Pool Cue Weight Heavy or Light
10/21/2008 3:32:05 AM
Pool Cue Weight Heavy or Light
I'm going to be purchasing a new cue sometime before fiscal 2009 and wanted to ask about weight. Do you all prefer a light pool cue or a heavy pool cue. Light seems to have their advantages, but I could also see the benefits to having a nice weighted pool cue for executing those powerful crisp shots. Interested to see what you all have to say and hopefully you can back up your reasons with some good information I can use.
Pool Cue Weight Heavy or Light
Replies & Comments
quickshot on 10/21/2008 7:33:33 AM
Ginger: Let me say this: I was using a 19 1/2oz Player cue, my first ever personal cue. It did not cost a lot of money, $80 or there abouts. I have used it for about year and a half, and as my game got better I decided to purchase an OB 1 shaft. The shaft is working out very well. I now have an 18 1/2 oz cue stick because of the lighter weight of the OB 1. I found what I believe is the right stick for me. It feels good in my hand and rides nice and smooth in my grip.
It is my believe that weight is relevant to the player's hand. I have a small hand and my friend has a large strong hand. He uses a heavier cuestick (21 oz) because the lighter stick (like mine) feels like a toothpick in his hand and his feels like a piece of lumber in mine.
Those powerful crisp shots are not the result of a weighted cuestick. The shots are the result of a fine tuned, well defined and controlled stroke and aim. It's all in the rhythm as I'm sure you well know. Having said all this, I will now put my soapbox back in the closet and give a personal opinion: Take your time and try to handle all the different weighted sticks and you will know when you have found the one you want. It will just feel right.
Good luck
patrickp123495 on 2/16/2009 8:47:49 PM
Standard cues are 19 oz.18 is too light and 21 is heavy. Please get something in the 20-21 range.
jonstewarts on 2/23/2009 10:30:33 PM
I suggest you A 20- or 21-ounce cue stays on line longer and is recommend for beginners. It may be easier for the beginners to add spin!. Where as A 19 oz. cue requires a more accurate, skilled stroke but is easier to use to control the speed of the cue ball.
Cuetime on 3/4/2009 9:49:21 AM
I always stick with a 20. They are quite standard and you should be able to get most any cue you like in that weight.
Mitch Alsup on 3/4/2009 10:19:51 PM
Weight makes the cue sluggish--this is perfect for beginners and masks stroke errors. It is a detriment to advanced players. A light cue accelerates faster and can impart more power/spin in the cue ball.
If a cue is too light it looses its feel and magnifies stroke errors. If a cue is too heavy it looses power and the ability to use touch.
Therefore, in general, there is a happy medium somewhere between really light and really heavy. Most people find this happy medium in the 19 oz range.
In addition to absolute weight, where the weight is located is of similar importance (the balance point). For touch-shots where control is more important than power you need the balance pint to fall under your hand naturally when using short strokes.
So, you don't just look for a cue with the right weight (which you MUST determine for yourself) but also the cue must feel right in your hands. Some like more weight on the nose, some light more weight in the butt, some like the moment of inertia close to the cener, some like the moment of inertial slightly away from the center. All these things plus the stiffness of the shaft, the kind of tip, the hardness of the tip and even the kind of ferrule make subtle changes in the feel of the stick.
Most of the higher dollar cues are adjustible, generally with an allen wrench setup. So you can buy a heavier cue, and remove some of the weight and experiment until the cue feels the way you want it to feel (or as close as you can get).
Over in :
I show how different aspects of different cues tend to fall out. (For your amusement)
just_us153 on 3/16/2009 12:09:12 AM
Great post! Very insightful.
mcdpool on 3/17/2009 5:16:24 PM
If I wasn't sure of the perfect weight for myself, I'd err on the side of heavier. Otherwise, I tend to stick with lighter cues, you can generate the power by yourself and you'll have a finer touch.
Pool Cue Weight Heavy or Light
- Title: Pool Cue Weight Heavy or Light
- Author: Ginger
- Published: 10/21/2008 3:32:05 AM