Identify No-Name Cue in a Soft Schon Cue Casae
1/13/2022 1:11:50 PM
Identify No-Name Cue in a Soft Schon Cue Casae
I need help to identify this unmarked pool cue.
It came in a soft Schon cue case but it has no identifying marks or logos.
It feels like a good quality pool cue. The butt has the joint screw in the center of the rubber bumper.
More pics can be taken if needed. Thanks!
Identify No-Name Cue in a Soft Schon Cue Casae
Identify No-Name Cue in a Soft Schon Cue Casae
- Title: Identify No-Name Cue in a Soft Schon Cue Casae
- Author: PlumCrazyAAR (Chris Huber)
- Published: 1/13/2022 1:11:50 PM
- Last Updated: 1/16/2022 4:25:04 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)