Billiard Room Planner Software Dufferin
Billiard Room Planner Software Dufferin
I was able to dig up some really easy software for planning a home billiard room. It is old software, circa 2002, from Dufferin Games, which coincidentally, is no longer in business. Since they are no longer online, I thought I'd repost their billiard room planner software here.
The billiard room planner software will help you layout and visualize how your home pool room will look. It isn't really that precise, but you'll see that it will be very useful. It even allows you to print your completed design. Here is the description of the billiard room planning software they used to have on their site:
This is where it all happens – games central for your home. More and more Canadian families are discovering how important a game room is for bringing family and friends together to play. The Dufferin Game Room Planner is designed to assist in planning the layout of your home game room with your Dufferin Sales Associate. In order to view the Dufferin Game Room Planner you will require the Macromedia Shockwave Player...
The download contains an EXE file, although once you install it, you can see that it is actually a simple flash program. Here are a few screenshots of the home billiard room design software in action on my own PC.
This image is the blank slate. You can see the numbers running down the side and across the top. They allow you to select the dimension, in feet, of your space.
This image shows a sample layout I did in about 45 seconds.
If you are interested in the software, you can download it here:
Dufferin Billiard Room Planning Software - Click to Download Now
NOTE: I have successfully installed this software on my machine, running Windows XP Professional, but it has not been tested on any other platforms. As with any software that is FREE, install at your own risk. Billiards Forum, and it's owners take no responsibility for any software downloaded from this site.
Billiard Room Planner Software Dufferin
- Title: Billiard Room Planner Software Dufferin
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 7/9/2006
- Last Updated: 5/24/2018 8:07:43 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum
- Source: Dufferin Games,
Billiard Room Planner Software Dufferin
The Billiard Room Planner Software Dufferin article belongs to the Home Billiard Room Design and Layouts category. Articles related to the layout and design of the home billiard room.
Billiard Room Planner Software Dufferin Comments
JT Icovia from Londonderry, NH on 6/2/2009 5:40:40 AM
Icovia has built a live game room planner which is free to use and does not require any download:
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