Help Identifying Pool Cue with Letters "AES"
6/2/2023 11:39:27 PM
Help Identifying Pool Cue with Letters "AES"
Can anyone help me to identify this pool cue with letters "AES" aligned vertically?
Help Identifying Pool Cue with Letters "AES"
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 6/5/2023 4:27:12 PM
It's an A.E. Schmidt pool cue, likely made by McDermott cue.
I've checked my A.E. Schmidt brochures but I can't find that model in the ones that I have. I'll keep my eyes open for it, and will post back here if anything turns up.
user1694632733 on 9/13/2023 3:18:54 PM
I have that same exact pool cue with the AES logo.
KCCC on 9/13/2023 5:14:58 PM
I have lived in Missouri for eight years now and I have never come across an AE Schmidt pool cue. I had no clue that "AES" was their house mark!
I have a rack full of Huebler cues but not a single A.E. Schmidt branded cue...
Help Identifying Pool Cue with Letters "AES"
- Title: Help Identifying Pool Cue with Letters "AES"
- Author: user1685763566 (Eric Wardrip)
- Published: 6/2/2023 11:39:27 PM
- Last Updated: 6/13/2023 7:25:01 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)