How to Date a Meucci Original MO-7?
10/29/2017 2:36:38 AM
How to Date a Meucci Original MO-7?
How do you verify the date on a Meucci Originals MO-7 to know that it is actually an original?
I've got a MO-7 Meucci Original, and I am wondering, how can I identify it as an original and not one of the newer ones?
It is a beautiful cue to play with.
I am not wanting to sell at the moment, but open to offers.
Any help you can give it dating this cue would be welcomed.
Stan Snape
How to Date a Meucci Original MO-7?
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 10/31/2017 9:44:10 PM
There are several ways to tell. Someone else already explained it better than I could, so here it is:
There are only a few of the newer models with original in the name. If you want to get technical you can check the weight bolt. They have changed from the original ones to the new models. The rubber butt bumper/stop is also a little different in size. If it comes with a Red dot shaft that fits perfectly it was made from the late 90's onward. Black dot shafts even later.
In addition to that... I have also heard there are slight variations in the MEUCCI ORIGINALS logo as such that you can tell the difference.
On some of the "new releases" of the Meucci Originals, the lettering is different on the "Meucci Originals" logo. Some parts of some of the letters bleed together on the newer ones. Not on the older ones. I had a picture for comparison but I can't seem to locate it. For example, in the newer ones, the top triangle portion of the "A" in "ORIGINALS" is almost 100% filled in if I remember correctly.
...however, I don't find that last point to be very reliable.
I think the best way to tell is the bumper style. (older pill-style vs newer flat style). And then within the newer flat style, the size of the part that pushes into the butt cap can tell you if it is older or newer:
One last thing you can do if you have a precision measuring device, is remove the bumper and measure the diameter of the plug. In the style of plug you have, there were two sizes used by Meucci over time, and this can be used sometimes to rule out certain models.
- 1980s bumpers are about 3/4" .750 (See top portion of photo below)
- The newer Meucci cues use .675 (See middle portion of photo below)
Oh, and showing us some photos can help also!
user1509258996 on 11/3/2017 8:30:13 PM
Thanks, that's very interesting. Can you throw a figure out there to give me an idea what the Meucci MO-7 is worth?
I paid US $195 for it. It's immaculate but has a couple of marks on the butt. It has 2 shafts and is in excellent condition.
As you've said, the letter "A" is virtually filled in. The rubber bumper measures 3/4".
I'll try to get a few pics later. Hoping you can help.
billiardsforum on 11/3/2017 8:43:31 PM
Hey Stan, that's a good price you paid for it I would think.
Lets wait for some photos before we attempt a valuation.
user1509258996 on 11/4/2017 10:57:51 PM
Here is another photo of the Meucci MO7 cue stick:
billiardsforum on 11/5/2017 7:41:59 AM
Thanks for posting the photos...
Yeah, safe to say that is an older original version of the Meucci MO-7.
Your measurement of the bumper isn't the right measurement. You need to remove the bumper and measure the diameter of the opening with a precision measuring device.
On the oldest Meucci MO cues, they used to come with pill-style bumpers... and often they cracked and were replaced with the newer ones, or even generic bumpers... I suspect that might be the case with yours - as it seems to have a rounded profile vs. the perfectly straight edges you see on the Meucci standard bumpers.
I split this topic into a new one in the pool cue valuation section. For advice on the valuation, visit the new topic: Original Meucci MO7 Pool Cue Value.
Tani on 5/30/2018 3:53:58 PM
Is this an Original Meucci MO7 Cue?
I am planning to buy the item and I wanted to be sure it's good.
billiardsforum on 5/30/2018 7:40:02 PM
Ask the seller if the shaft is the one that came with cue originally. That is currently your bet for quickly narrowing the age (but is not a 100% guarantee), and it is a good way to find out if the seller is potentially dishonest.
That is a "Black Dot Bullseye" shaft which I don't think was available until late 90s or early 2000s. It's probably not the original shaft though. The "yellowing" would typically be uniform from the butt to the shaft, but in your photos the shaft's rings don't look yellowed much, if at all. I would say there is zero chance this shaft is the original shaft. Huge negative in my mind.
If it isn't the original shaft, that considerably devalues the cue (not to mention it's cracked).
What is the asking price? It's really not worth more than $100 to $200 I would say, based on the shaft mismatch and overall poor condition. I also see what looks like chipping at the butt cap as well.
There is also a chance the cue is a Meucci 84-5. You'd have to have the cue in your possession to verify using the techniques shown in the posts above.
Tani on 5/31/2018 7:14:19 AM
Thank you for your swift and helpful response,
The owner who is selling the item said, the shaft came with the butt and was bought from Europe, I asked him why the ferrule is short, he said he asked someone to change to phenolic ferrule then probably the technician sander the shaft that made the color whiter than the butt's ivory.
I was happy to know from you that there is a marking called black dot bullseye, cause, I could not find the same markings on the internet especially the size of the dot most markings are tiny black or red, made me think it's fake.
Tani on 6/3/2018 2:51:16 AM
Also, what is the difference between the Meucci Black Dot shafts below? Are they both black dot bullseye shafts?
How to Date a Meucci Original MO-7?
- Title: How to Date a Meucci Original MO-7?
- Author: user1509258996 (Stan Snape)
- Published: 10/29/2017 2:36:38 AM
- Last Updated: 10/30/2017 9:00:05 PM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)