"None is Perfect" Billiards Game
9/12/2019 8:47:33 AM
"None is Perfect" Billiards Game
Here's the video overview of our new pool game "None Is Perfect Billiards".
Game rules available on the 2B1 Energy YouTube Channel.
None Is Perfect Scores with Seniors
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"None is Perfect" Billiards Game
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/2/2019 4:37:13 PM
I like the concept of this game, but I have some constructive feedback:
The rules are written in a very unorganized and confusing manner.
- The reader must fill in the gaps by making assumptions. Too many to list here. To make your game a success, you should mimic the style and format of the game rules found on the World Pool Billiard Association website. They are the governing body for cue sports in North America. Anyone who is anyone playing cue sports today would know, and be familiar with the style, detail, and format they use.
- The rules have numerous spelling mistakes throughout
- There is no ball setup diagram. Just a low-resolution photograph which is very hard to see well.
- The rules contain a lot of "slang" terms which are not defined or elaborated upon.
Bottom line, you need a professional editor to sit down with you and compose a complete set of well-written rules for your game that follow the well-known format mentioned above.
The name of your new game seems very odd. It doesn't make sense to me, grammatically or otherwise. I highly recommend dropping that name in favor of something that is either more professional, concise, and/or related to cue sports in some way.
You seem to be trying to market the new game along side of your own moniker or business name, 2B1, or whatever it is. I am not sure that this is wise. In the cue sports world, this name doesn't have any mass-appeal or recognition as far as I know. You are effectively spending marketing resources trying to increase recognition of TWO brand names in the same ads. It dilutes the message and decreases the likeliness of consumers/viewers remembering the game name. Even when I visit the YouTube channel (which is named after the creator, or the company, or whatever), the billiards stuff is mixed all in with other unrelated stuff. It's confusing. You'll want a dedicated YouTube account and channel just for the new billiards game. My advice is to leave reference to the 2B1 Energy, or whatever, out of it, except maybe in the "about" or "game history" sections.
Those are a few that come to mind.
It's not easy to promote a new type of cue sport game. I've been shown dozens of variations on existing cue sport games over the past 13 or so years, and not one has "made it" thus far.
However, I commend you on your efforts thus far. It's not an easy feat.
None Is Perfect Billiards on 1/16/2020 7:36:44 AM
Thanks for the feedback. I will take it into consideration and I do agree with some of what you wrote.
However, just as with many things in life, I fell into this by accident while dealing with PTSD. I see your point though. That being said, we lack monetary movement to make sudden changes. Many things you mentioned take money to resolve. I sing, play guitar, and hustle which is how I make my money. People have enjoyed my singing for years and still continue to do so. Except, the music industry is forever volatile and competitive.
Its so happened that I met a highly influential person in the billiards industry, sent them my game rules without signing a confidentiality form. Therefore, I rushed everything over to the Library of Congress to gain copyrights. This way, I can make revisions and still be credited with the game. As of now, 99% of those who have taken the surveys (17 folks) give the game high remarks and indicated that they would be willing to watch None Is Perfect Billiards on media. The one exception says it's great for beginners.
Come February 2020, I have a Kickstarter campaign in hopes of finding funds to make some of those adjustments you have advised. I wish I had more of a team on this, but it's mainly just me by myself making moves. I know I can't think of everything and I've never claimed to be a great writer or business mind. However, I'm not going to be intimidated out of the goals set out for this game.
Once again, we appreciate the feedback and hope to be in touch from time to time. I'm easily accessible online for anyone interested in to discuss more about the goals for our new 21st Century game.
For the NiP Billiards Kickstarter Campaign, see:
billiardsforum on 1/16/2020 1:56:38 PM
You've already done the hardest part, which is to get going and start something. Most people never make it past the idea stage.
Good luck! I hope you can make it work!
None Is Perfect Billiards on 2/24/2020 10:37:39 AM
We videotaped episode 3, None is Perfect Billiards at Society PB Jan. 30, 2020, featuring Dr. 8-Ball, Puerto Rico, and the Mexican Monsoon.
"None is Perfect" Billiards Game
- Title: "None is Perfect" Billiards Game
- Author: None Is Perfect Billiards
- Published: 9/12/2019 8:47:33 AM
- Last Updated: 11/19/2019 1:55:41 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)