Help Finding a Viking Cue Model Id and Year
6/27/2022 4:14:48 AM
Help Finding a Viking Cue Model Id and Year
Does anyone have any idea what model and year this Viking cue is?
Could it be a 1990s Viking Q18 cue?
Thanks in advance!
Help Finding a Viking Cue Model Id and Year
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 8/18/2022 5:02:06 AM
It definitely isn't from the Viking Q Series. Those are more recent than yours, and have a different logo.
Depending on when it was originally purchased, it would be one of these two models:
- Viking N75 cue from the Viking N Series. They were made from 1989 to 1992, and retailed for $75 at that time.
- Viking C90 cue from the Viking C Series. They were made from 1992-1993, and retailed for $90 at that time.
Photos of each are below.
It's the same model, simply extended into the next series. Of course, in this case, your pearl color isn't the same as shown in the catalogs, but Viking cues from this era were highly customizable.
And here are the cues from the respective Viking brochures:
user1656328488 on 8/18/2022 8:17:58 AM
Wow! You are a master. Thanks for all the insight!
Help Finding a Viking Cue Model Id and Year
- Title: Help Finding a Viking Cue Model Id and Year
- Author: user1656328488 (J. Ciaio)
- Published: 6/27/2022 4:14:48 AM
- Last Updated: 8/18/2022 4:50:02 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)