Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules
Dave and Kelly Pool Rules are a variation on the BCA's "Bottle Pool Rules" as published in "The Official Rules & Records Book". Standard bottle pool can be boring, so we adapted them to make the game more like Cowboy Billiards/Cowboy Pool rules.
The differences from standard bottle pool rules are marked in blue
Dave and Kelly Pool Rules
Dave and Kelly Pool is among the few games that combine the objectives of Carom Billiards and Pocket Billiards. It is a unique game in that it uses a leather "shaker bottle" in addition to normal pocket billiard balls.
Two, or more, individuals or teams.
Object balls numbered 1-2, plus the cue ball, and a "shake" bottle.
The opening setup of the game has the 1-ball spotted on the foot spot, the 2-ball spotted on the head spot, and the shaker bottle placed upside down on the center spot.
To score 28 points before your opponent(s).
Players may attain the first 25 points (exactly) by any of the following means:
- By pocketing any of the object balls: points equal to the balls' numbers; and/or
- By performing a carom of the cue ball off two of the object balls: 1 point; and/or
- By caroming the cue ball off an object ball and knocking the bottle over: 5 points
Points 26 and 27 must, and may only, be scored by execution of carom shot #2 above.
Point 28 (winning point) must be scored by caroming the cue ball off the 1 ball into a called pocket without the cue ball contacting any other object ball.
Should a player accomplish more than one scoring possibility permitted by these rules, he scores for each; thus a single shot can result in a total of 9 points scored.
When a player scores his 25th point, the shot must score the number of points exactly needed to reach 25; if the shot producing the 25th point also scores a point(s) in excess of 25 for the player, the shot is a foul.
Shooter can only score on legal strokes.
Players determine an active player by "lag" or other acceptable means. The active player decides weather he or she wishes to take opening shot or have his or her opponent take the opening shot. The game starts with the first shooter having cue ball in hand behind the head string. At least one of the objects balls must be hit for a legal opening shot (the bottle can not be legally struck before an object ball is contacted). No score may be made on the opening shot of the game. If an object ball is pocketed, or the bottle is upset on the opening shot it is considered a foul and all pocketed balls are spotted and/or the bottle is returned to starting position and the active player has option of accepting table as it sits or having the opening player open the game again. (Editors note: therefore the opening shot is purely a defensive one).
Excluding the opening shooter on the opening shot only, any legally made scoring shot entitles a player to continue shooting. The penalty for a foul in the game is a loss of turn, any point scoring acts made on the same stroke are not counted, and 1 point is deducted from the player's total score. The incoming player after a foul accepts the table in position except if the cue ball is jumped off the table or a scratch occurs, in which case the incoming player has ball-in-hand behind the head string. Three consecutive fouls in bottle pool results in a loss of game.
In addition to standard fouls defined in the General Rules for Pocket Billiards, such as scratches, push shots, double hits and others, the following are specifically defined fouls in bottle pool: the cue ball fails to touch an object ball; the cue ball touches the bottle before contacting an object ball; the bottle is knocked over by an object ball; and an object ball is pocketed on the same stroke as an illegal shot. Illegal shots which are not fouls unless a ball is pocketed on the same stroke (thus resulting in a loss of turn, no score, but not a loss of points), include: causing an object ball to touch the bottle at all before the cue ball touches it (without knocking it over); and causing the bottle to go into a pocket or off the table as a result of action by the cue ball, after it has caromed off an object ball.
It is a foul to upset the bottle with an object ball.
It is a foul if the cue ball contacts the bottle before the cue ball has contacted an object ball.
An object ball must be contacted on each stroke.
The bottle is "spotted" before the next shot anytime it is knocked over. This is done by placing the bottle upside down as close to where the opening came to rest as possible.
If the bottle came to rest off of the table it is spotted on the center spot. If the center spot is blocked then spot on the head spot; if the head spot is blocked then spot on the foot spot; if the foot spot is occupied then keep out of play until the center spot is open.
Are spotted (without additional penalty) as described below.
Are spotted (without penalty) as described below.
Shooter's inning is over, a fouled is marked, and incoming player will put cue ball in play from kitchen.
Any pocketed balls are spotted, prior to the next shot, in the position they occupied at the start of the game. If that spot is blocked then the center spot is used, if the center spot is blocked then the head spot is used. If both balls need to be spotted then the 1-ball is spotted first.
One point is deducted from offending player's score.
The game is lost if a player fouls in three consecutive innings.
Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules
If you have any questions about Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules, please post them in the pool rules forum.
Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules History
Recently my friend and I learned the rules to Bottle Pool out of "The Official Rules & Records Book" published by the BCA. We saw that it was similar to Cowboy Pool, which we enjoy very much. We quickly realized that in Bottle Pool you can easily rack up 31 points (or 25 depending on which rules you use) by pocketing the 2-ball then the 1-ball and back and forth through the inning, and we quit playing it out of boredom. I've adapted the rules a little and we are enjoying it very much. I call it Dave and Kelly Pool. My name is Dave and you guessed it his name is conveniently Kelly. So "Dave and Kelly Pool" is kind of a take on "Kelly Pool" because we use a Kelly (Pea) bottle.
The official Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules are predominently observed in Chicago, USA.
How to Play Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool
- Title: Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules
- Author: Dld4a
- Published: 4/24/2009 3:27:29 PM
- Last Updated: 4/28/2009 12:53:53 AM
- Last Updated By: Dld4a
- Source: Submitted by a Billiards Forum Member
Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules
The Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules article belongs to the Pocket Billiards Rules category. Pocket billiards is a class of cue sport game commonly referred to as pool.
Dave and Kelly Bottle Pool Rules Comments
billiardsforum from Halifax, NS on 5/8/2009 5:51:21 AM
Thanks. I'm going to post them in the pool rules section. "Dave and Kelly Pool" is what you call it, right?
Dld4a from IL, United States on 5/8/2009 3:27:05 PM
Yea, "Dave and Kelly Pool" Kind of a take off on "Kelly Pool" because we use a Kelly (Pea) bottle. Thanks!
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