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Identify Pool Cue with Cork Wrap SR118R OR BR

Identify Pool Cue with Cork Wrap SR118R OR BR

I need help identifying this pool cue with a cork wrap grip.

There is a series of numbers by the joint:

SR118R or BR



Identify Pool Cue with Cork Wrap SR118R OR BR

Replies & Comments

  1. Robert Cbilliardsforum on 3/12/2017 12:24:08 PM

    It looks like a Harvey Martin cue. Apparently he often used a cork grip on his cues, although he typically stamped the date in the rings or hand-wrote the customer's name on the butt sleeve. Most of his cues were bird's-eye maple and butt sleeves with ivory joints and aluminum or brass joint screws (3/8 in) A few Harvey Martin cues were made with points and were full spliced from Brunswick blanks (which yours does look a bit like).

    I know that doesn't answer your question 100% but it's all I have right now. If you do figure it out, please let me know what you find. I'm curious about this one as well.

    Only other thing I can think of is that the "BR" might signify that it is a break cue?

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Identify Pool Cue with Cork Wrap SR118R OR BR

  • Title: Identify Pool Cue with Cork Wrap SR118R OR BR
  • Author: (Robert Castellano)
  • Published: 3/12/2017 11:20:50 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/12/2017 6:48:18 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)