Identify a Logo on a Sneaky Pete Pool Cue?
8/4/2023 10:27:05 PM
Identify a Logo on a Sneaky Pete Pool Cue?
I got this Sneaky Pete cue with a couple of other pool cues and I have never seen the logo before. I have no clue if this was US- or foreign-made.
Has anyone out there seen this logo before and know which pool cue brand it belongs too?
As a side note, I also tried looking up the registration for a trademark since there is a registration mark on the logo but was unsuccessful in finding anything on Justia or USPTO.
I found this post from 2019, I wonder if it's the same cue I have?
Identify a Logo on a Sneaky Pete Pool Cue?
Identify a Logo on a Sneaky Pete Pool Cue?
- Title: Identify a Logo on a Sneaky Pete Pool Cue?
- Author: KCCC
- Published: 8/4/2023 10:27:05 PM
- Last Updated: 10/18/2023 12:33:45 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)