Info and Model of this Miller Genuine Draft Huebler Cue
2/15/2018 4:40:00 PM
Info and Model of this Miller Genuine Draft Huebler Cue
I am looking for some information and a model number of this Miller Genuine Draft Huebler pool cue.
Is it a collectible Huebler cue? If so, what is it's value?
Info and Model of this Miller Genuine Draft Huebler Cue
Replies & Comments
user1525988343 on 5/10/2018 5:39:05 PM
Not sure what value of your cue is, but would you like to sell it?
Chopdoc on 5/10/2018 9:55:19 PM
IMHO I suspect somebody put an MGD sticker on a Huebler.
If that is from the Huebler shop I have never seen one.
The person to ask is Terry Bajorek.
billiardsforum on 5/11/2018 4:49:00 AM
Terry Bajorek
- (501) 454-9283
Info and Model of this Miller Genuine Draft Huebler Cue
- Title: Info and Model of this Miller Genuine Draft Huebler Cue
- Author: user1518644357 (Misty Adcock)
- Published: 2/15/2018 4:40:00 PM
- Last Updated: 2/17/2018 4:50:47 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)