Value of Old Brunswick House Cues?
9/30/2018 7:05:50 AM
Value of Old Brunswick House Cues?
Would there be a market for these old Brunswick house cues?
The Dufferin's I know would sell (2 Challenger house cues with 8 points). One appears to be a Brunswick Shorty cue converted to a Bridge stick. The 2 made in China I'd toss.
There is one 2-piece cue - it may be a Brunswick cue, which is stamped "18" on the bottom - I am unsure of that one.
Value of Old Brunswick House Cues?
Replies & Comments
Chopdoc on 9/30/2018 9:15:32 PM
The old Brunswick challengers?
They are kind of beat up. Not worth much. If they are straight and usable they are worth a little, as any playable cue. If they had good condition brown Brunswick KU bumpers on them, the bumpers would be worth more than the cues.
billiardsforum on 10/1/2018 4:13:15 AM
Didn't realize the Brunswick KU king rubber bumpers were that valuable.
Any insight as why that would be?
I guess they are in demand from folks restoring cues?
Chopdoc on 10/1/2018 2:57:07 PM
Mostly restorations, yes.
The original brown bumpers in new condition can command a price.
They were used on Balabushka cues, as well as old Joss and Josswest...and some others.
Used ones? There is a market.
Cuefan on 8/16/2019 5:59:59 AM
@Rusty, do you still have the cues in the photo?
If so, would you want to sell them?
I live in the Chicago area.
user1575043929 on 11/29/2019 8:44:24 AM
I have a one-piece Brunswick Challenger house cue. I think it is from the 1920s or 1930s.
Value of Old Brunswick House Cues?
- Title: Value of Old Brunswick House Cues?
- Author: RUSTY (Tim Linn)
- Published: 9/30/2018 7:05:50 AM
- Last Updated: 10/1/2018 4:15:48 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)