ID Mali Cue Like the Mali 386-6, But with No Rings
6/22/2023 4:16:05 PM
ID Mali Cue Like the Mali 386-6, But with No Rings
Somewhere between 1987 and 1989 (I think), I bought a Mali pool cue for my brother, who had just gotten a new pool table.
It is identical to #6 in the photo below (which was originally shared in an answer to the earlier question Mali Cue ID & Value.
It is also just like the black with the white diamonds.
It is also just like the Mali 386-6 cue shown in that same post, but without the two rings above and below the white diamonds.
My brother passed away two years ago, and today the pool cue was given back to me.
Could I be wrong about the years in which I think I purchased it?
ID Mali Cue Like the Mali 386-6, But with No Rings
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/28/2023 7:49:17 AM
Both of those Mali cues you referenced from the earlier question are the same design (the Mali 386-6 cue and the Mali Traditional Series #6 cue). Both have the double rings above and below the white diamond inlays.
In order to ID your cue model and figure out what era it is from, it would be best to upload some clear photos of your actual cue. Once you do that we'll go from there.
ID Mali Cue Like the Mali 386-6, But with No Rings
- Title: ID Mali Cue Like the Mali 386-6, But with No Rings
- Author: user1687464964 (Patrick Murphy)
- Published: 6/22/2023 4:16:05 PM
- Last Updated: 6/28/2023 7:43:40 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)