Choosing a Low Deflection Shaft
3/22/2020 6:09:04 PM
Choosing a Low Deflection Shaft
I can find tons of stuff about Predator, OB, Cuetek, and a few others. I can find very little to review or compare McDermott G Core or Viking ViKore shafts. Are they simply not in the same category of "low deflection"? Are they simply too new to the market? What's up with them being left off of all of the comparisons out there?
By the way, I am shooting a 1996 Viking. I'm not in love with the appearance. I bought it back then for about $115. I've had several knowledgeable people look at it and they do not suggest buying a replacement cue. I would like to go to a low deflection, however, so I am looking at upgrading the shaft. I need to do it on a budget, however. That's my end goal.
Choosing a Low Deflection Shaft
Choosing a Low Deflection Shaft
- Title: Choosing a Low Deflection Shaft
- Author: Sifu
- Published: 3/22/2020 6:09:04 PM
- Last Updated: 3/24/2020 3:21:15 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)