Players Cues
9/4/2007 11:12:55 PM
Players Cues
I found a shop near by that sells a brand of pool cue called Players Cues.
I want to do research into them, but I haven't found a company page or website for them, so I'm a little discouraged.
Does anyone know anything about the company that makes Players Cues?
Players Cues
Replies & Comments
kaskasero613 on 1/30/2009 7:56:04 AM
I own a Players Cue Tournament Edition with quick release. I can tell you that they are a pretty good pool cue and they are affordable.
I can do almost everything with it that I can do on my McDermott Sneaky Pete. Especially putting english on the cue ball.
Players Cues
- Title: Players Cues
- Author: BackSpin (Preston Hall)
- Published: 9/4/2007 11:12:55 PM