ID Custom Cue Maker Signature Starts with Letter "D"
4/21/2019 9:05:38 AM
ID Custom Cue Maker Signature Starts with Letter "D"
Does anyone recognize the cuemaker's signature on this cue?
I think the first letter is "D" or "P" and it ends in a "III".
ID Custom Cue Maker Signature Starts with Letter "D"
Replies & Comments
billiardsforum on 4/25/2019 3:55:07 AM
I am pretty sure you have a Dale Perry cue. Some have a "DP" logo stamp near the butt sleeve as well. Not sure if yours has that or not.
Here is Dale Perry's signature on a cue I know is from him, for comparison:
Chopdoc on 4/25/2019 8:21:39 AM
Yes, it's a Dale Perry. That's 1/1 not III.
Basically a $100 Ebay cue.
ID Custom Cue Maker Signature Starts with Letter "D"
- Title: ID Custom Cue Maker Signature Starts with Letter "D"
- Author: user1555837537
- Published: 4/21/2019 9:05:38 AM
- Last Updated: 4/25/2019 3:50:17 AM
- Last Updated By: billiardsforum (Billiards Forum)