Choosing Billiard Table Lamps and Lights
Choosing Billiard Table Lamps and Lights
If you are anything like me, you need to get your billiard room lighting correct. There is just no way around it.
People love the game of billiards because of its simple mechanics which take time and practice to master in game play. Without the billiard table, there would be no billiard game. Without proper illumination on the table, how can the players see what they’re doing? That’s why a good option is to literally brighten up the game with the use of billiard table lamps.
Billiard table lamps are devices used to light up the billiard table. They provide illumination for the players to see the balls more easily. Billiard table lamps are typically placed directly above the billiard table from a sufficient distance so that the light shines evenly across the surface.
People may choose to place billiard table lamps in other places which are not directly above the table. The purpose of placing them directly above is so that shadows won\'t be cast at uneven angles. Placing light in other places may cast shadows from the balls or from other sources. These shadows may be distracting for players.
Billiard table lamps can come in different designs, colors and materials. The aim when buying a billiard table lamp is to balance quality, function, preference and price. Billiard table lamps can come in different lampshade styles or use different kinds of lighting, such as incandescent lights, florescent lights or other lights.
Billiard table lamps are usually installed above the table. The installation of the billiard table lamp may require drilling and secure ceiling mounting with the use of chains, reinforced stainless steel, bolts, screws and other various sturdy materials.
To explore more options in terms of design, style and function, many sources can be found through the Internet on various websites. These sites usually provide descriptions of the products and often pictures as well. It’s easy to shine a little light on the next billiard game with a billiard table lamp.
Choosing Billiard Table Lamps and Lights
- Title: Choosing Billiard Table Lamps and Lights
- Author: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)
- Published: 12/1/2008 9:40:00 PM
- Source: Archive
Choosing Billiard Table Lamps and Lights
The Choosing Billiard Table Lamps and Lights article belongs to the Home Billiard Room Design and Layouts category. Articles related to the layout and design of the home billiard room.
Choosing Billiard Table Lamps and Lights Comments
MrPhilHarmonic from Freehold, NJ on 1/11/2009 3:38:58 PM
I have seen the "Diamond" brand name pool table lights in use in the 14:1 World Championships and I have to say I was blown away with them. They are bright, consistent and able to illuminate every single part of the playing surface evenly but without any glare to the player due to their unique grid-like dispersion filament. They are an awesome light but sadly, so is the price of them, at well over $1000 I think!
So I have installed 2x double filament units, each 4' long and containing 4 bulbs each. They are in my ceiling which is kinda low so they are not suspended above the pool table but they give superb lighting to the whole pool table except under the rails, which you don't need that much anyway.
A word of advice: Do not install one long strip of 8' length. You won't get as much light as you do from two 4' strips! Also, it's a lot cheaper to replace the 4' ones if should they burn out!
I do wish I could afford the "Diamond" pool table lights though as they are the best I have seen. The old fashioned 3-lamp type might look 'pretty' with the Tiffany lamp shades etc. but they are useless for match play and do not illuminate the whole table effectively. Shadows near the foot spot make accurate racking in 14:1 almost impossible. Get the fluorescent lighting if you can't afford the Diamond ones, and don't get "Daylight" ones unless you want to end up with a headache!
John Fry from London, England on 6/2/2009 5:43:34 AM
I agree with Phill on daylight - incredibly bright.
If you want decent lighting at a decent price try -
Check out the lighting canopy with chrome shades which start from 88 pounds (including VAT).
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