ID and Value a Lucasi 610 Cue
1/11/2023 9:25:22 AM
ID and Value a Lucasi 610 Cue
Can someone help me identify this Lucasi cue and determine the value of what it is worth? I need to sell it ASAP.
It is straight and rolls very smoothly.
The Lucasi cue looks to be near perfect condition and I can't see any flaws.
The Imperial cue case looks very good as well.
Thanks for any and all help.
ID and Value a Lucasi 610 Cue
Replies & Comments
BallBuster on 1/28/2023 4:39:13 PM
They're on eBay every so often. You can go on eBay and see what they sell for.
billiardsforum on 1/31/2023 6:38:29 PM
This one is a Lucasi L-E46 cue. It's been asked about before, so for more info, see:
Lucasi cues are generally lower-end. Brand new, it retailed for around $260 USD. In used condition, it would be worth somewhere between $70 and $130 give or take.
I split your Dufferin cue into a separate thread which I will answer separately.
ID and Value a Lucasi 610 Cue
- Title: ID and Value a Lucasi 610 Cue
- Author: John Henderson
- Published: 1/11/2023 9:25:22 AM
- Last Updated: 1/31/2023 6:18:51 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)