Brunswick Challenger Cue
11/30/2019 9:25:19 AM
Brunswick Challenger Cue
Anyone have any information on my one-piece Brunswick-Balke Collender house cue?
I think it might be from the 1920s or 1930s. It's a 19 OZ Brunswick Balke Collender Challenger cue.
The decal reads:
Brunswick-Balke Collender Company
Also inscribed just above the decal are the letters "BT". I am guessing that is the owner's initials.
Brunswick Challenger Cue
Replies & Comments
user1552469428 on 11/30/2019 7:57:03 AM
Steve Saylor out of Lansdale PA completely restored both of my old Brunswick Deluxe series cues.
If you don't mind, post some pics of your 1920-1930 Brunswick Challenger cue. I wouldn't mind seeing them.
billiardsforum on 1/7/2020 9:10:18 AM
The cue on the left is probably from the late 1950s, based on the butt cap style. I actually see this style of bumper and decal in Brunswick catalogs up through 1963.
Here it is in the 1958 Brunswick catalog:
The cue on the right has a bumper that is more similar to those found in the 1940s, but I don't see a decal on that one, so I can't identify/date it.
user1575043929 on 1/7/2020 9:36:02 AM
Thanks! I appreciate the information.
Brunswick Challenger Cue
- Title: Brunswick Challenger Cue
- Author: user1575043929 (Al Guffanti)
- Published: 11/30/2019 9:25:19 AM
- Last Updated: 1/7/2020 8:24:42 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)