Help Picking a Pool Cue
9/11/2018 4:39:06 AM
Help Picking a Pool Cue
I need help picking a pool cue. I am curious about your opinions on what cues you have had the best experience with in the $150 range.
I see quite a few options, but I am not sure which route to go.
I would even consider a gently used one if it would allow me to get a slightly better cue. Any thoughts?
Help Picking a Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/11/2018 2:42:14 PM
There are so many quality cues out there today it's hard to give any advice based on the little info you gave.
Shafts are probably just as big a deal as the cue itself, and there are a million options there as well.
The most common advice you'll get when it comes to choosing a pool cue:
- It all boils down to personal preference.
- Get out there to a pool cue shop and try a bunch. You'll quickly get a feel for the brands and shafts that feel the best to you.
- What feels good to one player may not feel good to another.
You see the theme in my advice?
I will share this article from 2008 from a reputable fellow. He compiled a bunch of industry expert's opinions on all of the major brands of pool cues.
Help Picking a Pool Cue
- Title: Help Picking a Pool Cue
- Author: wrmcmahan12
- Published: 9/11/2018 4:39:06 AM
- Last Updated: 9/11/2018 2:42:56 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)