Unidentified Cue - Possibly a Palmer Cue or Blabushka Cue?
2/12/2020 7:38:12 PM
Unidentified Cue - Possibly a Palmer Cue or Blabushka Cue?
Can anyone here identify this cue? I bought it at yard sale.
It has no identifiable markings other than all the mother of pearl inlays. It came with two shafts, the original shaft with wood connector sleeve, and one custom built shaft.
Unidentified Cue - Possibly a Palmer Cue or Blabushka Cue?
Replies & Comments
Type79 on 2/13/2020 12:12:06 PM
That was found at a yard sale? It appears to be refinished and it has definitely been rewrapped.
Regardless, It would be helpful if you posted clearer pictures and ones that include the joint, pin, weight bolt, and bottom of the butt cap. Also, measure and post the length of the butt cap.
urconnection on 2/13/2020 12:50:29 PM
Yes it was found at a yard sale along with the Meucci cue in my other question, a GB-1 re-creation, and a silver Mali cue.
I paid $75 for all four.
The butt cap on this cue is 5/8" long.
Type79 on 2/13/2020 1:18:27 PM
It very well could be a Palmer cue.
If you have any interest in selling it, send me an email at jfishbein@snet.net
urconnection on 2/13/2020 1:55:19 PM
I might sell the cue once I confirm its make and model and get a appraisal on it.
Until then, I'll hold on to it.
Unidentified Cue - Possibly a Palmer Cue or Blabushka Cue?
- Title: Unidentified Cue - Possibly a Palmer Cue or Blabushka Cue?
- Author: urconnection
- Published: 2/12/2020 7:38:12 PM
- Last Updated: 2/14/2020 2:00:17 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)