Info on a Tex Zimmerman Pool Cue
9/17/2022 12:08:29 PM
Info on a Tex Zimmerman Pool Cue
I have an Old Tex Zimmerman pool cue with Ivory rings, joint, and ferrule.
I would love any information I could get on this cue.
Info on a Tex Zimmerman Pool Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/11/2022 5:12:45 AM
It would be great to see a few clear photos of the Zimmerman cue.
We can go from there and try to track down some info on it.
Sdaddy on 10/11/2022 10:25:45 AM
Here are some photos of the Tex Zimmerman cue.
Thank you for the help!
Info on a Tex Zimmerman Pool Cue
- Title: Info on a Tex Zimmerman Pool Cue
- Author: Sdaddy
- Published: 9/17/2022 12:08:29 PM
- Last Updated: 10/11/2022 3:48:53 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)