Identify Plain Wood Pool Cue in Brunswick Cue Case
4/6/2023 9:54:36 PM
Identify Plain Wood Pool Cue in Brunswick Cue Case
I would like to identify this pool cue for a friend.
It was purchased in Tampa, FL and came in the pictured Brunswick cue case.
Identify Plain Wood Pool Cue in Brunswick Cue Case
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 5/2/2023 6:53:58 PM
It appears to be a Brunswick Medalist cue from the 1968 Brunswick pool cues catalog.
That cue case appears to be the original cue case and was also shown in that 1968 Brunswick pool cue brochure.
Brunswick Medalist Cue
Attractive solid colors in the nylon wrapped grip area highlight these jointed cue favorites. Made with hardwood maple with precision-made brass joints, the Medalist cues also have trim vinyl bumpers. Regulation 57" length, choice of weights: light, medium, or heavy.
- 4-40-1 - Black
- 4-40-2 - Red
- 4-40-3 - Green
Identify Plain Wood Pool Cue in Brunswick Cue Case
- Title: Identify Plain Wood Pool Cue in Brunswick Cue Case
- Author: Ricks Custom Pool Cues
- Published: 4/6/2023 9:54:36 PM
- Last Updated: 5/2/2023 6:40:29 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)