ID 4-Point Cue with Brass Joint, No Markings
1/17/2019 5:37:27 PM
ID 4-Point Cue with Brass Joint, No Markings
I got this cue at an estate sale in Chicago and am seeking any thoughts on what brand it may be.
- The cue weighs just over 21 oz.
- Length is 57.5 inches from bumper bottom to top of ferrule.
- Ferrule surrounds a wood interior.and is 12.25 mm.
- Joint is brass (1 inch) and black plastic (.5 inch).
- Bolt sticks out .5 inches from the brass and is 5/16 inch in diameter. Not sure of the TPI.
- Forearm has four points. Two points are longer and two points are shorter. They go alternate long, long, short, short.
- Not sure what the wrap is made from.
- There is crazing and minor wear in the finish.
- The pool cue has no identifying marks anywhere
Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.
ID 4-Point Cue with Brass Joint, No Markings
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 1/18/2019 7:56:02 AM
There are a number of possible cue makers if could be. It isn't valuable cue nor a collectible cue. The wrap is synthetic.
The condition is fair, it might make a decent player cue, especially for a new pool player.
ID 4-Point Cue with Brass Joint, No Markings
- Title: ID 4-Point Cue with Brass Joint, No Markings
- Author: user1547775446
- Published: 1/17/2019 5:37:27 PM
- Last Updated: 1/18/2019 1:54:50 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)