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Choosing a Pool Cue for an Intermediate Player

Choosing a Pool Cue for an Intermediate Player

I have recently been playing a lot of pool since my new condo building has a pool table in it. I wouldn't say I am a full novice but I am not a intermediate player either. I am advanced enough to know I would benefit from a cue of my own and i just don't like using the house cues, they're in bad shape.

My price range is probably capped at $120. I have read almost all the posts here and have got a lot of useful info and was hoping for some more.

I have narrowed my choice down to two pool cues and wanted opinions on if either are good, bad, any experiences or if I am way off on my choice. any help would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. the site I have linked is in Canada, like me, so that's why I will probably be ordering from there.

  1. Action BW09 cue - cuestore.ca/pool_cues/action/black_and_white_series/1/bw09
  2. Player's G-21BD cue - cuestore.ca/pool_cues/players/all/4/pl-g21bd

Again, any opinions on these two cues or any others in this price point that i may have overlooked is greatly appreciated.

Choosing a Pool Cue for an Intermediate Player

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Choosing a Pool Cue for an Intermediate Player

  • Title: Choosing a Pool Cue for an Intermediate Player
  • Author:
  • Published: 5/9/2011 4:50:49 PM