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Value and ID for a Meucci Originals Cue Stick

Value and ID for a Meucci Originals Cue Stick

I am trying to figure out the model and value of this Meucci Originals pool cue that belonged to my dad.. Any help would be appreciated as I need to put value on it as I have to buy it out from the estate.




Value and ID for a Meucci Originals Cue Stick

Replies & Comments

  1. NarlesMayo on 8/20/2019 12:39:54 PM

    Pretty sure it's a Meucci Originals ST-3 cue from the Meucci Starter Series.

    They are worth about $200 after a refinish. I'd say it's worth about $100 in that condition.

    If it was your dad's, I'd highly recommend getting it refinished.

    • Send it to Scott Erwin if you want a perfect refinish.
    • Send it to Proficient Billiards if you want a really good refinish and quick turnaround time.

    Meucci ST cues have a reputation of being some of the best shooting cues that Meucci ever made.


  2. NarlesNarles on 8/20/2019 3:22:13 PM

    Many thanks, I have to come to terms with the estate and your answer should help on setting the value.

  3. Narles9 Ball on 10/10/2020 1:23:41 AM

    I'm interested in the Meucci ST-3 if it is still available.

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Value and ID for a Meucci Originals Cue Stick

  • Title: Value and ID for a Meucci Originals Cue Stick
  • Author: (Charles Fouche)
  • Published: 8/19/2019 9:21:33 AM
  • Last Updated: 9/17/2019 4:31:53 PM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)