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How to Identify an Old Pool Cue?

How to Identify an Old Pool Cue?

Is anyone able to give me some kind of identification on this old pool cue?

It belonged to a family member and was passed down.

Thanks in advance!


How to Identify an Old Pool Cue?

Replies & Comments

  1. user1571256533Type79 on 10/18/2019 7:49:55 AM

    Some will jump to the conclusion it was made by Abe Rich but in my opinion, it is more likely a product of Sol Rich and the RICH-Q line made in Long Island, NY.

    In nice condition, the cue may carry a value of $150 to someone interested in Rich cues.

  2. user1571256533TodyWayne on 4/20/2024 8:42:02 AM

    This cue is a cheaper import cue.

    It is neither a Rich-Q by Sol Rich nor an Abe Rich cue.

  3. user1571256533homesplice on 5/29/2024 11:29:17 PM

    This cue is in the Rich-Q catalog. I believe it is the Rich-Q "Cobra" model.

  4. user1571256533billiardsforum on 6/25/2024 9:24:11 AM

    The Rich-Q Cobra models don't match the butt sleeve design on the cue pictured above.

    It is close to a model E from that same catalog, but substantially different enough to rule out those few models, at least.


  5. user1571256533TodyWayne on 6/25/2024 9:35:57 AM

    @billiardsforum, you are 100% correct.

    The cue pictured above is a cheap import production cue. In fact, pictures of the identical style cue has been going around various billiard forums posts for years.

  6. user1571256533KCCC on 6/25/2024 10:09:53 AM

    This is 100% an import cue. The forearm gives it away. The veneers and points scream it out loud.

  7. user1571256533homesplice on 6/25/2024 1:03:21 PM

    Good points. I may of jumped in too soon and also may need glasses.

  8. user1571256533user1719861425 on 7/1/2024 3:17:06 PM

    I have this exact pool cue.

    It's a hustler cue from the 1980s.

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How to Identify an Old Pool Cue?

  • Title: How to Identify an Old Pool Cue?
  • Author:
  • Published: 10/16/2019 1:08:54 PM
  • Last Updated: 12/12/2019 6:24:59 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)