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How Much a Helmstetter VIP Cue is Worth

How Much a Helmstetter VIP Cue is Worth

I have a Helmstetter RCH VIP pool cue.

I would like to know how much a Helmstetter VIP cue is worth.

IMG_8213.jpg IMG_8215.jpg


How Much a Helmstetter VIP Cue is Worth

Replies & Comments

  1. santa795billiardsforum on 12/14/2017 6:40:57 PM

    Which one do you have? The value of an RCH VIP pool cue by Helmstetter will vary greatly depending on the model.

    UPDATE: I posted your photos to the original post, but can you upload one more of the butt-sleeve please? It is critical for identification. Post up a few photos of the butt sleeve, we'll ID it, and we can go from there to determine how much it is worth.

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How Much a Helmstetter VIP Cue is Worth

  • Title: How Much a Helmstetter VIP Cue is Worth
  • Author:
  • Published: 12/14/2017 12:25:42 AM
  • Last Updated: 12/15/2017 6:42:35 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)