Identify Cue with Sticker "A/H 22" Japan
1/23/2020 8:36:49 PM
Identify Cue with Sticker "A/H 22" Japan
Can anyone tell me what kind of pool cue this is?
It has two stickers on the butt with:
A/H 22
20 oz. Japan
My Grandfather gave it to me before he passed, and I am joining a pool league and thought I would use it. I love the weight and balance of the cue.
Can you please tell me what you can about this pool cue?
Thanks so much.
Identify Cue with Sticker "A/H 22" Japan
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 1/24/2020 2:58:49 AM
This pool cue is from the early 1970s, and made by a company called Adam Cue of Japan.
The model is the Adam A/H 22 cue (as the sticker shows), A.K.A the Adam "Stardust" cue.
Here is the Adam AH-22 cue from the 1973-1974 Adam Cue catalog:
Yours looks to be in amazing shape for it's age.
Cues from this line are generally considered well-playing cues, but aren't worth a whole lot in terms of collectible cue value.
It is undoubtedly worth a lot more to you in sentimental terms than just it's market value. Thanks for sharing.
Identify Cue with Sticker "A/H 22" Japan
- Title: Identify Cue with Sticker "A/H 22" Japan
- Author: Woot63
- Published: 1/23/2020 8:36:49 PM
- Last Updated: 1/24/2020 2:59:52 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)