Identify a Meucci Pool Cue Numbered "061"
4/8/2024 6:38:24 PM
Identify a Meucci Pool Cue Numbered "061"
I am looking for help on identifying this Meucci cue. I really don't see any with numbers like the "061" on this one.
Any help would be appreciated.
Identify a Meucci Pool Cue Numbered "061"
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/11/2024 6:36:41 AM
The design is that of either a:
- Meucci O-3 pool cue model from the Meucci Oldies series (2nd edition) circa 1993, OR,
- Meucci 95-22 cue from the Meucci 95 series, circa 1995
Neither, I thought, had serial numbers. I am checking around about the serial numbers on these models, and will let you know what I hear back.
atlpatl on 4/12/2024 7:30:48 AM
OK awesome, thank you! Much appreciated!
atlpatl on 7/16/2024 9:19:04 AM
just wondering if anyone has seen a meucci with a serial number before. thanks
Identify a Meucci Pool Cue Numbered "061"
- Title: Identify a Meucci Pool Cue Numbered "061"
- Author: atlpatl
- Published: 4/8/2024 6:38:24 PM
- Last Updated: 4/11/2024 6:13:18 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)