What Brand is this Old Pool Cue with Model 5021?
2/6/2021 11:57:57 PM
What Brand is this Old Pool Cue with Model 5021?
My dad has an older pool cue that he was wanting me to try and find information about, such as a brand name, and price or value.
I haven't been able to figure anything out based on the pictures he sent me.
If you know what this could be, please let me know!
What Brand is this Old Pool Cue with Model 5021?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/7/2021 12:08:14 PM
It's an inexpensive Taiwan import cue.
We've see cues from this line here before:
It is worth only what it's utility value might be - under $20, if that, in the condition it's in.
panda on 2/7/2021 8:36:44 PM
Thank you very much!
I will let him know.
What Brand is this Old Pool Cue with Model 5021?
- Title: What Brand is this Old Pool Cue with Model 5021?
- Author: panda
- Published: 2/6/2021 11:57:57 PM
- Last Updated: 2/7/2021 12:05:28 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)