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Help Identify My No-Name Cue

Help Identify My No-Name Cue

I am in need of some help to identify this no-name pool cue.






Help Identify My No-Name Cue

Replies & Comments

  1. itchy89billiardsforum on 1/13/2020 4:19:26 AM

    The butt cap style, the joint style, and other similarities, lead me to believe that it might be a Rich Cue Corp pool cue (Valley Stream, NY).

    It is very similar to the Rich Cue Model C "Bison" cue from the "Imperial" line as see in the brochure below.


    Here is another example (which may be from a slightly different year than yours). I think they came with the "Rich Q" sticker, but many removed them after purchasing.


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Help Identify My No-Name Cue

  • Title: Help Identify My No-Name Cue
  • Author:
  • Published: 1/13/2020 3:49:27 AM
  • Last Updated: 1/13/2020 4:11:24 AM
  • Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)