Info and Value of a Vintage Carved Wood Pool Cue
9/25/2023 1:05:19 PM
Info and Value of a Vintage Carved Wood Pool Cue
Can anyone give me any info on this vintage pool cue?
It has a carved wood handle, and it has no names or logos on it.
Info and Value of a Vintage Carved Wood Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 9/26/2023 7:26:31 AM
It's an inexpensive import cue having little to no value to a serious pool player.
There are probably 50 other questions about this and similar cues here. Just type "carved" in the search box.
Value would be somewhere between $10 and $50, give or take.
Info and Value of a Vintage Carved Wood Pool Cue
- Title: Info and Value of a Vintage Carved Wood Pool Cue
- Author: Amanda Nicole
- Published: 9/25/2023 1:05:19 PM
- Last Updated: 9/26/2023 7:19:50 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)