ID and Value of Black and White Meucci Pool Cue
11/4/2017 3:58:03 PM
ID and Value of Black and White Meucci Pool Cue
Would someone please be able to help me identify this white and black Meucci pool cue and determine it's value?
I have looked everywhere to find this design with no luck.
ID and Value of Black and White Meucci Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 11/4/2017 7:27:48 PM
Meucci Winter Series #2 (WS-2) from the 1998 winter series release. You will see brochures with a different cue pictures for the WS-2, but Meucci has confirmed a few times that the brochures were mis-labeled. The ones below picture it and have it labeled correctly, but all of the other Meucci winter series flyers you see online are the mis-labeled one.
Also see this post from another user trying to identify the Meucci WS2 Winter Series cue.
As for value, you might get $180 to $300 depending on the market and it's condition and whether you have one or two matching shafts.
ID and Value of Black and White Meucci Pool Cue
- Title: ID and Value of Black and White Meucci Pool Cue
- Author: Lynn
- Published: 11/4/2017 3:58:03 PM
- Last Updated: 11/4/2017 7:11:49 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)