Is this a Huebler Meucci Cue?
5/17/2020 9:49:23 AM
Is this a Huebler Meucci Cue?
I'm trying to find out if this is a Huebler Meucci cue, and if so, can we identify it?
I'm trying to help my dad downsize and he said that this pool cue had a Meucci sticker on it when he got it back in the 1970’s.
I've been asking around and some have suggested it looks like a Huebler cue, but did mention Meucci set up Heubler’s shop.
I am wondering if anybody can help me identify and/or value this cue so that I can help my dad sell it.
Is this a Huebler Meucci Cue?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/2/2020 6:59:25 PM
Huebler did put out a "Meucci" line near the end of Bob's tenure there just before he went off and started Meucci Originals.
I have the catalog for that line, and this cue isn't in it.
Here's what the sticker would have looked like:
tblnd6 on 6/8/2020 3:07:09 PM
Thank you for the reply and help.
Is this a Huebler Meucci Cue?
- Title: Is this a Huebler Meucci Cue?
- Author: tblnd6
- Published: 5/17/2020 9:49:23 AM
- Last Updated: 6/2/2020 7:03:26 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)