Billiard Break Shot and Breaking Tutorials
Pool playing tips to help you master the art of the break shot.
Billiard Break Shot and Breaking Tutorials
Welcome to the billiard billiard break shot and pool playing tips page. Once you have mastered the fundamental and basic pool playing tips, you can begin to perfect the break shot. There are some drills and other articles here to help you become a master break shot maker. Most of these billiard tips should cover the techniques used for creating an effective break.
Pool playing tips to help you master the art of the break shot.
Thanks for visiting our billiard billiard break shot and pool playing tips page. Once you have gone through the billiard break shot tutorials and drills, you are ready to move on to the next level of the pool playing tips tutorials.
Billiard Break Shot and Breaking Tutorials
- Title: Billiard Break Shot and Breaking Tutorials
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 4/4/2008 12:55:00 AM
If you have a great billiard tutorial, drill, or pool playing tip, or know of any drills that you can't find here, please take a few seconds to tell us about it using the form below. Alternatively, you can view the entire list of billiard drills and pool playing tips.
Billiard Break Shot and Breaking Tutorials Comments
Ktrave from Morogoro, Tanzania, United Republic of on 11/18/2008 2:56:37 AM
Hey what's up? Just saying hello.
I want to know how to play great at the pool table because I want to be the billiard champion of Tanzania.
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