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Identify This Cue, Possibly a Custom?

Identify This Cue, Possibly a Custom?

I am looking to ID this unbranded pool cue.

The cue is believed to be a custom cue, but unfortunately the wife does not have any information on the cue other than it was supposed be custom.

Her husband, who was an avid player (tournaments and local leagues), passed a few months ago and she just wants information on what it is and who made it.

I personally don't think it is a upper line pool cue but I'm not an expert by any means.






Identify This Cue, Possibly a Custom?

Replies & Comments

  1. jimmydiamondbilliardsforum on 3/26/2025 7:05:56 AM

    I believe you are correct.

    It appears to be an inexpensive import cue.

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Identify This Cue, Possibly a Custom?

  • Title: Identify This Cue, Possibly a Custom?
  • Author: (James Butterbaugh)
  • Published: 3/21/2025 9:27:39 PM
  • Last Updated: 3/26/2025 7:03:51 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)