Home Billiard Room Design and Layouts
Articles related to the layout and design of the home billiard room.
Home Billiard Room Design and Layouts
Welcome to the home billiard room design and layout page. When designing a home billiard room the layout and design is a very important element in determining whether or not the room will be a success. If home billiard room is laid out poorly, there may be areas where play is affected for the area may not be conducive to socialization, which after all, is a lot people's purpose for having home billiard room. These articles should help you determine whether or not you have an optimal layout for your home billiard room. If you're just designing home billiard room in these articles will help you zero in on the perfect layout for your pool room.
Articles related to the layout and design of the home billiard room.
Thanks for visiting the home billiard room layout and design page. We hope these articles have been of assistance in helping to plan the layout of your home billiard room. You may also find help by visiting our billiards forum category that is specifically for questions about the layout and design of home billiard rooms. Additionally you may wish to visit the home billiard room pictures section of this site.
Home Billiard Room Design and Layouts
- Title: Home Billiard Room Design and Layouts
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 4/12/2008 10:01:00 AM
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Home Billiard Room Design and Layouts Comments
Judy Eisaman from Monroe, MI on 4/10/2008 2:44:40 PM
We are looking for a pool table layout for a home billiard room. Specifically, we need to know the actual total space that would be needed around the pool table along with the size of a pool table.
We want to make sure that we have ample room to shoot with the pool cue. What information should we consider?
JWAmpK from IL, United States on 3/17/2009 3:22:44 PM
There is an online site which allows you to set your room size, insert your table size and then pick the furniture and size of it and place it. Within this forum there is a link [Billiard Room Planner Software Dufferin](/billiard-room/billiard-room-planner-software-dufferin "Billiard Room Planner Software Dufferin") which will let you download a billiard room planner program. It is free so go for either
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