Vintage Cue?
2/9/2021 6:42:34 PM
Vintage Cue?
I'm checking to see if anyone has insight into this cue.
I’m being told it’s vintage and expensive, but don’t want to get taken.
Vintage Cue?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/10/2021 3:11:33 AM
It isn't "vintage" or "expensive".
It's an old (but not that old), and inexpensive Willie Mosconi cue by Ajay. It isn't worth anything other than it's utility value (generally less than $20).
See also:
Vintage Cue?
- Title: Vintage Cue?
- Author: mkoonce47
- Published: 2/9/2021 6:42:34 PM
- Last Updated: 2/10/2021 2:57:58 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)