ID 1960s Pool Cue with Wood Joint Pin Threads for Weight Rings
3/30/2022 6:55:59 PM
ID 1960s Pool Cue with Wood Joint Pin Threads for Weight Rings
I need some help to identify this older pool cue with a metal join pin for the cue-shaft connection, and a wooden joint pin for the butt-sleeve / weight-bolt / butt connection. I have looked all over the cue stick and butt for any markings and can not find anything.
This pool cue belonged to my late father and is now mine. It is a three-piece cue stick. It has 3 brass weights that can be removed to adjust the weight of the cue. To my knowledge it is all original except the tip, which was replaced when it broke. I think it might be a prototype for a cue stick that was not yet on the market based on what my late father told me about how he came to own the pool cue. It goes as follows:
Dad worked as a bouncer at a bar in Elizaville, NY in 1968-1969. When he wasn't working he was shooting pool.
One weekend he was approached by a man that said he worked for a company that made pool cues. The man said that he had been watching my dad play and was wondering if he would try using a cue that he had brought with him. My dad said he would. When dad took the break shot the cue shattered. He apologized to the gentleman for breaking his cue stick. The man said that it was fine because it showed that the stick wasn't a particularly good pool cue, and not one that his company would want to make. He thanked my dad and left.
The next weekend he returned with another cue and once again asked dad to give it a try. Again, dad said yes. This time he played several games with the cue. He told the gentleman that he thought it was a well made cue and that he really liked it. When he went to hand it back to the man, the man thanked him for his help and told him that the cue was his to keep for his help.
My dad never saw the man again and he didn't remember him ever saying what company he worked for.
My father used the pool cue stick for many years before he passed. I share dad's love of the game, and always loved the pool cue, so when he passed it was the one thing I wanted more than anything.
I could never sell the cue, but I would love to know more about it and it's approximate value, if anything.
Thank you in advance for your help!
ID 1960s Pool Cue with Wood Joint Pin Threads for Weight Rings
ID 1960s Pool Cue with Wood Joint Pin Threads for Weight Rings
- Title: ID 1960s Pool Cue with Wood Joint Pin Threads for Weight Rings
- Author: user1648691759 (L. Tomlinson)
- Published: 3/30/2022 6:55:59 PM
- Last Updated: 4/1/2022 4:16:43 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)