Predator shaft help
11/22/2009 10:44:08 AM
Predator shaft help
Trying to decide between the 312-2 and the Z-2. I'm an APA skill level 4 (borderline 5). Shoot with a Peschauer cue. Using more cue to position cue ball. Wondering if the deflection difference in the two shafts is enough to pick the Z over the 312. Any thoughts and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Also, I've heard the adjustment time is longer (more difficult?) using the Z.
Predator shaft help
Replies & Comments
Mitch Alsup on 11/23/2009 7:38:18 AM
I happen to play with a 314-1. It took me 6 ful hours to get a firm grasp on the shooting characteristics of this shaft versus a typical pool hall cue.
The difference in deflection between the Z and the 314 is in the size of the tip (11.75mm versus 12.75mm) and the taper of the shaft. If you are looking for a shaft that can put a lot of spin on the CB but be a touch on the whippy side, the Z is a good shaft to consider. If you are simply looking for a high performance (low deflection) shaft with a good solid hit without the whippiness, the the 314 is the shaft you want.
ON the large scale schem of things, 80% of the playability is in the tip, 15% in the shaft, and 5% in the butt. That is, the shaft is an important contributer, but pretty much any shaft can be worked into your game.
Greywolf46 on 11/23/2009 8:04:26 AM
Mitch, Thanks for the helpful reply - appreciate it.
Predator shaft help
- Title: Predator shaft help
- Author: Greywolf46 (Al Battisti)
- Published: 11/22/2009 10:44:08 AM