Identify a Riley Ambassador Snooker Cue
2/9/2021 12:28:48 AM
Identify a Riley Ambassador Snooker Cue
Can someone help to identify this snooker cue?
It says "Riley" on the butt, and "Ambassador" on the forearm.
Identify a Riley Ambassador Snooker Cue
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 2/9/2021 4:49:20 AM
Again, the snooker cue here is identified by exactly what's on the cue's logo and forearm itself.
It is a 2-piece Riley "Ambassador" snooker cue.
jasonliu on 2/9/2021 2:46:34 PM
Thank you for the reply.
Do you roughly know what the value/price of this cue is at right now?
I'm just a beginner who wants to start getting into the sport.
Identify a Riley Ambassador Snooker Cue
- Title: Identify a Riley Ambassador Snooker Cue
- Author: jasonliu (Jason Liu)
- Published: 2/9/2021 12:28:48 AM
- Last Updated: 2/9/2021 4:43:08 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)