
- a backslash = 1/4 point
Players who tie the round both claim the round for record books.
Completed official games must be four or more rounds to qualify for certain records.
Example of scoring for three players (Player A, Player B, Player C)
Player A wins the game with a score of 43
Example of scoring for four players (Player A, Player B, Player C, Player D)
Player B wins the game with an OT Score of 13.
Winners shall be determined upon the tally of all scores by the scorekeeper.
For pro-level A/B players, games may use the 1-2-3 special rotation method of gameplay during a tournament and/or league play. These games will need an official judge, a scorekeeper, a table setter, and a time keeper as positions to correctly determined the victors.
Official None is Perfect Billiards Rules
This is a 2018-2019 copy of the official None is Perfect Billiard Rules via PDF.
None is Perfect Billiards
If you have any questions about None is Perfect Billiards, please post them in the pool rules forum.
None is Perfect Billiards History
The "None is Perfect" pool game was invented by Justin N. Howard (aka "2B1 Energy") of 2B1 Entertainment, LLC in June of 2010.
On September 25th, 2017, the "None Is Perfect Billiards" was introduced to the world as players practiced the point scoring concept. The following week, October 2nd, 2017, is considered the Inaugural date of the very first games of "None is Perfect" played and performed in tournament play at Jolt 'n Joe's. All contestants gave the new game a thumbs up.
Since that first game, the rules have been well adjusted and fixed on a player's skill level. For example, pro players would now have a chance to comeback if within 2-3 points.
As of 2019, 2B1E® was looking for investors to make the new billiards game into a game show for TV audiences.
The official None is Perfect Billiards are predominently observed in North America.
How to Play None is Perfect Billiards
Questions about None is Perfect Billiards:
- Title: None is Perfect Billiards
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 10/2/2019 2:52:59 PM
- Last Updated: 10/2/2019 4:19:39 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
None is Perfect Billiards
The None is Perfect Billiards article belongs to the Miscellaneous Billiard Game Rules category. The miscellaneous billiards class of cue sport games includes games that are not technically members of the traditional five classes of billiard games.
None is Perfect Billiards Comments
None Is Perfect Billiards on 1/16/2020 7:36:03 AM
Tourney in full swing.
Shown here, Jomaine, on cue!
None Is Perfect Billiards from Chula Vista, CA on 7/11/2020 10:43:25 AM
Here's a photo showing the setup of the balls for a game of None is Perfect Billiards:
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