What Model is this Palmer Cue, and Rough Price
2/16/2020 10:58:03 AM
What Model is this Palmer Cue, and Rough Price
I am wondering what model this Palmer cue is, and I am also looking for a rough value for how much it's worth today.
What Model is this Palmer Cue, and Rough Price
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/16/2020 12:27:56 PM
Can we see a photo of the logo on your Palmer cue?
user1581879105 on 2/16/2020 12:34:32 PM
Here you go, and thank you for your quick reply.
billiardsforum on 2/16/2020 12:42:05 PM
I don't know the exact model number of this Palmer cue as I don't have the catalog from this particular line.
It's an imported cue with the Palmer name on it from after the original U.S. Palmer cue company closed.
They've used a number of different logos, but are generally all from the same overseas manufacturer.
See the first answer in this post for additional information. It applies equally to your Palmer cue:
- Value of Palmer Cue with Circle Logo
- Info and ID for a "PALMER" Cue and find Year of Manufacture - This one is likely from the same or similar line.
Type79 on 2/17/2020 7:48:59 AM
This is a modern cue whose only association with Palmer is that they bear a Palmer decal. These are imported from China in batches and often sold on eBay in the $80 to $190 range.
There is no model name or number. I think Billy, who claims to own the rights to the Palmer name, imports them. Whoever it is, is based in Las Vegas and for some reason establishes a new eBay account everytime they are marketed.
What Model is this Palmer Cue, and Rough Price
- Title: What Model is this Palmer Cue, and Rough Price
- Author: user1581879105
- Published: 2/16/2020 10:58:03 AM
- Last Updated: 2/16/2020 12:24:42 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)