What Cue to Buy Next?
6/2/2019 12:32:53 PM
What Cue to Buy Next?
Hello pool friends. Can someone help me a bit please?
I need some advice on what pool cue to buy next.
I wasn't playing much pool for about 6 years and now I plan to get back into it. And this includes some new equipment.
I consider myself to be a good pool player. I own a Buffalo cue made by Adam Cue which is like 10 years old (see below).
I've noticed that there is a bunch of stuff I have no clue about (remember I was long off from the game) nor was I a "freak" about cues.
Anyway, I'm thinking about buying just a good shaft and now I don't know what fits on my existing cue (the Buffalo cue).
I'm also looking at the series offerings of Mcdermott, Katana, or Mezz cue, but I have no idea what is good. All I know is that I want smaller tip.
What Cue to Buy Next?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/2/2019 1:54:53 PM
There isn't going to be a ton of difference between those three cue brands you listed.
McDermott has a long history and is generally a well-trusted brand.
You really have to just get some of these cues in your hands at a pool table. It's majorly dependent on personal preference and on the type of cue(s) you are already accustomed to playing with.
Chopdoc on 6/3/2019 8:31:33 AM
You consider yourself a good pool player, I would suggest trying various cues from your friends, opponents, and acquaintances where you play.
What Cue to Buy Next?
- Title: What Cue to Buy Next?
- Author: dulfa (David Veldin)
- Published: 6/2/2019 12:32:53 PM
- Last Updated: 6/4/2019 5:34:26 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)