AJAY 2318-52 Pool Cue Value
6/11/2019 3:56:31 PM
AJAY 2318-52 Pool Cue Value
What is the value of an AJAY pool cue?
As far as I know, the one below is an AJAY 2318-52 pool cue. It has a sticker saying "2318-52", and another sticker saying "genuine leather tip".
I am looking to learn the value of this cue.
AJAY 2318-52 Pool Cue Value
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/11/2019 4:28:04 PM
AJAY cues are generally not notable cues. There are so many of them around and they are typical of the mass-produced low-end import cue.
There is a similar one selling on eBay right now for about $25 USD. That's about the ball park for your cue as well.
You often find them on eBay with a "buy it now" price of over $100, but I am adamant that they aren't worth that.
AJAY 2318-52 Pool Cue Value
- Title: AJAY 2318-52 Pool Cue Value
- Author: user1560263228
- Published: 6/11/2019 3:56:31 PM
- Last Updated: 6/11/2019 4:02:46 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)