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Identify This "BC" Pool Cue

Identify This "BC" Pool Cue

Who made pool cues with the letters "BC" inside a red circle?

Any help in identifying this "BC" pool cue would be greatly appreciated.

Even if you can just identify the logo/maker.


IMG_5059.png IMG_5060.png

Identify This "BC" Pool Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. emory122983billiardsforum on 3/7/2025 7:51:36 AM

    I'm working on an ID for this BC pool cue.

    I'll get back to you when and if I find anything.

  2. emory122983emory122983 on 3/7/2025 11:02:31 AM

    Sounds great!

    I really appreciate it.

    Thanks for your help!

  3. emory122983billiardsforum on 3/7/2025 11:41:48 AM

    This is an imported line of cues sold by "Bama Cues". It would have been somewhere around 2014-2017.

    The website (bamacues.com) is long gone, so I don't have a 100% solid model ID for you, unfortunately.

    However, I do have one similar from the same line in our archives. It is the Bama Cues BC-5C pool cue. The main difference is the color. I would guess that yours is a Bama Cues BC-5A or BC-5B. etc.

    MSRP was $550 USD.

    The owner is on AZB (@bamacues), so you might have luck contacting him there.


    Actually, 2 more minutes of digging found that it's a Bama Cues BC-5B pool cue.

    Ebony into Birdseye 4 Point Titleist Veneers with Diamonds

    Hope that helps!

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Identify This "BC" Pool Cue

  • Title: Identify This "BC" Pool Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 3/5/2025 6:16:51 AM
  • Last Updated: 3/7/2025 7:46:56 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)